News about production

France: national production to increase by +10% in 2024


25 Jun 2024

As of 1 June, 2024 production was estimated at 37,000 tonnes, an increase of 10% over the previous year and 21% over the average harvest from 2019 to 2023. The start of the campaign is in line with last year, with bad weather reducing the market supply.

German cherry harvest: an early start between frost and rain


14 Jun 2024

'There is almost nothing to harvest,' says Joachim Lissner, general manager of the state horticultural association. With the April frost, the flowers and some fruit froze. The Thuringian farms could therefore only harvest 10-15% of the crop.

Tajikistan: cherry harvest volumes down, prices up instead


12 Jun 2024

At the beginning of the flowering, everything promised a big harvest, but the May rains and high humidity caused the fruit to start rotting. This is why cherry prices are higher this year, reaching 30 somoni (€2.60) in the capital.

Sour cherry in Moldova: between risks and opportunities


12 Jun 2024

One of the most important crops in Moldova is the sour cherry. The Moldovan Academy of Economic Studies conducted an analysis of sour cherry production in Moldova including the current status, development trends and international competitiveness in the global market.

Federal aid for Washington cherry growers: state of disaster declared


28 Mar 2024

The aid is coming after the USDA granted a request for a federal disaster declaration. The decision means that farmers in 22 Washington counties and six Oregon counties are eligible for emergency loans of up to $500,000 each.

Frutas de Chile reveals Chile's top 10 exporters in the 2023-2024 season

Press review

26 Feb 2024

Up to the sixth week, 82,452,392 five-kilo cases of cherries were exported in the 2023/2024 season, and although this figure is lower than the 83,220,842 cases exported in the 2022/2023 season, the figures are predictable after a difficult year for producers.

Germany is the third largest importer of cherries

Consumption Markets

09 May 2023

Germany is the third-largest importer of cherries in the world after China/Hong Kong and Russia. From 2010 to 2021, between 52 and 77 percent of the cherries consumed in Germany were imported, with the majority of imports originating in other EU member states.