Press review

04 May 2023

Nuovi sistemi di copertura multifunzione per la coltivazione del ciliegio
03/06/2024 - Si svolgeranno giovedì 6 giugno a Vignola (provincia di Modena) la visita guidata e l'incontro tecnico sul tema 'Il progetto SMILE, nuovi sistemi di copertura multifunzione per la coltivazione del ciliegio'. Clicca qui per scaricare la locandina con il programma. Clicca qui per sapere di più sul progetto…

"Promuovere la frutta importata come regionale o italiana è una pratica ingannevole"
03/06/2024 - La campagna di raccolta delle principali produzioni ortofrutticole sta entrando nel vivo e dopo asparagi e fragole, che stanno concludendo i loro cicli produttivi stagionali, sono in arrivo anche sugli scaffali della Grande Distribuzione i prodotti estivi, dalle ciliegie alle albicocche e poi, nel corso…

"Il clima freddo di maggio ha ritardato l'inizio della raccolta"
03/06/2024 - L'Aragona - la più grande regione produttrice di ciliegie della Spagna, dove la sola provincia di Saragozza conta oltre 9.500 ettari di coltivazione - sta già fornendo al mercato quantità significative di frutti. 'Noi di Persicum Fresh abbiamo le nostre aziende agricole ad Alfamén e a Calatayud, due zone…

Frutta Estera Diventa “Regionale”: “È Pratica Ingannevole”

Nonostante il maltempo, la Ciliegia delle Colline Veronesi pronta con il nuovo marchio
31/05/2024 - A un anno dalla presentazione del marchio territoriale, la Ciliegia delle Colline Veronesi è pronta per essere venduta con la sua nuova veste. La raccolta è iniziata tra le difficoltà dovute al maltempo, ma gli operatori del settore sono comunque fiduciosi che il consumatore riconosca la qualità del…

« Le temps froid en mai a retardé le début de la récolte »
31/05/2024 - L'Aragon - la plus grande région productrice de cerises d'Espagne, où la seule province de Saragosse compte plus de 9 500 hectares de culture - fournit déjà d'importantes quantités de cerises au marché. « Chez Persicum Fresh, nous avons nos propres fermes à Alfamén et à Calatayud, deux zones d'altitudes différentes…

Lower volumes but larger sizes for Turkish cherries
31/05/2024 - The Turkish cherry season has finally kicked off, with three more regions starting the harvest soon, says Yigit Gokyigit, commercial coordinator for the Turkish fresh produce exporter: 'Alanar hasn't started harvesting the cherries crop from its own orchards yet, but we did start the season this week,…

Cherry harvest begins in California
31/05/2024 - The cherry harvest has commenced in California, with the Northwest anticipating the start soon. Initial forecasts for the current year's production are set at almost 2.1 million twenty-pound boxes, marking an increase of about 12% from the previous year. The President of the Northwest Cherry Growers has…

"The cold weather in May delayed the start of the cherry harvest"
31/05/2024 - Aragon -Spain's largest cherry-producing region, where the province of Zaragoza alone has more than 9,500 hectares of cultivation- is already supplying significant quantities of cherries to the market. 'We at Persicum Fresh have our own farms in Alfamén and in Calatayud, two areas with different altitudes…

Melinda Lancia La Campagna Trasformati Per Tre Nuove Linee

Ciliegie, quest'anno calendari di maturazione sfasati
30/05/2024 - Caldo anticipato, poi ritorni di freddo, seguiti da alte temperature e poi clima primaverile. Dal punto di vista del meteo, gli ultimi mesi sono stati molto irregolari e questo ha avuto conseguenze sulle fasi fenologiche delle piante e sulla maturazione dei frutti. In particolare, per le ciliegie si…

Une grande production attendue pour la saison des cerises turques
30/05/2024 - De gros volumes de cerises turques sont attendus, déclare Coskun Eren, responsable marketing pour l'exportateur turc de produits frais Eren : 'Une saison de cerises turques avec à la fois un bon rendement et une bonne qualité est attendue. En conséquence, nous allons augmenter notre production de cerises…

“Todos estaban esperando que comenzáramos, porque los fríos de mayo habían retrasado el inicio de la cosecha”
30/05/2024 - Ya están llegando al mercado volúmenes importantes de cerezas de Aragón, la mayor región productora de cerezas de España, donde solo la provincia de Zaragoza contabiliza más de 9.500 hectáreas en producción. 'En Persicum Fresh tenemos fincas propias en Alfamén y en la comarca de Calatayud, dos zonas con diferentes…

La Ciliegia Veronese Punta All’Igp

Wertschöpfung für die alten Kirschsorten steigern'
29/05/2024 - 'Nachdem es im Vorjahr eine sehr geringe Kirschenernte gegeben hat, freuen wir uns, dass heuer sowohl Qualität als auch Menge wieder passen. Der Kauf von regionalen Kirschen trägt zum Erhalt unserer Kulturlandschaft bei und sichert unsere eigene Produktion. Immerhin werden im Burgenland von etwa 70…

"Die Qualität und Größe unserer Kirschen unter Glas ist ausgezeichnet"
29/05/2024 - Vor drei Jahren wurde die Idee geboren, Kirschbäume unter Glas anzubauen: 1.040 m² überdacht, mit 1.000 Pflanzen, Pflanzabstand 2 Meter x 0,50 Meter in der Reihe. 'Die Kirschen sind geschützt und die Qualität ist ausgezeichnet', sagt Moreno Morisi, Geschäftsführer des Familienbetriebs Morisi Carlo in…

Cherry trees protected in greenhouses in northern Italy
29/05/2024 - Three years ago, the idea of growing cherry trees in a greenhouse was born. It is now made up of 1,040 covered square meters with 1,000 plants inside, planted at a distance of 2 meters by 0.50 meters in the row. 'The cherries are protected, so the number of treatments needed is 75% less than in the open…

Dieci Anni Senza Danila Bragantini, Una Pioniera Nel Settore

Dai mercati: ciliegie dai 4 ai 12 euro, pesche dai 2 ai 5
28/05/2024 - Myfruit

Chilean seedless grapes are in good demand, and American cherries have arrived in small quantities
28/05/2024 - A small amount of California cherries has entered the market, along with Xinjiang apricots, which were launched last week. End-of-season imported fruits include Chilean grapes and plums, with Chilean seedless red grapes priced higher than in the same period last year. Currently, there are not many…

Ciliegie, in Puglia dimezzata la produzione di Ferrovia a causa del meteo
23/05/2024 - A causa della primavera anomala, con temperature sopra la media, la produzione di ciliegie Ferrovia pugliesi risulta più che dimezzata, con cali fino al 60%. È l’allarme lanciato da Cia Puglia, che denuncia il crollo della produzione di ciliegie in campagna, di Bigarreau prima e di Ferrovia ora Dalla Redazione [image: ciliegie Ferrovia] Con il caldo anomalo della primavera che ha fatto “in...

Ciliegie di Vignola, in ansia per gli eccessi di pioggia
22/05/2024 - 'Fra il 20 e 21 maggio sono caduti in zona oltre 100 mm di pioggia. E' chiaro che una quantità simile di acqua porta a conseguenze negative, ma le ciliegie che sono sotto copertura risentiranno molto meno dell'eccesso d'acqua'. Lo afferma Valter Monari, direttore del Consorzio Ciliegia di Vignola Igp…

I produttori di uva da tavola in Sudafrica e Namibia coltivano varietà vincenti
22/05/2024 - BLOOM FRESH™ o BLOOM, un'azienda frutticola specializzata in uva da tavola, ciliegie e uva passa, ha ricevuto importanti riconoscimenti nelle ultime Block Competitions in Sudafrica e Namibia con le sue varietà Timco™, Timpson™, Cotton Candy™ e Sweet Globe™. Questi premi sono particolarmente importanti…

Cherry growers mostly interested in early, low chill varieties
22/05/2024 - Cherries are grown in different countries around the globe, but productivity is increasingly affected by climate change due to a lack of chill for high-chill requirement cultivars. 'This is having a negative impact on growers, but also on the market as it results in inconsistent productivity,' says…

La Mela È La Regina Della Biodiversità

Nach dem letzten Frost in Polen: Schäden auf Blaubeer-, Erdbeer- und Kirschplantagen
21/05/2024 - In West-Polen litten Blaubeer-, Erdbeer-, Mini-Kiwi- und Kirschplantagen einem Artikel von zufolge am meisten. Frost zerstörte in Großpolen 20 bis sogar 100...

Per quest'anno sono previsti maggiori volumi di ciliegie francesi
21/05/2024 - 'Lo scorso 1° maggio, il raccolto di ciliegie francesi per la prossima stagione è stato stimato in 37.700 tonnellate, con un aumento del 12% rispetto al 2023 e del 23% rispetto alla media quinquennale', ha dichiarato Agreste, il servizio statistico del Ministero dell'Agricoltura. Questo aumento di resa…

Promettente stagione 2024 delle ciliegie in cinque Paesi europei
21/05/2024 - Il Gruppo Kölla ha dato il via a una promettente stagione 2024 delle ciliegie, con l'inizio della produzione in cinque Paesi: Spagna, Italia, Turchia, Grecia e Francia. SpagnaLa Spagna è il primo Paese a dare il via alla produzione. Dopo un inizio di successo nelle regioni precoci, le piogge hanno colpito…

"Per garantire la resa e qualità delle ciliegie ho scelto un telo antipioggia"
21/05/2024 - 'Scegliere di coprire le mie ciliegie con il telo antipioggia ha rappresentato una vera svolta. Visti i cambiamenti climatici, infatti, la rete antipioggia WPI è l'unica soluzione per garantire il raccolto'. Queste in prima battuta le parole di Antonio Mancini (in foto), dell'omonima azienda agricola di…

« Nos cerises ne laissent personne indifférent »
21/05/2024 - Après une année 2023 où les gelées ont fortement impacté la production de cerises dans la Vallée de Caderechas, les prévisions pour cette campagne sont bien plus positives. « Cette année, nous attendons une bonne récolte. Il y a eu quelques gelées en avril qui auraient pu toucher un pourcentage des…

Presión sobre los precios de las de cerezas de California esta temporada
21/05/2024 - El cuajado de las cerezas en California está siendo abundante. 'Es uno de los mayores cuajados que hemos tenido en el sector, y además hay buena calidad', dice Joe Cataldo, de J&M Farms y Delta Packing Co. de Lodi, California. 'El problema es que, en gran parte, la producción viene agolpada'. Aunque la…

Türkische Kirschensaison voraussichtlich deutlich besser als in den letzten zwei Jahren'
21/05/2024 - Die türkische Kirschsaison scheint viel besser zu laufen als die letzten beiden, da es weniger regnerisches Wetter gibt, sagt Alper Kerim, Eigentümer des türkischen Fruchtexporteurs Demir Fresh Fruits: 'Wir sprechen mit unseren Erzeugern und stehen in dieser Zeit in sehr engem Kontakt mit ihnen. Dies ist…

Stone fruit growers recognize agricultural challenges on Israel's northern border
21/05/2024 - In Moshav Margaliot and Kibbutz Manara, located on Israel's northern border, farmers face significant challenges due to security concerns and labor shortages. Yoni Yacobi from Moshav Margaliot highlighted the struggle of not being able to harvest cherries due to the absence of sufficient labor,…

Maltempo, Il Punto Sui Danni Da Gelo In Trentino

Perú levanta temporalmente la suspensión de importación de frutas chilenas
20/05/2024 - El Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (Midagri) de Perú anunció la aprobación del levantamiento temporal de la suspensión de los requisitos fitosanitarios para la importación de manzana fruta fresca y de fruta fresca de carozo (durazno, ciruela, nectarina, cereza, damasco y plumcot) procedentes de…

Los productores de cereza del Bierzo esperan una campaña mejor que la anterior
20/05/2024 - La región del Bierzo se prepara para la campaña de cereza del 2024 bajo la sombra de una marca de garantía que aún no ha logrado consolidarse debido a las adversas cosechas de los últimos cinco años. Las recientes lluvias han pospuesto el comienzo de la recolección. 'Se nos ha metido un poco el fin del…

"Se estima que la producción francesa de cerezas habrá aumentado un 12%"
20/05/2024 - 'A 1 de mayo de 2024, la producción de cerezas para la temporada de 2024 se estima en 37.700 toneladas, un aumento del 12% respecto a 2023 y un 23% más que la cosecha media de 2019 a 2023', según Agreste, el departamento de estadísticas del Ministerio de Agricultura francés. Este aumento de la producción afectará a todas las regiones productoras.Estas previsiones de producción…

