News about Workshop Macfrut 2023

The new IVU varieties


23 May 2023

Alejandro Navarro Diaz, general manager of IVU - International Varieties Unlimited LLCA presented the new cherry varieties marketed under the MEDA® brand at Macfrut 2023.

The super millionaire fruits of the Alma Mater


16 May 2023

"The Alma Mater's super fruit millionaires": this is how Corriere della Sera headlined years ago when announcing the results obtained by researchers at the University of Bologna on the cherry tree genetic improvement project: the seven Sweet® sisters.

From Kordia to Feciita, Irena and Tamara: the quality cherries from WSUO


12 May 2023

WSUO, in addition to Kordia, has commercially propagated 28 cherry varieties. The best known are Early Korvik, Christiana, Felicita, Irena, Justyna, Kasandra, Tamara, Techlovan, Tim and Vanda.

Hungarian cherry breeding project celebrates 70 years of success


12 May 2023

Hungary's impressive cherry breeding programme recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. We publish the report presented at Macfrut 2023 by Zsuzsanna Békefi, the current head of the Hungarian project.

Leader in apricot breeding, COT International invests on cherries


09 May 2023

Internationally known for the apricot varieties marketed under the COT brand name, the French company has been directing its interests in cherry varietal innovation for a few years now, leading to its own genetic improvement programme in 2012.

New varieties from JKI in addition to Regina and Areko


09 May 2023

The genetic improvement programme on the cherry tree at the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) has an almost century-long tradition. Since 2001, the project has been in the hands of M. Schuster at the JKI in Pillnitz.