Washington State University promotes the two-day webinar on cherry and blueberry quality

11 Oct 2023

On Thursday, November 2nd, and Friday, November 3rd, the webinar "From table to farm: Ensuring Premium Blueberry and Sweet Cherry Quality" will take place online. The event is organized by the Washington State University in collaboration with the University of Florida and the University of Chile.

The university invites you to participate in two days of webinars focused on optimizing the quality of blueberries and sweet cherries. The list of speakers includes distinguished individuals from the renowned participating institutions, known for their expertise in the field.

The event will take place on both days from 9 AM to 11 AM online. Thursday, November 2nd, will be dedicated to blueberries, while the second day will have a focus entirely dedicated to cherries.


Registrations, which are free, are open until the day of the event  Register here

To download the program Click here

Source: Washington State University

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