“As of May 1st, 2024, French cherry production is estimated to have increased by 12%”
20/05/2024 - 'As of May 1st, 2024, French cherry production for the 2024 campaign is estimated at 37,700 tons, which is 12% more than in 2023 and 23% more than the average harvest from 2019 to 2023,' according to Agreste, the French Ministry of Agriculture's statistics department. This increase applies to all…

"Chilean stone fruit exports have reached record levels"
20/05/2024 - The Chilean stone fruit season is drawing to a close. According to the report from Frutas de Chile, last season saw an exceptional export performance for Chilean peaches and plums, with plums becoming Chile's second largest fresh fruit export to China after cherries. The European stone fruit season…

Pricing pressure on California’s cherry crop this season
20/05/2024 - California is seeing a large set on its cherry crop. 'It's one of the largest sets we've had in the industry. It is also a good quality crop,' says Joe Cataldo of J&M Farms and Delta Packing Co. of Lodi, California. 'The problem is a lot of it is compressed.' While the season is tracking a few days late,…

Le Ciliegie Di Marostica Igp Celebrano Gli 80 Anni Della Festa

Ciliegia di Marostica Igp, 80 anni di festa
17/05/2024 - Myfruit

« La demande de cerises dépasse l'offre en ce moment »
17/05/2024 - La campagne des cerises a commencé avec une semaine d'avance dans la vallée de la Jerte, avec une très bonne demande et l'espoir de se remettre d'une saison aussi compliquée que celle de l'année dernière. Bien qu'en raison d'une météo instable, il y ait actuellement une petite impasse de production dans…

« Nous avons renforcé notre équipe commerciale pour promouvoir au niveau national »
17/05/2024 - La campagne de fruits à noyau a également démarré à Lleida. « Cette année, nous sommes un peu plus avancés que les années précédentes. Chez Conjuntfruit, nous avons déjà commencé la semaine dernière avec les abricots, cette semaine nous récolterons les premières cerises, qui cette année sont peu…

Tromba D’Aria E Grandine Danneggiano Frutteti E Strutture Nel Veronese

Maltempo In Romagna: Colpiti Drupacee, Kiwi E Pere

Ciliegie, in italia produzione dimezzata negli ultimi 50 anni
16/05/2024 - [image: Macfrut ciliegie] Mancato soddisfacimento del fabbisogno di ore di freddo nel periodo invernale, carenza idrica, cracking, riduzione della produttività, scarsa propensione al rinnovamento, eventi climatici estremi: sono alcune delle cause del drastico calo delle rese produttive del ciliegio in Italia. Di come risolvere queste problematiche e della situazione internazionale della co...

Spanien: Auf der Suche nach Kirschsorten mit weniger Kältebedarf und höherer Rissfestigkeit

"Abbiamo rafforzato il nostro team di vendita per dare slancio alle drupacee biologiche a livello nazionale"
16/05/2024 - Nella provincia spagnola di Lleida, la campagna delle drupacee è già iniziata. 'Quest'anno siamo un po' più avanti rispetto agli anni precedenti. Noi della Conjuntfruit abbiamo già iniziato la settimana scorsa con le nostre albicocche, e questa settimana raccoglieremo le prime ciliegie, che quest'anno…

« Au 1er mai 2024, la production française de cerises est estimée en hausse de 12 % »
16/05/2024 - La campagne de la cerise en Estrémadure commence une année où, jusqu'à présent, de bonnes attentes sont espérées ; bien que, comme toujours, une attention particulière soit portée à la météorologie. En regardant en arrière, les producteurs des vallées du nord de Cáceres se souviennent des conséquences…

Turkish cherry season anticipated to be much better than the last two years
16/05/2024 - The Turkish cherry season seems to be doing a lot better than the last two, as there is less rainy weather, says Alper Kerim, owner of Turkish fruit exporter Demir Fresh Fruits: 'We are talking with our growers and we are in a very close connections with them during this period. This is the time that we…

Turkish cherry season anticipated to be much better than the last two years
16/05/2024 - In this update, Kölla is kicking off a promising 2024 cherry season with production starting in five different countries, namely Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece and France. SpainSpain is the first country to kick off production. After a successful start in the early regions, rain affected up to 40% of the Red Pacific,…

Turkish cherry season anticipated to be much better than the last two years

Kölla kicks off a promising 2024 cherry season in five European countries
16/05/2024 - The Washington cherry crop is moving along at a good pace and harvest is expected to start on time, around June 1st. Coming out of a very tough 2023 season, growers and shippers are hoping for a much better market this year. 'Cherries are such a vibrant commodity and a sign of hope for us, so we are very…

Kölla kicks off a promising 2024 cherry season in five European countries
16/05/2024 - In this update, Kölla is kicking off a promising 2024 cherry season with production starting in five different countries, namely Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece and France. SpainSpain is the first country to kick off production. After a successful start in the early regions, rain affected up to 40% of the Red Pacific,…

Kölla kicks off a promising 2024 cherry season in five European countries

This year, Washington state will likely be the latest cherry production region in North America
16/05/2024 - The Washington cherry crop is moving along at a good pace and harvest is expected to start on time, around June 1st. Coming out of a very tough 2023 season, growers and shippers are hoping for a much better market this year. 'Cherries are such a vibrant commodity and a sign of hope for us, so we are very…

This year, Washington state will likely be the latest cherry production region in North America
16/05/2024 - The stone fruit season is gradually picking up pace at the Zurich wholesale market. Spanish apricots, peaches, and nectarines are already circulating, with Italian stone fruits expected to follow soon. 'The first Italian early cherries are also hitting the market. However, their coloring is still a bit…

This year, Washington state will likely be the latest cherry production region in North America

"At the end of May, we will start with smooth-skinned Jolly melons, which are very popular in Switzerland"
16/05/2024 - The stone fruit season is gradually picking up pace at the Zurich wholesale market. Spanish apricots, peaches, and nectarines are already circulating, with Italian stone fruits expected to follow soon. 'The first Italian early cherries are also hitting the market. However, their coloring is still a bit…

"At the end of May, we will start with smooth-skinned Jolly melons, which are very popular in Switzerland"
16/05/2024 - The cherry campaign in the Jerte Valley started a week earlier than usual, with excellent demand and the expectation of recovering from last year's complicated season. There is a small production impasse throughout Europe because of weather issues, but volumes are expected to increase in the coming week.…

"At the end of May, we will start with smooth-skinned Jolly melons, which are very popular in Switzerland"
16/05/2024 - La campaña de cereza empezó con una semana de antelación en el Valle del Jerte, con muy buena demanda y la expectativa de recuperarse de una temporada tan complicada como la del año pasado. Aunque debido a la inestabilidad meteorológica hay un pequeño impasse de producción en estos momentos en toda…

"At the end of May, we will start with smooth-skinned Jolly melons, which are very popular in Switzerland"

"There is more demand for cherries than supply at the moment"
16/05/2024 - The cherry campaign in the Jerte Valley started a week earlier than usual, with excellent demand and the expectation of recovering from last year's complicated season. There is a small production impasse throughout Europe because of weather issues, but volumes are expected to increase in the coming week.…

"There is more demand for cherries than supply at the moment"
16/05/2024 - Der Genossenschaftsverband des Jerte-Tals stärkt seine Fähigkeit, sich an die Unsicherheit anzupassen, die durch Klimaschwankungen verursacht wurde, berichtet

"There is more demand for cherries than supply at the moment"
16/05/2024 - Cherry cultivation in Himachal Pradesh has experienced a delay in fruit set and ripening due to changing weather conditions. Despite these challenges, the season has commenced positively, with the fruit achieving prices between ₹400 to ₹900 per kilogram in state markets. The delay, attributed to a dry…

"There is more demand for cherries than supply at the moment"

Dita Incrociate Per Ciliegie Mantovane, Torna L’Incubo Pioggia

Ciliegie: In Italia In 50 Anni Dimezzate Le Rese Produttive

"La produzione di ciliegie turche raggiungerà il picco in questa stagione"
15/05/2024 - Aver iniziato la stagione delle ciliegie turche il prima possibile è stato un successo, secondo Umut Savan, cofondatore dell'azienda d'esportazione Daniur Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. 'Nell'emisfero settentrionale, le prime ciliegie vengono raccolte in Turchia, e per questo motivo, tutti i coltivatori,…

« La production turque de cerises turques sera à son apogée cette saison »
15/05/2024 - After a year (2023) in which frosts took a heavy toll on the cherry production in the Caderechas Valley, in the Spanish province of Burgos, the outlook for this season is much more positive. 'We are expecting a good harvest this year. We had some frosts in April that might have affected some of the…

« Dans 15 jours, nous aurons des calibres supérieurs à 32 disponibles pour la commercialisation en alvéole »
15/05/2024 - Commencer la saison des cerises turques le plus tôt possible a été un succès, selon Umut Savan, co-fondateur de l'exportateur turc de produits frais Daniur Fresh Fruits and Vegetables : 'Les cerises sont récoltées en Turquie pour la première fois dans l'hémisphère nord, et pour cette raison, tous les…

"La demanda de cerezas está por encima de la oferta en estos momentos"
15/05/2024 - The Turkish cherry season seems to be doing a lot better than the last two, as there is less rainy weather, says Alper Kerim, owner of Turkish fruit exporter Demir Fresh Fruits: 'We are talking with our growers and we are in a very close connections with them during this period. This is the time that we…

"Wir haben unser Verkaufsteam verstärkt, um dem Bio-Steinobst auf nationaler Ebene einen Schub zu geben"
15/05/2024 - In der spanischen Provinz Lleida ist die Steinobstkampagne bereits angelaufen. 'Dieses Jahr sind wir im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren etwas weiter. Bei Conjuntfruit haben wir bereits letzte Woche mit unseren Aprikosen begonnen, und diese Woche werden wir die ersten Kirschen ernten, von denen wir dieses Jahr…

"Ende Mai starten wir mit glattschaligen und in der Schweiz sehr beliebten Jolly-Melonen"
15/05/2024 - Auch am Zürcher Engrosmarkt nimmt die Steinobstsaison nun langsam Fahrt auf. Spanische Aprikosen, Pfirsiche und Nektarinen seien bereits im Umlauf, italienische Steinfrüchte werden voraussichtlich bald folgen. 'Auch die ersten, italienischen Frühkirschen treffen nun auf den Markt. Diese sind von der…

"Our cherries leave no one indifferent"

Dai mercati: calano ciliegie, pesche, albicocche. Sale il kiwi
14/05/2024 - Myfruit

Campagna Estiva, Alegra Sorride: “Il Clima Ci Ha Aiutato, Siamo Ottimisti”

La Ricerca Punta A Portinnesti Più Rustici E Resilienti

La Pioggia Rovina Le Ciliegie In Veneto

Unterdurchschnittliche Kirschenernte in Bayern 2023 - Rückgang um 16,2 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr
07/05/2024 - Die bayerische Kirschenernte 2023 beläuft sich laut der Ernte- und Betriebsberichterstattung auf rund 28 000 Dezitonnen. Im Vergleich zum Jahr 2022, in dem die Ernte kaum durch widrige...

Spanien: Frost verursacht Schäden für Kirschen in Kastilien und León
07/05/2024 - Das Caderechas-Tal in Kastilien und León, Spanien, wurde kürzlich zweimal von eisigen Temperaturen heimgesucht, seit die Blüten seiner mehr als 50.000 Kirschbäume begannen,...

