News about Technique

AgroPv project: semi-transparent solar panels to increase sustainability

Planting systems

06 Sep 2024

“This project aims to create a synergy between agricultural systems and photovoltaic systems,” says Victor Pizarro, project director. “The crop benefits because sunburn and excessive radiation are avoided; there’s also an increase in water efficiency".

Managing nutrient deficiencies in crops on calcareous soils

Tech management

06 Sep 2024

Depending on the severity of the deficiency, these nutrient deficiencies can reduce yield and fruit size. Severe deficiency can lead to the drying of shoots and even the death of the tree. Visual deficiency symptoms are similar for iron, zinc, and manganese.

Performance of the Super Slender Axe (SSA) training system on Gisela 6 and MaxMa14 rootstocks

Planting systems

04 Sep 2024

The objective of a Turkish research was to compare the performance of the cultivar ‘0900 Ziraat’ on two different rootstocks in terms of phenological characteristics, fruit quality, yield, harvest and pruning times, modelled with the SSA training system.

ANA Chile® exclusively releases new cherry tree pruning video guide

Tech management

30 Aug 2024

ANA Chile® provides you with valuable videos with pruning guidelines by consultant Walter Masman. The videos present pruning guidelines for the production of Sweet Aryana® PA1UNIBO and Nimba both grafted on the Colt rootstock.

From water to quality: challenges and solutions for cherry tree irrigation

Tech management

30 Aug 2024

In central Chile it is common for irrigation management to involve applying large amounts of water between flowering and harvest, but then to arbitrarily reduce the amount or frequency of irrigation after fruit harvest. The lack of data can lead to severely stressed plants.

The nectar glands in the leaves of cherry trees

Tech management

27 Aug 2024

The glands first served only as a taxonomic feature–before research revealed their ecological function. Extrafloral nectaries–nectar–producing glands physically apart from the flower–have been identified in at least 2000 plant species in more than 64 families.

Salt stress can be alleviated through the application of salicylic acid

Tech management

26 Aug 2024

The investigation conducted at Shanghai Jiao Tong University evaluated the efficacy of salicylic acid in mitigating the damaging effects of salt stress on cherry rootstocks and studied the molecular mechanisms behind the applications of this phytohormone.

Multispectral photogrammetry: studying the effect of biostimulant treatments on cherry quality

Tech management

23 Aug 2024

The inclusion of remote sensing as a variable has been decisive in the evaluation of product or management trials. The wealth of information available, scheduling and geostatistics make it possible to accurately assess the effectiveness of treatments and programmes.

With Advice and Consulting growers are never alone

Tech management

24 Jul 2024

The company is only 8 years old but has already followed 3,000 hectares in Italy and around the world. ‘We follow the whole project from the beginning. The agronomists - says Alexandra Caminschi - are all Italian and we rely on on-site managers who can pass on our know-how'.

Calcium absorption: useful information for sweet cherry orchard management

Tech management

19 Jul 2024

The study used the stable isotope of calcium (44Ca) to distinguish between different sources and to understand its absorption and distribution during the various phenological stages of fruit development, in this case on the cultivar ‘Lapins’ grafted on ‘Colt’.