News about JKI

An overview of S-alleles of cultivated sweet cherries


21 Dec 2023

Since then, information on the S-genotypes of sweet cherry cultivars has been constantly increasing. This information is very important for cherry growing, breeding, and breeding research. The S-genotypes of 1,700 sweet cherry accessions were recorded.

Interspecific hybrids – as new sources for sweet and sour cherry breeding


11 Dec 2023

At Dresden-Pillnitz interspecific crosses and backcrosses have been carried out over the last 20 years. The aims of this breeding program are to develop genotypes with new fruit characteristics and a higher level of resistance to biotic and abiotic stress.

Development of new sour cherry varieties at the Julius Kühn-Institut in Dresden-Pillnitz

Breeding Varieties

04 Dec 2023

Eight new cultivars have already been released since 2001, 'Jade', Achat', 'Spinell', 'Turmalin', 'Taurus', 'Rubellit', 'Jachim', and 'Boas'. Two new breeding clones are currently in multi-site testing and 87 clones are in stage II evaluation.

Development of new sweet cherry varieties at the Julius Kühn-Institut in Dresden-Pillnitz

Breeding Varieties

30 Nov 2023

Seven new cultivars have already been released: Narana, Swing® PiSue 192, Habunt, Areko, Polka, Aria® PiSue 161, and PiSue 177. Nineteen new promising breeding clones are currently under multi-site testing and approximately 100 clones are in stage II evaluation.

New varieties from JKI in addition to Regina and Areko


09 May 2023

The genetic improvement programme on the cherry tree at the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) has an almost century-long tradition. Since 2001, the project has been in the hands of M. Schuster at the JKI in Pillnitz.