Ciliegio, una coltivazione sempre più complicata
06/05/2024 - Die Freilandkirschenkampagne hat vor einigen Tagen in den frühesten Gebieten Kataloniens begonnen. Noch vor einem Monat war ein früherer Erntebeginn vorhergesagt worden, was aber aufgrund des Temperaturrückgangs nicht eingetreten ist. Die jüngsten Regenfälle haben bei einigen frühen Sorten, die gerade…

Ciliegie in pieno campo, la campagna in Catalogna comincia con un anticipo inferiore al previsto
06/05/2024 - Uno stand di 32 metri quadrati e una parte dimostrativa nell'Agri Field Solution, che ospiterà prototipi di ceraseti di quattro file lunghe 18 metri, coperti con nuove soluzioni tecnologiche. Così, dopo nove anni di assenza, la Retilplast, società che produce, trasforma e commercializza reti, film e…

Ciliegie in pieno campo, la campagna in Catalogna comincia con un anticipo inferiore al previsto
06/05/2024 - Qualche giorno fa ha preso il via la campagna delle ciliegie in pieno campo nelle zone più precoci della Catalogna, in Spagna. Un mese fa era stato previsto un inizio anticipato della raccolta, ma alla fine non è stato così a causa del calo delle temperature. Le recenti piogge hanno causato alcuni danni…

Nuevo programa para la Jornada Internacional de Puertas Abiertas de Cerezas
06/05/2024 - Bloom Fresh™ ha anunciado que su programa de cerezas está intensificando sus esfuerzos en I+D y la continua comercialización de sus variedades tempranas de cereza de bajo frío. Para mostrar estos avances, el equipo de Global Bloom Cherry recibirá a más de 100 productores, minoristas y comercializadores…

Medir la dureza de cerezas y arándanos sin destruir la fruta
06/05/2024 - La empresa italiana TR Turoni, que desde hace años desarrolla tecnologías para acompañar a las empresas frutícolas en su objetivo de ofrecer productos de calidad organoléptica excelente, propone un método no destructivo para medir la dureza de la pulpa de frutas como cerezas y arándanos. Enrico Turoni.…

"Erste große Mengen an Bio-Erdbeeren stehen zur Lieferung bereit"
06/05/2024 - Die Erzeuger von Bio-Kirschen haben sich gut gegen den Frost gewappnet. Bei den derzeitigen sommerlichen Temperaturen scheint die kurze Frostperiode der vergangenen Woche hinter uns zu liegen, aber viele versuchen immer noch herauszufinden, welche Auswirkungen der Frost genau hatte. 'Bei den Kirschen…

Italienische Äpfel nach Indien im CA-Container
06/05/2024 - Der Versand von Obst in Containern mit kontrollierter Atmosphäre ist bei exotischen Früchten, wie chilenischen Kirschen oder südafrikanischen Trauben, durchaus üblich. Bei italienischen Äpfeln ist dies jedoch eher selten der Fall. 'Für den Export nach Indien haben wir jedoch einige CA-Container…

"Next week, we can deliver our first large volumes of organic strawberries"
06/05/2024 - Organic cherry growers have successfully protected their crops from frost damage. With the current summer temperatures, the brief frost period of last week seems far behind us, yet many are still assessing the exact impact of the freezing cold. 'For cherries, we can say it didn't wreak havoc,' explains…

Prodotti Club, Primizie E Ortofrutta Snack, Alegra Spinge Sull’Innovazione

Pommes italiennes expédiées en Inde sous atmospère modifiée
03/05/2024 - La campagne de cerises en plein air a commencé il y a quelques jours dans les zones les plus précoces de Catalogne, où finalement la récolte n'a pas été aussi précoce que ce qui était attendu il y a un mois en raison de la baisse des températures. Les pluies d'hier, lundi 29, ont causé certains dommages…

Pommes italiennes expédiées en Inde sous atmospère modifiée
03/05/2024 - L'expédition de fruits dans des conteneurs à atmosphère modifiée est une pratique assez courante pour les exotiques, mais aussi pour les cerises chiliennes ou les raisins de table sud-africains. En revanche, ce n'est pas le cas pour les pommes italiennes : depuis hier, il y a une nouveauté, explique…

Manzanas italianas enviadas a la India en atmósfera modificada
03/05/2024 - El envío de fruta en contenedores con atmósfera modificada es una práctica bastante habitual para los productos exóticos, pero también para las cerezas chilenas o las uvas de mesa sudafricanas. Sin embargo, no es habitual para las manzanas italianas: desde ayer, sin embargo, hay una novedad. Hemos…

Manzanas italianas enviadas a la India en atmósfera modificada

Erste Kirschen aus Freilandanbau in Katalonien erhältlich
03/05/2024 - L'expédition de fruits dans des conteneurs à atmosphère modifiée est une pratique assez courante pour les exotiques, mais aussi pour les cerises chiliennes ou les raisins de table sud-africains. En revanche, ce n'est pas le cas pour les pommes italiennes : depuis hier, il y a une nouveauté, explique…

"We anticipate the first picking to occur between 7 and 10 days earlier than usual"
03/05/2024 - British cherry blossom is bountiful at AR Neaves', Little Sharsted Farm in Kent, marking the approach of this year's British cherry season. This year, cherry growth is forecast to be slightly ahead of schedule, and if the weather continues to stay sunny and warm, cherries could hit supermarket shelves as…

New program for Cherry International Open Day
03/05/2024 - Bloom Fresh™ announced that its cherry program is ramping up its R&D efforts and the continued commercialization of its early low-chill cherry varietals. To showcase these advancements, the Global Bloom Cherry team will host more than 100 growers, retailers, and marketers at its International Cherry Open…

"We anticipate the first picking to occur between 7 and 10 days earlier than usual"
03/05/2024 - Shipping fruit in controlled atmosphere containers is normal for exotic fruit as well as for Chilean cherries or South African table grapes. It is not as common for Italian apples, 'though we have recently shipped a few containers of Italian apples to India,' explains Massimo Delpozzo, sales manager at Nord Ovest. This is a test that has become essential to reach the mark…

"We anticipate the first picking to occur between 7 and 10 days earlier than usual"
03/05/2024 - El envío de fruta en contenedores con atmósfera modificada es una práctica bastante habitual para los productos exóticos, pero también para las cerezas chilenas o las uvas de mesa sudafricanas. Sin embargo, no es habitual para las manzanas italianas: desde ayer, sin embargo, hay una novedad. Hemos…

"We anticipate the first picking to occur between 7 and 10 days earlier than usual"
03/05/2024 - British cherry blossom is bountiful at AR Neaves', Little Sharsted Farm in Kent, marking the approach of this year's British cherry season. This year, cherry growth is forecast to be slightly ahead of schedule, and if the weather continues to stay sunny and warm, cherries could hit supermarket shelves as…

"We anticipate the first picking to occur between 7 and 10 days earlier than usual"
03/05/2024 - A non-destructive method for measuring the firmness of the flesh of fruits such as cherries and blueberries has been developed by the Italian company TR Turoni, based in Forlì (Emilia-Romagna), whose strongest asset is based on years of research in technology to help fruit and vegetable growers achieve…

"We anticipate the first picking to occur between 7 and 10 days earlier than usual"

New program for Cherry International Open Day
03/05/2024 - British cherry blossom is bountiful at AR Neaves', Little Sharsted Farm in Kent, marking the approach of this year's British cherry season. This year, cherry growth is forecast to be slightly ahead of schedule, and if the weather continues to stay sunny and warm, cherries could hit supermarket shelves as…

New program for Cherry International Open Day
03/05/2024 - Bloom Fresh™ announced that its cherry program is ramping up its R&D efforts and the continued commercialization of its early low-chill cherry varietals. To showcase these advancements, the Global Bloom Cherry team will host more than 100 growers, retailers, and marketers at its International Cherry Open…

How to assess the quality of cherries and small fruits
03/05/2024 - British cherry blossom is bountiful at AR Neaves', Little Sharsted Farm in Kent, marking the approach of this year's British cherry season. This year, cherry growth is forecast to be slightly ahead of schedule, and if the weather continues to stay sunny and warm, cherries could hit supermarket shelves as…

How to assess the quality of cherries and small fruits
03/05/2024 - Bloom Fresh™ announced that its cherry program is ramping up its R&D efforts and the continued commercialization of its early low-chill cherry varietals. To showcase these advancements, the Global Bloom Cherry team will host more than 100 growers, retailers, and marketers at its International Cherry Open…

How to assess the quality of cherries and small fruits
03/05/2024 - A non-destructive method for measuring the firmness of the flesh of fruits such as cherries and blueberries has been developed by the Italian company TR Turoni, based in Forlì (Emilia-Romagna), whose strongest asset is based on years of research in technology to help fruit and vegetable growers achieve…

"There are logistic problems when exporting fresh produce"
03/05/2024 - Productions from the Republic of Srpska are not as renowned as those from other regions, but their popularity is growing and the attendance of some companies at Macfrut confirms this trend and their will to enter important circuits. 'When talking about fruit in the Republic of Srpska, we are mostly referring to apples, pears, plums, cherries, sour cherries, blackberries…

"There are logistic problems when exporting fresh produce"
03/05/2024 - A non-destructive method for measuring the firmness of the flesh of fruits such as cherries and blueberries has been developed by the Italian company TR Turoni, based in Forlì (Emilia-Romagna), whose strongest asset is based on years of research in technology to help fruit and vegetable growers achieve…

La campagne de cerises cultivées en plein air en Catalogne débute avec moins d'avance que prévu
02/05/2024 - Le climat turc a été parfait pour la culture des cerises, déclare Mert Özcelik, représentant commercial de l'exportateur turc de produits frais Ana Fruit : 'Le temps a été conforme aux attentes normales, et le temps actuel est en fait parfait pour la culture des cerises. Les cerises ont besoin d'une…

La campagne de cerises cultivées en plein air en Catalogne débute avec moins d'avance que prévu
02/05/2024 - La campagne de cerises en plein air a commencé il y a quelques jours dans les zones les plus précoces de Catalogne, où finalement la récolte n'a pas été aussi précoce que ce qui était attendu il y a un mois en raison de la baisse des températures. Les pluies d'hier, lundi 29, ont causé certains dommages…

Witterung führte zu erheblichem Rückgang der Kirschenernte 2023
02/05/2024 - Wie das Fachteam des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Statistik mitteilt, wurde im Jahr 2023 in Bayern eine Kirschenernte von insgesamt rund 28.000 Dezitonnen (dt.) geerntet. Das sind 16,2 Prozent weniger als im Jahr 2022 (33.300 dt.). Im Durchschnitt der Jahre 2017 bis 2022 (29.400 dt.) ergibt sich somit ein…

Italian apples shipped to India in controlled atmosphere containers
02/05/2024 - Shipping fruit in controlled atmosphere containers is normal for exotic fruit as well as for Chilean cherries or South African table grapes. It is not as common for Italian apples, 'though we have recently shipped a few containers of Italian apples to India,' explains Massimo Delpozzo, sales manager at Nord Ovest. This is a test that has become essential to reach the mark…

Italian apples shipped to India in controlled atmosphere containers
02/05/2024 - A non-destructive method for measuring the firmness of the flesh of fruits such as cherries and blueberries has been developed by the Italian company TR Turoni, based in Forlì (Emilia-Romagna), whose strongest asset is based on years of research in technology to help fruit and vegetable growers achieve…

Italian apples shipped to India in controlled atmosphere containers
02/05/2024 - [image: ciliegie Puglia] La tanto attesa campagna cerasicola pugliese 2024 si apre con una buona notizia: oltre una settimana di anticipo rispetto alle previsioni, promettendo un prodotto di buona qualità. Secondo le stime di Confagricoltura Puglia questo inizio precoce offre un’opportunità preziosa per i produttori di ciliegie, con la varietà Bigarreau pronta per la raccolta entro la fine...

« Le climat actuel est parfait pour la culture des cerises »
01/05/2024 - Le climat turc a été parfait pour la culture des cerises, déclare Mert Özcelik, représentant commercial de l'exportateur turc de produits frais Ana Fruit : 'Le temps a été conforme aux attentes normales, et le temps actuel est en fait parfait pour la culture des cerises. Les cerises ont besoin d'une…

« Le climat actuel est parfait pour la culture des cerises »
01/05/2024 - A non-destructive method for measuring the firmness of the flesh of fruits such as cherries and blueberries has been developed by the Italian company TR Turoni, based in Forlì (Emilia-Romagna), whose strongest asset is based on years of research in technology to help fruit and vegetable growers achieve…

The open ground cherry campaign kicks off in Catalonia with less of a head start than anticipated
01/05/2024 - The open ground cherry campaign kicked off a few days ago in the earliest areas of Catalonia. A month ago, the harvest had been predicted to start earlier, but this has eventually not been the case due to the drop in temperatures. Recent rains have caused some damage to certain early varieties that were…

Approval for cherry, melon, and grape imports from Kyrgyzstan to China
01/05/2024 - The Department of Chemicalization, Plant Protection, Quarantine, and the Veterinary Service under the Ministry of Agriculture, have disclosed the agricultural products eligible for export from Kyrgyzstan to China. Among the produce permitted for export from Kyrgyzstan to the People's Republic of China…

Dai mercati: al rialzo insalate e ortaggi, ciliegie sui 10 euro
30/04/2024 - Myfruit

Ciliegie, la campagna in Puglia si apre in anticipo e con buone prospettive
30/04/2024 - [image: ciliegie Puglia] La tanto attesa campagna cerasicola pugliese 2024 si apre con una buona notizia: oltre una settimana di anticipo rispetto alle previsioni, promettendo un prodotto di buona qualità. Secondo le stime di Confagricoltura Puglia questo inizio precoce offre un’opportunità preziosa per i produttori di ciliegie, con la varietà Bigarreau pronta per la raccolta entro la fine...

Ciliegie, la campagna in Puglia si apre in anticipo e con buone prospettive

Chilenische Kirschindustrie feiert eine gute Saison und bereitet sich auf Wachstumsherausforderungen vor.
30/04/2024 - Mit 1.400 Besuchern verzeichnete eine neue Version des Global Cherry Summit einen Meilenstein bei der Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung, die von der Yentzen Group und dem Kirschausschuss (Comité...

Arranca la campaña de cerezas cultivadas al aire libre en Cataluña con menos adelanto del previsto
30/04/2024 - La campaña de cereza al aire libre empezó hace un par de días en las zonas más tempranas de Cataluña, donde finalmente no se ha adelantado la cosecha como se esperaba hace un mes debido a la caída de las temperaturas. Las lluvias de ayer, lunes 29, han causado ciertos daños en ciertas variedades…

Ya está disponible en EE. UU. la nueva manzana Honeymoon
30/04/2024 - Honeybear Brands, productora, comercializadora y desarrolladora de manzanas, peras y cerezas convencionales y ecológicas de primera calidad, está distribuyendo una cantidad limitada de su variedad patentada más recientemente: Honeymoon™. Esta variedad amarilla, firme y excepcionalmente limpia es dulce y…

La atmósfera controlada como solución innovadora para el transporte de cerezas
29/04/2024 - Maersk y la Universidad de Chile, en colaboración con la exportadora Geofrut, han publicado un estudio que promete implicaciones significativas para la exportación de cerezas chilenas, en particular hacia mercados emergentes como India, Europa y el sudeste asiático. La campaña de cerezas 2023-2024 ha…

Solarelli È Partner Di Cucina Botanica Per Promuovere Uno Stile Di Vita Salutare

Dai mercati: ciliegie a 17 euro, +30% le fragole e +25% gli asparagi
23/04/2024 - Myfruit

Ciliegio, le possibili alternative per coltivare e fare reddito
23/04/2024 - The Turkish weather has been perfect for the cultivation of cherries, says Mert Özcelik, sales representative of Turkish fresh produce exporter Ana Fruit: 'The weather has been within the normal expectations, and current weather is actually perfect for the cultivation of cherries. The cherries need a…

Nasce una nuova cooperativa che fornirà ciliegie a mercati generali e gruppi d'acquisto

"Il clima attuale è perfetto per la coltivazione delle ciliegie"
23/04/2024 - Ob Kirsche, Aprikose oder Apfel – die Obstbäume am Bodensee blühen heuer früher als sonst. Zudem haben die warmen Temperaturen dafür gesorgt, dass alles gleichzeitig blüht. In den kommenden Tagen wird es kälter. Machen sich die Obstbauern Sorgen?

Macfrut, il focus sul ciliegio di qualità
22/04/2024 - Myfruit

Macfrut, il focus sul ciliegio di qualità

"Cresce la domanda di registratori di temperatura e umidità USB monouso"
22/04/2024 - The Chilean cherry season concludes this month, marking the beginning of the southern hemisphere stone fruit season. Projections from the Chilean Stone Fruit Committee anticipate a total export volume of 35,330,388 boxes of Chilean stone fruit this season, reflecting a 15% increase from the previous…

Arranca la campaña de fruta dulce en Aragón marcada por la incertidumbre

"Das aktuelle Wetter ist perfekt für den Anbau von Kirschen"
22/04/2024 - The Turkish weather has been perfect for the cultivation of cherries, says Mert Özcelik, sales representative of Turkish fresh produce exporter Ana Fruit: 'The weather has been within the normal expectations, and current weather is actually perfect for the cultivation of cherries. The cherries need a…

"Chilenischer Export von Steinobst wächst, Nachfrage nach USB-Datenloggern steigt"
22/04/2024 - The severity of damage to cherry buds due to extreme winter conditions in British Columbia has been confirmed with the onset of the blossom season. Sukhpaul Bal, a cherry grower and president of the B.C. Cherry Association, described the situation as unprecedented in its devastation, with a significant…

Chilean cherry season review
22/04/2024 - The Turkish weather has been perfect for the cultivation of cherries, says Mert Özcelik, sales representative of Turkish fresh produce exporter Ana Fruit: 'The weather has been within the normal expectations, and current weather is actually perfect for the cultivation of cherries. The cherries need a…

The Maf Roda Group unveils a new, more intuitive and flexible software for cherries
22/04/2024 - Der Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien soll auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen vorangebracht werden. Ob Süßkirschen unter Solaranlagen gut wachsen, soll im Obstinformationszentrum in Hiltpoltstein getestet werden. Das Projekt ist bayernweit einmalig.

The Maf Roda Group unveils a new, more intuitive and flexible software for cherries

"Our cherry production has increased by 60 per cent"
22/04/2024 - The Turkish weather has been perfect for the cultivation of cherries, says Mert Özcelik, sales representative of Turkish fresh produce exporter Ana Fruit: 'The weather has been within the normal expectations, and current weather is actually perfect for the cultivation of cherries. The cherries need a…

"Our cherry production has increased by 60 per cent"
22/04/2024 - In dem ersten Quartal 2024 beliefen sich die Lieferungen chilenischer Frischfrüchte auf insgesamt 3.613 Millionen USD, was einem Anstieg von 10 % im Vergleich zu dem gleichen Zeitraum 2023 (+341...

"Our cherry production has increased by 60 per cent"

Organic apple, pear, and cherry availability growing to meet demand
22/04/2024 - The Turkish weather has been perfect for the cultivation of cherries, says Mert Özcelik, sales representative of Turkish fresh produce exporter Ana Fruit: 'The weather has been within the normal expectations, and current weather is actually perfect for the cultivation of cherries. The cherries need a…

Organic apple, pear, and cherry availability growing to meet demand
22/04/2024 - The Chilean cherry season concludes this month, marking the beginning of the southern hemisphere stone fruit season. Projections from the Chilean Stone Fruit Committee anticipate a total export volume of 35,330,388 boxes of Chilean stone fruit this season, reflecting a 15% increase from the previous…

Organic apple, pear, and cherry availability growing to meet demand

Biosolution Congress, A Macfrut Focus Sulle Ciliegie Di Qualità

Chile: Obstlieferungen belaufen sich für Q1 2024 auf insgesamt 3.613 Millionen USD dank des Anstiegs bei Kirschen

"Se espera que las exportaciones de fruta de carozo chilenas crezcan un 15%, lo que elevará la demanda de registradores de temperatura y humedad"

Superfresh Growers prevé la temporada de cerezas más larga y abundante del Noroeste del Pacífico

Extreme cold impacts Okanagan cherry production
19/04/2024 - The Turkish weather has been perfect for the cultivation of cherries, says Mert Özcelik, sales representative of Turkish fresh produce exporter Ana Fruit: 'The weather has been within the normal expectations, and current weather is actually perfect for the cultivation of cherries. The cherries need a…

"Current weather is actually perfect for the cultivation of cherries"

Nel Barese I Pappagalli Prendono Di Mira I Germogli Di Mandorli E Fichi. Danni Per Migliaia Di Euro
16/04/2024 - IQonsulting hat der Branche das Jahrbuch „Internationaler Kirschmarkt“ (International Cherry Market) 2024 zur Verfügung gestellt, berichtet Die Publikation ist kostenlos...

La saison des cerises grecques s'annonce bien meilleure que la précédente

La saison des cerises à La Montaña de Alicante offre des perspectives très positives
15/04/2024 - Die griechische Kirschsaison scheint bisher von schlechten Wetterbedingungen verschont geblieben zu sein, sagt Onur Mustafa Ahmet, Geschäftsführer des griechischen Kirschexporteurs YAKA: 'Was die Empfindlichkeit der Kirschen angeht, so waren die Wetterbedingungen in unserer Region und in ganz…

Perú suspende la importación de fruta de carozo y manzana de Chile por riesgo de plaga
15/04/2024 - Verfrut, a leading producer and exporter of fruits in Peru and Chile, has seen a notable increase in cherry shipments to important markets such as China and the United States, thanks to the entry into production of new plantations. According to Sebastian Rodriguez, the company's commercial manager, the…

Blueberry and cherry industries had a fruitful gathering in Chile
15/04/2024 - Verfrut, a leading producer and exporter of fruits in Peru and Chile, has seen a notable increase in cherry shipments to important markets such as China and the United States, thanks to the entry into production of new plantations. According to Sebastian Rodriguez, the company's commercial manager, the…

Dank neuer Plantagen werden chilenische Kirschexporte in den kommenden Saisons weiter wachsen
12/04/2024 - Dank neuer Plantagen werden chilenische Kirschexporte in den kommenden Saisons weiter wachsen. Die Erschließung neuer Plantagen wird die zukünftigen Kirschenlieferungen steigern, dies...

Un nuovo ciliegino che fruttifica in 50 giorni
12/04/2024 - Un evento dedicato alla presentazione di nuove varietà orticole, quello che si è svolto a Vittoria (RG), in Sicilia, qualche giorno fa. Per l'esattezza si è trattato di una serata voluta dal Country manager Italia di Axia, Davide Recupero, (in collaborazione con i Sigg. Manchini dell'azienda La Sorgente…

Si prevede una stagione migliore per le ciliegie greche
12/04/2024 - Finora la stagione delle ciliegie greche non sembra essere stata influenzata dalle cattive condizioni meteo, secondo Onur Mustafa Ahmet, direttore generale dell'azienda d'esportazione greca di ciliegie YAKA. 'In termini di sensibilità dei frutti, nella nostra regione e in tutta la Grecia settentrionale,…

Chile's fruit exports worth over 2 billion dollars in 2023
12/04/2024 - While Chilean cherries have conquered all the continents, exports are increasing also for other types of reference. Macfrut has become an ever more international event, and the main Chilean companies cannot afford to miss the exhibition in Rimini, Italy (8-10 May). Felipe Repetto, from the Chilean Trade…

Chile: Jahrbuch „Internationaler Kirschmarkt“ – Saison 2023/24 eine der erfolgreichsten nach der Pandemie
11/04/2024 - IQonsulting hat der Branche das Jahrbuch „Internationaler Kirschmarkt“ (International Cherry Market) 2024 zur Verfügung gestellt, berichtet Die Publikation ist kostenlos...

La técnica de cobertura marca la diferencia en el adelanto de la cosecha de cerezas
11/04/2024 - En la región italiana de Apulia, algunas parcelas de cerezas ya están madurando y siendo recolectadas. Para los productores de cerezas, planificar una primera cosecha antes de mediados de abril ya no es una novedad, ya que son conscientes de las ventajas de los sistemas de cobertura innovadores, capaces…

Griechische Kirschensaison wird voraussichtlich besser als letztes Jahr verlaufen
11/04/2024 - Die griechische Kirschsaison scheint bisher von schlechten Wetterbedingungen verschont geblieben zu sein, sagt Onur Mustafa Ahmet, Geschäftsführer des griechischen Kirschexporteurs YAKA: 'Was die Empfindlichkeit der Kirschen angeht, so waren die Wetterbedingungen in unserer Region und in ganz…

Chile's Verfrut aims to export 5 million boxes of cherries in the coming years
11/04/2024 - Verfrut, a leading producer and exporter of fruits in Peru and Chile, has seen a notable increase in cherry shipments to important markets such as China and the United States, thanks to the entry into production of new plantations. According to Sebastian Rodriguez, the company's commercial manager, the…

Kiwi, Salvi E Rivoira Sbarcano In Grecia Con Rs Fruit
11/04/2024 - While Chilean cherries have conquered all the continents, exports are increasing also for other types of reference. Macfrut has become an ever more international event, and the main Chilean companies cannot afford to miss the exhibition in Rimini, Italy (8-10 May). Felipe Repetto, from the Chilean Trade…

Kiwi, Salvi E Rivoira Sbarcano In Grecia Con Rs Fruit

Nel 2023 il Cile ha esportato frutta per oltre 2 miliardi di dollari
10/04/2024 - Le ciliegie cilene hanno conquistato ormai tutti i continenti, ma l'export è in crescita anche per altre referenze. Essendo Macfrut una fiera sempre più internazionale, le maggiori aziende cilene non possono mancare alla rassegna di Rimini (8-10 maggio). A tal proposito interviene Felipe Repetto della…

La chilena Verfrut se propone alcanzar una exportación de 5 millones de cajas de cerezas en los próximos años
10/04/2024 - Verfrut, destacado productor y exportador de frutas en Perú y Chile, ha visto un notable incremento en sus envíos de cerezas hacia mercados importantes como China y Estados Unidos, gracias a la entrada en producción de nuevas plantaciones. Sebastián Rodríguez, gerente comercial de la empresa, reportó un…

Una "influencer", incrédula cuando le cobran 57 euros por una tarrina de cerezas
10/04/2024 - La escalada de precios en el sector de la alimentación se ha convertido en un tema de preocupación general, que afecta especialmente a productos como el aceite, las frutas de temporada, las carnes y los pescados. En este contexto, una anécdota relacionada con los precios exorbitantes ha captado la…

Greek cherry season expected to be better than last year
10/04/2024 - The Greek cherry season seems to be unbothered by bad weather conditions so far, says Onur Mustafa Ahmet, general manager of Greek cherry exporter YAKA: 'In terms of cherry sensitivities, the weather conditions in our region and in all northern Greece went quite well until now. The cold and rain…

Greek cherry season expected to be better than last year
10/04/2024 - The Greek cherry season seems to be unbothered by bad weather conditions so far, says Onur Mustafa Ahmet, general manager of Greek cherry exporter YAKA: 'In terms of cherry sensitivities, the weather conditions in our region and in all northern Greece went quite well until now. The cold and rain…

Bari, bitumificio nella terra delle ciliegie Ferrovia
09/04/2024 - Myfruit

Moldavia, non solo ciliegie
09/04/2024 - Questa settimana arriveranno le prime ciliegie spagnole coltivate in serra presso l'olandese Van Ooijen Citrus. Non sono certo grandi numeri, visto che si tratta di 12 casse da 1,5 kg. 'Sono un must', osserva Lucien Ruiter. Anche se il nome suggerisce il contrario, nel corso degli anni Van Ooijen Citrus si…

"Tutti i fattori indicano che avremo una stagione di raccolta positiva per le ciliegie"
09/04/2024 - In vista dell'inizio della stagione delle ciliegie turche, tutto sembra procedere bene per il momento. Ad affermarlo è Isa Yanar, amministratore delegato dell'azienda d'esportazione turca di prodotti ortofrutticoli Asya Fresh. 'I mesi autunnali e invernali sono risultati nella norma in Turchia.…

"Tutti i fattori indicano che avremo una stagione di raccolta positiva per le ciliegie"
09/04/2024 - In Puglia, alcuni impianti di ciliegie sono già in maturazione e in raccolta. Per i cerasicoltori, programmare un primo stacco entro la metà di aprile non è più una novità, poiché ormai consapevoli dei vantaggi ottenuti dai sistemi di copertura innovativi, capaci di gestire in modo ottimale i cambiamenti…

"La stagione delle ciliegie è molto lunga, ma iniziamo con fiducia"
09/04/2024 - This week, the first Spanish greenhouse cherries will arrive at Van Ooijen Citrus in Ridderkerk, the Netherlands. They won't arrive in large quantities, instead, they are expected to arrive in twelve crats of 1,5 kilos each. 'They are a must-have,' says Lucien Ruiter. Although the company name suggests differently,…

"La stagione delle ciliegie è molto lunga, ma iniziamo con fiducia"
09/04/2024 - Dopo diverse campagne influenzate dal maltempo primaverile, la stagione delle ciliegie sembra molto promettente nella regione montuosa di Alicante. 'È ancora presto per fare previsioni, ma in generale la fioritura procede abbastanza bene', afferma Aleixandre Beltrá, della Mas de Roc. 'Abbiamo avuto un inverno…

Erste apulische Kirschen geerntet
09/04/2024 - Für den apulischen Kirschbauern Antonio Guglielmi, Inhaber des landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs Naturaviva, beginnt die Kampagne 2024 etwa zwei Wochen früher im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Der erste Pflücktermin für die frühen Kirschsorten unter Abdeckung wurde für Sonntag, den 7. April, festgelegt. Die Ware…

Erste apulische Kirschen geerntet

"Alle Faktoren deuten darauf hin, dass wir eine gute Kirschernte-Saison vor uns haben"
09/04/2024 - Vor dem Beginn der türkischen Kirschsaison stehen alle Ampeln vorerst auf Grün, sagt Isa Yanar, Geschäftsführer des türkischen Frischwarenexporteurs Asya Fresh: 'Die Herbst- und Wintermonate in der Türkei lagen im Rahmen der saisonalen Normen. Obwohl das schneereiche Wetter im Landesinneren der Türkei…

"Alle Faktoren deuten darauf hin, dass wir eine gute Kirschernte-Saison vor uns haben"
09/04/2024 - Am 9. April um 4.30 Uhr stattet eine Abordnung der SPD-Landtagsfraktion, hier der Fraktionsvorsitzende Jochen Ott, der umweltpolitische Sprecher René Schneider, sowie die beiden Kölner Abgeordneten Lena Teschlade und Carolin Kirsch dem Kölner Großmarkt einen Besuch ab. Hintergrund für diesen Besuch ist…

Early cherries: when a cover makes the difference
09/04/2024 - Harvesting operations are already underway in some cherry orchards in Puglia. It is no longer something new for growers to plan the first operations by mid-April, as they are well aware of the advantages obtained by the innovative cover systems, capable of managing climate change as well as the internal temperature and humidity thanks to the easily-adjustable venti…

Early cherries: when a cover makes the difference
09/04/2024 - Cherry grower Antonio Guglielmi from the southern Italian region of Apulia, owner of Naturaviva, picked the first cherries on Sunday 7 April. This is about two weeks earlier than last year. The fruit will be collected by the growers' association OP Agritalia and then commercialized by Orchidea Frutta, in…

Early cherries: when a cover makes the difference

"We will exceed last year's cherry volumes many times over"
09/04/2024 - The weather has been good for the cultivation of cherries, and the season could start slightly earlier than usual, says Sefik Can, account manager for Turkish fresh produce exporter Canlar Fruit: 'The chilling period of about 1200 hours required by cherry trees in winter was realised in almost all…

"We will exceed last year's cherry volumes many times over"
09/04/2024 - Existen pocas delicias de temporada tan especiales como las cerezas frescas de Chile. En las últimas décadas, estos exquisitos frutos de color rojo han adquirido una importancia enorme para el país, y no solo por su color y sabor, sino también por el valor que aportan a la economía nacional. Como mayor…

"We will exceed last year's cherry volumes many times over"
09/04/2024 - Cherry grower Antonio Guglielmi from the southern Italian region of Apulia, owner of Naturaviva, picked the first cherries on Sunday 7 April. This is about two weeks earlier than last year. The fruit will be collected by the growers' association OP Agritalia and then commercialized by Orchidea Frutta, in…

"We will exceed last year's cherry volumes many times over"
09/04/2024 - After several campaigns marked by the effects of unfavorable spring weather, the cherry season in the Alicante mountain region is looking very promising. 'It's still early to make predictions, but the flowering is generally going quite well,' says Aleixandre Beltrá, from Mas de Roc. 'We've had a very warm…

"We will exceed last year's cherry volumes many times over"

"We will exceed last year's cherry volumes many times over"
09/04/2024 - The weather has been good for the cultivation of cherries, and the season could start slightly earlier than usual, says Sefik Can, account manager for Turkish fresh produce exporter Canlar Fruit: 'The chilling period of about 1200 hours required by cherry trees in winter was realised in almost all…

Ciliegie in anticipo: quando a fare la differenza è la tecnica di copertura
08/04/2024 - Per il cerasicoltore pugliese Antonio Guglielmi, titolare della società agricola Naturaviva, la campagna 2024 segna un anticipo di circa due settimane rispetto a quella passata. Il primo stacco delle ciliegie relative alle varietà precoci sotto copertura è stato fissato per domenica 7 aprile. La merce…

Ciliegie in anticipo: quando a fare la differenza è la tecnica di copertura
08/04/2024 - Nach mehreren Kampagnen, die von den Auswirkungen eines Wetters geprägt waren, das im Frühjahr nicht mitspielte, bietet die Kirschenkampagne der Bergregion von Alicante sehr positive Aussichten. 'Es ist noch zu früh für Vorhersagen, aber die Blüte verläuft im Allgemeinen ziemlich gut', erklärt Aleixandre…

"Todos los factores indican que nos espera una buena temporada de cosecha de cerezas"
08/04/2024 - This week, the first Spanish greenhouse cherries will arrive at Van Ooijen Citrus in Ridderkerk, the Netherlands. They won't arrive in large quantities, instead, they are expected to arrive in twelve crats of 1,5 kilos each. 'They are a must-have,' says Lucien Ruiter. Although the company name suggests differently,…

"Aktuelle Situation am jetzigen Standort ist dystopisch und geschäftsschädigend"
08/04/2024 - After several campaigns marked by the effects of unfavorable spring weather, the cherry season in the Alicante mountain region is looking very promising. 'It's still early to make predictions, but the flowering is generally going quite well,' says Aleixandre Beltrá, from Mas de Roc. 'We've had a very warm…

"Aktuelle Situation am jetzigen Standort ist dystopisch und geschäftsschädigend"

"Erfolgreiche Kirschensaison in Alicante zeichnet sich ab"
08/04/2024 - This week, the first Spanish greenhouse cherries will arrive at Van Ooijen Citrus in Ridderkerk, the Netherlands. They won't arrive in large quantities, instead, they are expected to arrive in twelve crats of 1,5 kilos each. 'They are a must-have,' says Lucien Ruiter. Although the company name suggests differently,…

"Erfolgreiche Kirschensaison in Alicante zeichnet sich ab"
08/04/2024 - Bei Van Ooijen Citrus im niederländischen Ridderkerk treffen diese Woche die ersten spanischen Gewächshauskirschen ein. Es handelt sich sicherlich noch nicht um große Mengen, denn es geht um zwölf Kisten von jeweils eineinhalb Kilo. 'Ein Must-Have', stellt Lucien Ruiter fest. Obwohl der Name etwas anderes…

"The cherry season is quite long, but we are kicking it off with hope in Alicante"
08/04/2024 - Esta semana, la firma holandesa Van Ooijen Citrus ha recibido el primer envío de cerezas de invernadero españolas. No se trata de grandes cantidades, ya que han llegado solo doce cajas de un kilo y medio. 'Un artículo de lujo', comenta Lucien Ruiter. Aunque su nombre no parece indicarlo, con los años, Van…

"The cherry season is quite long, but we are kicking it off with hope in Alicante"
08/04/2024 - After several campaigns marked by the effects of unfavorable spring weather, the cherry season in the Alicante mountain region is looking very promising. 'It's still early to make predictions, but the flowering is generally going quite well,' says Aleixandre Beltrá, from Mas de Roc. 'We've had a very warm…

The first cherries harvested in Apulia
08/04/2024 - Ahead of the start of the Turkish cherry season, all lights are on green for now, says Isa Yanar, managing director for Turkish fresh produce exporter Asya Fresh: 'The fall and winter months in Turkey were within the seasonal norms. Although the snowy weather in Turkey's interior at the end of March made…

"The cherry season is quite long, but we are kicking it off with hope in Alicante"
08/04/2024 - This week, the first Spanish greenhouse cherries will arrive at Van Ooijen Citrus in Ridderkerk, the Netherlands. They won't arrive in large quantities, instead, they are expected to arrive in twelve crats of 1,5 kilos each. 'They are a must-have,' says Lucien Ruiter. Although the company name suggests differently,…

"The cherry season is quite long, but we are kicking it off with hope in Alicante"
08/04/2024 - Ahead of the start of the Turkish cherry season, all lights are on green for now, says Isa Yanar, managing director for Turkish fresh produce exporter Asya Fresh: 'The fall and winter months in Turkey were within the seasonal norms. Although the snowy weather in Turkey's interior at the end of March made…

Stagione Frutticola Veronese, Impianti Smart Decisivi. Il Ruolo Dei Nuovi Marchi Su Mela E Ciliegia

Ciliegie, inizia la raccolta delle primizie in anticipo di 15 giorni
05/04/2024 - Myfruit

"Le prime ciliegie spagnole da serra sono un must"
05/04/2024 - Oltre 3000 metri quadrati di superficie dedicata a dimostrazioni pratiche e tecnologie per diverse coltivazioni: queste sono le due aree dinamiche che si potranno visitare a Macfrut (Rimini, 8-10 maggio 2024). 'Sono due aree che fino ad oggi hanno riscosso grande successo poiché il visitatore ha la…

"Entrega de cerezas con una cadena de frío predecible"
05/04/2024 - Esta semana, la firma holandesa Van Ooijen Citrus ha recibido el primer envío de cerezas de invernadero españolas. No se trata de grandes cantidades, ya que han llegado solo doce cajas de un kilo y medio. 'Un artículo de lujo', comenta Lucien Ruiter. Aunque su nombre no parece indicarlo, con los años, Van…

"Entrega de cerezas con una cadena de frío predecible"

"First Spanish greenhouse cherries are a must-have"
05/04/2024 - Questa settimana arriveranno le prime ciliegie spagnole coltivate in serra presso l'olandese Van Ooijen Citrus. Non sono certo grandi numeri, visto che si tratta di 12 casse da 1,5 kg. 'Sono un must', osserva Lucien Ruiter. Anche se il nome suggerisce il contrario, nel corso degli anni Van Ooijen Citrus si…

"First Spanish greenhouse cherries are a must-have"
05/04/2024 - Ahead of the start of the Turkish cherry season, all lights are on green for now, says Isa Yanar, managing director for Turkish fresh produce exporter Asya Fresh: 'The fall and winter months in Turkey were within the seasonal norms. Although the snowy weather in Turkey's interior at the end of March made…

"First Spanish greenhouse cherries are a must-have"

"All factors indicate that we are in for a good cherry harvest season"
05/04/2024 - This week, the first Spanish greenhouse cherries will arrive at Van Ooijen Citrus in Ridderkerk, the Netherlands. They won't arrive in large quantities, instead, they are expected to arrive in twelve crats of 1,5 kilos each. 'They are a must-have,' says Lucien Ruiter. Although the company name suggests differently,…

"All factors indicate that we are in for a good cherry harvest season"
05/04/2024 - Ahead of the start of the Turkish cherry season, all lights are on green for now, says Isa Yanar, managing director for Turkish fresh produce exporter Asya Fresh: 'The fall and winter months in Turkey were within the seasonal norms. Although the snowy weather in Turkey's interior at the end of March made…

"First Spanish greenhouse cherries are a must-have"

"Las primeras cerezas de invernadero españolas, un objeto de deseo"

"El granizo no tendrá un impacto importante en el global de la campaña de cereza del Jerte"
27/03/2024 - La intensa granizada que descargó en el norte de Cáceres, en diversas zonas productoras de cereza del Valle del Jerte, no tendrá un impacto importante a nivel general, en la cosecha de la campaña de este año, que arrancará alrededor de finales de abril. Se trata de un perímetro de alrededor de 3.500…

“The price of Dalian cherries has dropped rapidly”
27/03/2024 - Cherries cultivated in Dalian, China made their debut on the market before the Chinese New Year in February, reaching a peak price of ¥400-600/kg. However, market performance dwindled, and prices began declining in early March, earlier than in previous years, according to Mr. Li from Dalian Nongfutong…

Chilean cherry 2023/24 season closes with good demand for late varieties in China
26/03/2024 - Giddings-Cerasus or better known in China as Xiaomifeng has closed the Chilean 2023/24 cherry season again with the varieties of Cerasina called: Final 12.1 and 13.1 from the German geneticist Peter Stoppel. For a second consecutive year the Chilean company delivered this variety to the market, 'which is…

Chilean cherry 2023/24 season closes with good demand for late varieties in China
26/03/2024 - Giddings-Cerasus or better known in China as Xiaomifeng has closed the Chilean 2023/24 cherry season again with the varieties of Cerasina called: Final 12.1 and 13.1 from the German geneticist Peter Stoppel. For a second consecutive year the Chilean company delivered this variety to the market, 'which is…

"Wetterschwankungen machen den Obstbauern in Sachsen Probleme"
25/03/2024 - Die Ernte bei Äpfeln und Süßkirschen ist deutlich geringer ausgefallen als zuletzt. Das Wetter sowie der Verlust von Nutzflächen macht den Obstbauern zu schaffen.

What your fruit bowl reveals about climate breakdown
25/03/2024 - Spring arrived in style on March 26 2021 in Kyoto, Japan, as cherry trees reached the peak of their bloom. This marked the earliest recorded date when most flowers have opened in a series of annual records dating back to 812 AD – over 1,200 years. The culprit is climate change. Milder, wetter winters and…

Una solución integrada para el cultivo de cerezas de alto valor
22/03/2024 - Cuando Simon Bishell, de Caythorpe Family Estate, en Marlborough, se propuso convertir su cultivo de cerezos en 'eje central' al estilo UFO, necesitaba una solución completa para proteger la valiosa cosecha de los pájaros y la lluvia. Hortivate y Valente, su socio en Italia, llevan sus soluciones a Nueva…

Inaugurato Prolab, Il Nuovo Laboratorio Di Salvi Vivai Dedicato Alla Micropropagazione

Uzbekistan boosts fruit and vegetable export efforts
21/03/2024 - In a bid to strengthen its position in the global market, Uzbekistan is intensifying efforts to increase the export of fruit and vegetable products. Last year, Uzbekistan harvested 23 million tons of various fruits and vegetables like grapes, cherries, peaches, dates, apricots, plums, figs, pomegranates,…

Beijing Xinfadi sees the arrival of domestic large cherries
21/03/2024 - As temperatures rise, imported cherries are gradually receding from the market, making room for an expanding presence of domestic large cherries. In mid-March, Beijing's Xinfadi Fruit Market welcomed substantial quantities of domestically grown cherries, primarily sourced from greenhouse cultivation…

Pioneering cherry cultivation in Henan, China
21/03/2024 - In Tianxing ecological park, Xin'an county, Henan province, an innovative approach to cherry cultivation is being showcased. Utilizing greenhouses, the park has successfully accelerated the maturation process of cherry trees, enabling an early harvest. Liu Xiankuan, head of the park, highlighted the…

Neue Videolektion der Macfrut Academy: Chilenische Kirschen, ein Modell zum Nachahmen
20/03/2024 - Chile ist der Hauptakteur auf dem globalen Kirschmarkt. Was sind die Schlüssel zu seinem Erfolg? Sorteninnovation, Trainingssysteme und Nach-Ernte-Technologien. Eine neue Videolektion der...

Nous attendons des cerises de gros calibre
20/03/2024 - La production de cerises d'Alanar sera cultivée dans trois régions lors de la saison à venir, déclare Yigit Gokyigit, coordinateur commercial pour l'exportateur turc de produits frais : « La saison des cerises turques commencera par la région d'Izmir, comme d'habitude. Nous nous attendons à ce qu'elle…

Table grape breeder hosts open day in India
20/03/2024 - BLOOM FRESH™ International, a premium fruit-breeding company specializing in table grapes, cherries and raisins, held its first Open Day in India as a new company. The event drew nearly 50 licensed growers and nurseries as well as executives and commercial managers from the company's team. The Open Day…

South Korean government expands list of tariff-free fruits, but leaves apples out
20/03/2024 - The Korean government will add cherries, kiwis and mangosteens to the list of products with little or no import tariffs, continuing to focus on restraining rising prices of domestically produced apples and pears. Presently, 24 types of fruits, including oranges, bananas, pineapples, mangos and…

Ciliegia del Cile, un modello da seguire
18/03/2024 - Myfruit

Macfrut Academy, il caso cileno: oltre 65mila ettari dedicati alla filiera delle ciliegie
18/03/2024 - [image: ciliegie] Il mercato globale delle ciliegie ha un protagonista: il Cile. Le chiavi del successo? Innovazione varietale, sistemi di allevamento, tecnologie post raccolta. A raccontare questo case history di respiro mondiale è la nuova videolezione della Macfrut Academy andata in onda giovedì scorso (14 marzo) con la possibilità di visionarla on demand sulla piattaforma. Prima di due...

Maturazione delle ciliegie anticipata grazie alla tecnologia 'Rinforzo Rientrato'
15/03/2024 - I cambiamenti climatici e l'andamento imprevedibile delle stagioni stanno influenzando sempre più la produzione frutticola. I sistemi di copertura contro le avversità atmosferiche diventano quindi indispensabili, specie se si vuole anticipare il raccolto. Ceraseto con corridoio d'areazione centrale…

How Maersk built a predictable end-to-end solution to transport cherries from Chile to China
15/03/2024 - Today, A.P. Møller-Mærsk released the following press statement: How Maersk built a predictable end-to-end solution to transport cherries from Chile to China. The customerThe customer is a leading Chinese importer/exporter of fruits. The company runs more than 10 wholesale stores across China and…

2023-2024 Chilean cherry season comes to a close with positive results
15/03/2024 - The 2023-2024 Chilean cherry season has come to a close with positive results, according to people in the sector. Claudia Soler, executive director of the Chilean Fruit Committee's Cherry Committee, highlighted the quality of Chilean cherries and how well they have been received by consumers, despite an…

La temporada de cerezas chilenas 2023-2024 concluye con resultados positivos
14/03/2024 - La temporada de cerezas chilenas 2023-2024 ha finalizado con resultados calificados como 'positivos' por los actores del sector. Claudia Soler, directora ejecutiva del Comité de Cerezas de Frutas de Chile, ha destacado la buena recepción de las cerezas chilenas por parte de los consumidores y la calidad…

Neue Videolektion der Macfrut Academy: Fokus auf die global erfolgreiche Lieferkette chilenischer Kirschen
13/03/2024 - Chile steht im Mittelpunkt der neuesten beiden Videolektionen der Macfrut Academy, die sich auf eine weltweit erfolgreiche Fallstudie zu Kirschen konzentrieren. Die erste Folge, die der Feldphase...

Macfrut Academy: ciliegia cilena, la filiera dei record

Macfrut academy: lezione sulla ciliegia cilena
11/03/2024 - Myfruit

Macfrut academy: lezione sulla ciliegia cilena

Macfrut Academy: riflettori puntati sulla ciliegia cilena
11/03/2024 - [image: Macfrut Academy] Telecamere accese sul Cile nel racconto di un case history di successo mondiale sulla ciliegia, narrato in due videolezioni della Macfrut Academy. La prima puntata dedicata alla fase di campo va in onda giovedì 14 marzo alle ore 17:00 (italiane), dal titolo “Ciliegia cilena, una filiera di successo”. Nei 30 minuti della videolezione, un approfondito racconto di un ...

Maersk hat seine erste Lieferung chilenischer Kirschen per Lufttransport durchgeführt
11/03/2024 - Maerks hat den ersten Transport chilenischer Kirschen der Saison 2023/24 per Lufttransport durchgeführt, so berichtet auf Grundlage der Agenda Maritima. Der Artikel erklärt...

Michigan growers watch unusual weather ahead of cherry season
11/03/2024 - A winter that doesn't always feel like winter is something Michigan cherry growers and shippers are cognisant of ahead of their cherry season. 'It's winter right now but you wouldn't really have guessed it. We've had warmer than normal weather,' says Trish Taylor, marketing manager for Riveridge Produce…

Ciliegie, Telecamere Accese Sul Cile A Macfrut Academy

"New strategic focus on walnuts and citrus"
07/03/2024 - Icon USA, also known as the 'Stars and Stripes' brand. In 2019, the launch of Icon USA marked an important move for Aartsen, establishing itself as a premier supplier of high-quality American products to consumers in Asia and Europe. Initially targeting the Asian market with a selection of cherries and…

Las cerezas chinas llegan al mercado nacional con los precios todavía a niveles elevados
05/03/2024 - Tras el Festival de Primavera, las cerezas importadas han ido desapareciendo gradualmente del mercado chino, dejando muy poca mercancía disponible; solo restos de algunos lotes que se están liquidando a bajos precios, de aproximadamente menos de 40 yuanes por kilo. Esas cerezas se deberían agotar ya en…

Chilean study investigates climate change's impact on cherry blossoms
05/03/2024 - The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso's School of Agronomy, led by Professor Eduardo Fernández, has embarked on a research initiative titled 'Improvement of two-phase phenological models to predict cherry blossom in future climate scenarios'. This Fondecyt 2024 funded project focuses on the…

Un estudio chileno investiga la variación de la floración de los cerezos por el cambio climático
04/03/2024 - La Escuela de Agronomía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, bajo la dirección del docente Eduardo Fernández, está llevando a cabo un estudio focalizado en cómo el cambio climático ha alterado la fecha de floración de los árboles caducos, particularmente los cerezos, a lo largo de las…

Federal aid for Oregon's cherry industry after disastrous season
04/03/2024 - In response to a significantly challenging season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has sanctioned federal aid for cherry farmers across nine counties in Oregon. This decision follows a formal request from Governor Tina Kotek, aiming to mitigate the financial strain from the 2023 season, marked as one…

China adquirió más del 90% de las exportaciones de cerezas de Chile en enero
01/03/2024 - En enero, las adquisiciones de cerezas chilenas por parte de China representaron el 93% de las exportaciones de cerezas de Chile, marcando un notable aumento en las interacciones comerciales. El valor de estas compras alcanzó los 1.400 M$, evidenciando un aumento del 30,8% respecto al año anterior, según…

Chilean cherries take to the skies with Maersk Air Freight
01/03/2024 - As the seasons change, vibrant anticipation fills the air – it's that time of year when cherries fill our markets and tables. While some see it as the onset of summer and others as the start of a new year, our collective love for these ruby-red gems is truly universal.Latin America stands as the primary…

Domestic cherries from China have entered the market, with prices maintaining their high levels
01/03/2024 - After the Chinese New Year, imported cherries gradually faded from the Chinese market, leaving very few still available for purchase. Only some unsold cherries remained, offered at clearance prices of less than ¥ 40/kg. In a matter of days, even these last-issue cherries would be gone. Domestic cherries…

Xylella su ciliegio e vite: cresce la preoccupazione
27/02/2024 - Sul recente ritrovamento in Puglia della sottospecie di Xylella che attacca ciliegio e vite (cfr. articolo correlato), è intervenuto anche Corrado Vigo, agronomo di lungo corso con alle spalle una lunga serie di incarichi in seno al Consiglio Nazionale dell'Ordine degli Agronomi e in Commissione…

Esportatore cileno delizia la Cina con le susine Sugar Plum
27/02/2024 - Dopo una stagione impegnativa delle ciliegie, la Olivar Export, un'azienda d'esportazione cilena, è entusiasta di spedire in Cina le sue susine Sugar Plum. Matias Fernandez, direttore commerciale della Olivar Export, esprime soddisfazione, sottolineando: 'Anche se l'entusiasmo del mercato cinese per le…

Chilenischer Exporteur begeistert China mit süßen Zucker-Pflaumen 'Candy'
27/02/2024 - Nach einer schwierigen Kirschsaison freut sich Olivar Export, ein chilenischer Exporteur, über die Verschiffung einer köstlichen 'Süßigkeit' in Form von Zuckerpflaumen nach China. Matias Fernandez, Commercial Manager bei Olivar Export, zeigt sich zufrieden: 'Auch wenn die Begeisterung des chinesischen…

Ideata Una Nuova Tecnologia Per Conoscere In Tempo Reale La Salute E Lo Stress Delle Piante

I primi dieci esportatori di ciliegie cileni di questa stagione
26/02/2024 - Secondo i dati raccolti da Frutas de Chile, fino alla sesta settimana del 2024, sono state esportate in totale 82.452.392 casse da 5 kg di ciliegie, nella campagna 2023/24. Si tratta di una cifra leggermente inferiore rispetto alle 83.220.842 casse esportate nella stagione 2022/23, ma è quanto ci si…

"Que el Año Nuevo chino haya más tardío nos ha venido muy bien"
26/02/2024 - La cosecha de cerezas de la empresa Reid Fruits, radicada en Tasmania, ha finalizado. Las primeras cerezas se recolectaron en la primera semana de diciembre, alrededor de 7-10 días antes que la temporada pasada, y la última fruta de Honeywood Orchard, un huerto tardío y situado en altura, se envasó y…

"La temporada de la cereza chilena es excepcionalmente buena en China"
26/02/2024 - Si bien los últimos contenedores de cerezas chilenas aún seguirán llegando por barco durante las próximas semanas, los exportadores califican la temporada de excelente. Todo ello a pesar de un comienzo más lento debido principalmente a la lluvia, que se vio compensado en parte por un Año Nuevo chino más tardío. 'La temporada de exportación de cerezas chilenas ha term…

Chilean cherry exports hit record high in January 2024
26/02/2024 - Chile's cherry exports have reached an unparalleled peak, with January 2024 witnessing a 27.5% surge to US$1.555 million, marking the highest figure since 2007. This growth is attributed to both an upswing in volume and an elevation in global prices. A staggering 93% of these exports, amounting to…

“It was a record 2023/24 cherry export season for Argentina”
26/02/2024 - Argentinian cherry exporters are happy with their 2023/24 season, where they reached record exports of almost 7,000 tons. According to Jonatan Carballo, Sales Manager at Emelka SA in Argentina, 'It was a record season for Argentina in terms of cherry exports, almost 7,000 tons of cherries were exported,…

Azerbaijan boosts sweet cherry and cherry exports by 21% in 2023
26/02/2024 - In 2023, Azerbaijan witnessed a remarkable surge in cherry exports, marking a 21.2% increase compared to the previous year, according to data released by the State Statistical Committee and reported by 'Interfax-Azerbaijan'. The country exported a total of 35,599 tons of fresh cherries, generating a…

“It was a record 2023/24 cherry export season for Argentina”
26/02/2024 - Argentinian cherry exporters are happy with their 2023/24 season, where they reached record exports of almost 7,000 tons. According to Jonatan Carballo, Sales Manager at Emelka SA in Argentina, 'It was a record season for Argentina in terms of cherry exports, almost 7,000 tons of cherries were exported,…

Chilean cherry exports hit record high in January 2024
26/02/2024 - Chile's cherry exports have reached an unparalleled peak, with January 2024 witnessing a 27.5% surge to US$1.555 million, marking the highest figure since 2007. This growth is attributed to both an upswing in volume and an elevation in global prices. A staggering 93% of these exports, amounting to…

Triangolo Italia, Cile, Cina, nel nome della ciliegia
23/02/2024 - Una delle sette varietà di ciliegia della serie Sweet, frutto della ricerca dell'Università di Bologna, è entrata nel mercato asiatico. Dopo diversi anni di test e investimenti produttivi, la varietà di ciliegia Sweet Aryana (PA1UNIBO), nata dalla ricerca portata avanti dal Dipartimento di Scienze e…

Chilean exporter delights China with sweet sugar plum 'candy'
23/02/2024 - Following a challenging cherry season, Olivar Export, a Chilean exporter, is thrilled to ship delightful 'candy' to China in the form of sugar plums. Matias Fernandez, Commercial Manager at Olivar Export, expresses satisfaction, noting, 'While the Chinese market's fervor for sugar plums may not match…

Chilean exporter delights China with sweet sugar plum 'candy'
23/02/2024 - Following a challenging cherry season, Olivar Export, a Chilean exporter, is thrilled to ship delightful 'candy' to China in the form of sugar plums. Matias Fernandez, Commercial Manager at Olivar Export, expresses satisfaction, noting, 'While the Chinese market's fervor for sugar plums may not match…

"The later Chinese New Year worked out pretty well perfectly"
23/02/2024 - The cherry harvest has now come to an end at Reid Fruits in Tasmania, the first cherries were picked in the first week of December, around 7-10 days earlier than last season and the last of the fruit from the late, high elevation Honeywood Orchard was packed and shipped on 6th of February. 'We had…

Fruit breeding company announces interim CEO
23/02/2024 - The board of Bloom Fresh™ International, a premium fruit-breeding company specializing in table grapes, cherries and raisins, has appointed Josep Jove Estiarte, the chief innovation officer, as interim CEO. Kenneth Avery has stepped down as CEO following his six-month tenure, which began with the…

"The later Chinese New Year worked out pretty well perfectly"
23/02/2024 - The cherry harvest has now come to an end at Reid Fruits in Tasmania, the first cherries were picked in the first week of December, around 7-10 days earlier than last season and the last of the fruit from the late, high elevation Honeywood Orchard was packed and shipped on 6th of February. 'We had…

Fruit breeding company announces interim CEO
23/02/2024 - The board of Bloom Fresh™ International, a premium fruit-breeding company specializing in table grapes, cherries and raisins, has appointed Josep Jove Estiarte, the chief innovation officer, as interim CEO. Kenneth Avery has stepped down as CEO following his six-month tenure, which began with the…

Citrus prices rise slightly, imported fruit prices fall
23/02/2024 - During the Chinese New Year holiday, imported fruits such as cherries, plums, mangosteens, and kiwis, along with citrus fruits symbolizing fortune in Chinese culture, reach their peak sales season. Data reveals that apples, Papagan oranges, and sugar tangerines lead the Top 3 in sales in this market.…

“Non Possiamo Assicurare Le Nostre Produzioni”. Lettera Al Ministro Di Un Frutticoltore. “Il Sistema Implode”

La Ciliegia “Bolognese” Sweet Aryana Sbarca In Asia

Ciliegia “Sweet Aryana”: dall’Università di Bologna all’export in Asia
22/02/2024 - [image: Ciliegia Sweet Aryana] Dopo diversi anni di test e investimenti produttivi, la varietà di ciliegia Sweet Aryana PA1UNIBO, nata dalla ricerca portata avanti dal Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari – DISTAL dell’Università di Bologna, arriva anche sul mercato asiatico. Dolce, croccante e dalle qualità organolettiche eccezionali, è stata lanciata sul mercato asiatico d...

Estendere la shelf life dei prodotti deperibili mantenendo sapore e sostanze nutritive
22/02/2024 - Che si tratti di una mela, una ciliegia, un mirtillo o qualsiasi altro frutto, non appena raccolto il prodotto non riceve più acqua e sostanze nutritive e inizia il processo di senescenza. Durante questo processo, il frutto consuma ossigeno (O2) e produce anidride carbonica (CO2). Non solo la qualità…

LUCAi™ aumenta la eficiencia y rentabilidad de las operaciones de envasado de cerezas
22/02/2024 - El continuo aumento en la demanda mundial de cerezas pone a las envasadoras bajo presión para procesar volúmenes cada vez mayores sin que se vea afectada la alta calidad de su producto. Las importantes variaciones en el producto de entrada, los fenómenos meteorológicos adversos, la manipulación cuidadosa…

Verlängerung der Haltbarkeit, während Geschmack und Nährstoffe erhalten bleiben
22/02/2024 - Ob es sich um einen Apfel, eine Kirsche, eine Blaubeere oder eine andere Frucht handelt, sobald sie geerntet wurde, erhält das Produkt kein Wasser und keine Nährstoffe mehr und der Verfallsprozess beginnt. Während dieses Prozesses verbraucht die Frucht Sauerstoff und produziert CO2. Dadurch…

Air-freight plums from Chile have entered the market, marking the end of the cherry season.
22/02/2024 - With the conclusion of the Chinese New Year festivities, the availability of Chilean cherries is dwindling day by day. Recently, the domestic imported fruit market has seen an increase in Chilean plums transported by air, gradually replacing cherries as the primary product. Chilean plums are exhibiting…

"Exceptionally good Chilean cherry season to China"
22/02/2024 - As the last containers of Chilean cherries are still arriving by ship over the next few weeks the season is being hailed as excellent by exporters. This is despite a slower start mainly due to rain, which was partly offset by a later Chinese New Year. 'The Chilean cherry export season ended very well. It…

French cherry farmers protest insecticide ban
22/02/2024 - In a vivid demonstration of discontent, French cherry farmers in the Ardeche region, a notable fruit-producing area, vented their frustrations over an EU-wide dimethoate ban by depositing a ton of decaying cherries at a government building in Tournon-sur-Rhone. This action underscores the grave impact of…

Cherry trees have woken up early in Puglia
22/02/2024 - The mild temperatures of the past few weeks have led to an early awakening of stone fruit trees, including cherries. FreshPlaza spoke to Ignazio Tateo, owner of Tateo Srl from Turi (Bari), a company that covers 150 hectares between their own and partner orchards, producing 1500 tons of cherries in total.…

Air-freight plums from Chile have entered the market, marking the end of the cherry season.
22/02/2024 - With the conclusion of the Chinese New Year festivities, the availability of Chilean cherries is dwindling day by day. Recently, the domestic imported fruit market has seen an increase in Chilean plums transported by air, gradually replacing cherries as the primary product. Chilean plums are exhibiting…

La piattaforma LUCAi, per aumentare la redditività dei centri di confezionamento delle ciliegie
21/02/2024 - Il continuo aumento della domanda globale di ciliegie mette sotto pressione i centri di confezionamento che devono lavorare volumi sempre più grandi, mantenendo alta la qualità del prodotto. Variazioni significative della quantità di ciliegie in ingresso, eventi atmosferici estremi, la manipolazione…

Risveglio anticipato per i ceraseti pugliesi
21/02/2024 - Le temperature miti delle ultime settimane pare abbiano generato un anticipo generalizzato nel risveglio delle drupacee, incluse le ciliegie. A fornire un quadro attuale sullo stato dei ceraseti è Ignazio Tateo, titolare dell'omonima azienda Tateo Srl di Turi (Bari), che conta circa 150 ettari tra le…

Progressi della Moldavia nella diversificazione delle esportazioni di frutta fresca
21/02/2024 - Il 2023 è stato un anno di successo per la frutta moldava. Ciliegie, susine, uva e mele prodotte in Moldavia hanno raggiunto un numero crescente di consumatori nell'Unione europea e in mercati lontani come i Paesi del Golfo e le regioni asiatiche. I produttori moldavi hanno adeguato le loro tecnologie di…

Ampliar la vida útil de los productos perecederos manteniendo el sabor y los nutrientes
21/02/2024 - Ya sea una manzana, una cereza, un arándano o cualquier otra fruta, tan pronto como se ha cosechado, el producto deja de recibir agua y nutrientes y comienza el proceso de senescencia. Durante este proceso, la fruta consume O₂ y produce CO₂. No solo se deteriora la calidad, sino que, además, la cantidad…

Top 10 leading exporters of Chilean cherries this season
21/02/2024 - According to data gathered by Frutas de Chile, up to week 6, a total of 82,452,392 5-kilo boxes of cherries have been exported in the 2023/2024 campaign. This is a slightly lower figure than the 83,220,842 boxes exported in the 2022/2023 season, but it is what was expected after a challenging year for…

Chilean cherries arrive in India in record time
21/02/2024 - Chile's cherry has reached South Asia for the first time in just 36 days, a feat that was possible thanks to the collaboration between the Chilean Fruit Cherry Committee, exporters, and shipping companies. India is gradually becoming a potential destination for Chilean cherries. According to data from…

Innovazione Nel Comparto Ciliegie, Convegno Nel Veronese Il 5 Marzo

L'innovazione del ciliegio dell'est veronese
20/02/2024 - Si svolgerà martedì 5 marzo a partire dalle ore 20.30, il convegno sul tema 'L'innovazione del ciliegio nell'est veronese'. L'appuntamento si terrà presso il centro convegni di Via Roma 9 a Montecchia di Crosara in provincia di Verona. Organizza il mercato cerasicolo di Montecchio. Il programma prevede…

El top 10 de los principales exportadores de cereza chilena esta temporada
20/02/2024 - De acuerdo a los datos reunidos por Frutas de Chile, hasta la semana 6 se han exportado 82.452.392 cajas de cerezas de 5 kilos dentro de la campaña 2023/2024, y si bien está por debajo de las 83.220.842 cajas exportadas en la temporada 2022/2023, las cifras son esperables luego de un año complejo para…

La cereza chilena llega a India en un tiempo récord
20/02/2024 - Gracias a la colaboración entre el Comité de Cerezas de Frutas de Chile, los exportadores y las compañías navieras, la cereza nacional ha alcanzado por primera vez el sur de Asia en tan solo 36 días. Y es que India se está convirtiendo gradualmente en un destino potencial para las cerezas chilenas. En lo…

Starke Niederschläge stellten Kirschenbauern hart auf die Probe
20/02/2024 - Am 16. Februar fand die diesjährige Tagung zum Steinobstanbau in Südtirol im Haus der Vereine in Nals statt. Diese Veranstaltung, organisiert vom Südtiroler Beratungsring für Obst- und Weinbau, bot einen Rückblick auf die vergangene Kirschen- und Marillensaison. Darüber hinaus wurden auch aktuelle…

Die Kirschbaumblüte beginnt etwa 15 Tage früher in den niedrigeren Gebieten des Ebro-Tals
20/02/2024 - Es ist noch zu früh, um Ernteprognosen für die spanische Kirschkampagne 2024 zu treffen, da die ersten Ernten im Gewächshaus normalerweise nicht vor Ende März und im Freiland nicht vor Ende April beginnen. Vorerst gibt es, abhängig von den Produktionsgebieten, eine erhebliche Variation im Blütenstand in…

Grading platform boosts efficiency and profitability of cherry packing operations
20/02/2024 - The continued rise in global demand for cherries puts packhouses under pressure to process increasingly large volumes while maintaining the high quality of their product. Significant variations in the infeed product, disruptive weather events, the careful handling that cherries require, and labor…

"We plan to expand our reach to China in 2024"
20/02/2024 - Although the cherry season is still a few months away, one exporter is already looking forward to new export opportunities in the Chinese market. Emirhan Şahinöz, head of export operations for Turkish cherry exporter Poleks, says they’ve recently invested in a new orchard to increase production as well:…

Extending the shelf-life of perishables while maintaining flavor and nutrients
20/02/2024 - Whether it’s an apple, a cherry, a blueberry, or any other fruit, as soon as it has been harvested, the product is no longer getting water and nutrients and the process of senescence starts. During this process, the fruit consumes O2, and produces CO2. Not only does the quality deteriorate, the amount of…

Tomra, L’Intelligenza Artificiale Per Ottimizzare Il Confezionamento Delle Ciliegie

Focus sul mercato mondiale delle ciliegie
19/02/2024 - Il Cile, leader mondiale nella produzione e nell'esportazione di ciliegie, è riuscito a superare indenne le piogge primaverili all'inizio della stagione e a raggiungere il suo secondo più grande raccolto destinato all'export, con poco più di 415mila tonnellate. Anche la Cina ha esportato il suo secondo…

Les fruits moldaves à l'honneur àFruit Logistica 2024
19/02/2024 - L'année 2023 a été fructueuse pour les fruits moldaves. Cerises, prunes, raisins et pommes produits en Moldavie ont trouvé leur chemin vers un nombre croissant de consommateurs dans l'Union européenne et sur des marchés aussi éloignés que les pays du Golfe et les régions asiatiques. Les producteurs…

"La semana antes del Año Nuevo chino, la demanda y los precios de las cerezas alcanzaron su punto máximo"
19/02/2024 - El Año Nuevo chino (CNY) es sinónimo de brillantes cerezas rojas de Chile, que este año ha exportado al país asiático el segundo mayor envío de esta fruta tan buscada. Según Andy Xie, un importador de la empresa Shanghai Junli International Trade Co., Ltd., con sede en Shanghái, China, el precio fue más…

Moldauische Früchte im Rampenlicht auf der Fruit Logistica 2024
19/02/2024 - Das Jahr 2023 war ein erfolgreiches Jahr für moldauisches Obst. In der Republik Moldau erzeugte Kirschen, Pflaumen, Trauben und Äpfel fanden ihren Weg zu einer wachsenden Zahl von Verbrauchern in der Europäischen Union und auf weit entfernten Märkten wie den Golfstaaten und asiatischen Regionen. Die…

I ciliegi stanno fiorendo con 15 giorni di anticipo
16/02/2024 - È ancora presto per fare previsioni sul raccolto per la stagione 2024 delle ciliegie spagnole, dato che solitamente le prime operazioni di raccolta nelle serre non iniziano prima della fine di marzo, e della fine di aprile in campo aperto. Al momento c'è un'importante variazione nello stato della…

Marché mondial : la cerise
16/02/2024 - Le Chili, leader mondial de la production et de l'exportation de cerises, a surmonté des pluies printanières précoces au début de sa saison pour atteindre sa deuxième plus grande récolte à l'exportation, avec un peu plus de 415 000 tonnes. Il a également exporté sa deuxième plus grande récolte vers la Chine, soit plus de 376…

Resumen del mercado global de la cereza
16/02/2024 - Chile, líder mundial en la producción y exportación de cerezas, no se vio afectado por las lluvias tempranas de primavera al inicio de su temporada y ha logrado su segunda mayor cosecha para exportación, de algo más de 415.000 toneladas. También registró su segundo mayor volumen de exportación a China,…

El sector neozelandés de la cereza espera una exportación récord
16/02/2024 - Southern Fruits International, uno de los principales productores de cerezas de Nueva Zelanda, tiene previsto despachar este verano más de 340 toneladas de su lujosa marca Beyond, lo que supone un aumento significativo respecto al año pasado. Estas cerezas, procedentes de grandes plantaciones en Central Otago, entran en su segundo año comercial. 'Hemos recibido un e…

Weltmarkt Kirschen
16/02/2024 - Chile, der Weltmarktführer bei der Produktion und dem Export von Kirschen, hat die frühen Regenfälle zu Beginn der Saison überwunden und mit knapp über 415.000 Tonnen seine zweitgrößte Exporternte erzielt. Mit mehr als 376.000 Tonnen wurde auch die zweitgrößte Ernte nach China exportiert. Das chinesische Neujahrsfest, das in…

“In the last week before the Chinese New Year, cherry demand and prices reached a peak point”
16/02/2024 - The Chinese New Year (CNY) is synonymous with bright red cherries from Chile, with the second biggest export number of this sought after fruit sent to this Asian nation this year. According to Andy Xie, an importer from the company Junli based in Shanghai, China, the pricing was higher just before their…

Apple imports freshen supply chain
16/02/2024 - Honeybear Brands, a grower and marketer of premium conventional and organic apples, pears and cherries, is delivering a fresh-picked crop of apples and pears to retailers nationwide beginning in March thanks to its Chilean operations. The company is an apple importer from the Southern Hemisphere,…

Unprecedented damage to Okanagan cherry crops due to temperature fluctuations
16/02/2024 - Last month, Okanagan cherry orchards in Canada faced unparalleled damage due to a dramatic shift in winter temperatures, as reported by the B.C. Cherry Association. Following a period of unseasonably warm weather, temperatures plummeted to a record low of minus 31 C on Jan. 12, catching the cherries at a…

Moldovan Fruits celebrated at Fruit Logistica 2024
16/02/2024 - The year 2023 was a successful one for Moldovan fruits. Cherries, plums, grapes, and apples produced in Moldova found their way to an increasing number of consumers in the European Union and on such distant markets as Gulf countries and Asian regions. Moldovan producers adjusted their production and…

16/02/2024 - The world's leader in cherry production and exports, Chile, has overcome early spring rains at the start of the season to reach their second biggest export crop of just over 415,000 tons. They also exported their second biggest crop to China, reaching more than 376,000 tons. The Chinese New Year that took place last week, was…

16/02/2024 - The world's leader in cherry production and exports, Chile, has overcome early spring rains at the start of the season to reach their second biggest export crop of just over 415,000 tons. They also exported their second biggest crop to China, reaching more than 376,000 tons. The Chinese New Year that took place last week, was…

Great New Zealand summer boosts stone fruit exports
16/02/2024 - In a remarkable season marked by a stellar summer, New Zealand's stone fruit sector, particularly cherry orchards, celebrated the closure of their export season, having dispatched thousands of tonnes of produce overseas. Central Otago, a pivotal region for growth, experienced favorable sunny conditions,…

“In the last week before the Chinese New Year, cherry demand and prices reached a peak point”
16/02/2024 - The Chinese New Year (CNY) is synonymous with bright red cherries from Chile, with the second biggest export number of this sought after fruit sent to this Asian nation this year. According to Andy Xie, an importer from the company Junli based in Shanghai, China, the pricing was higher just before their…

Moldovan Fruits celebrated at Fruit Logistica 2024
16/02/2024 - The year 2023 was a successful one for Moldovan fruits. Cherries, plums, grapes, and apples produced in Moldova found their way to an increasing number of consumers in the European Union and on such distant markets as Gulf countries and Asian regions. Moldovan producers adjusted their production and…

A Montecchia di Crosara (Vr), il 5 marzo in scena il “Convegno Innovazione del ciliegio nell’est veronese”
15/02/2024 - [image: ciliegie] A Montecchia di Crosara (Vr) il prossimo 5 marzo alle 20.30, i riflettori saranno accesi sulla filiera del ciliegio: innovazione varietale, gestione del ceraseto, difesa e mercato. In scena il “Convegno Innovazione del ciliegio nell’est veronese”. La filiera del ciliegio sta attraversando a livello globale un periodo di grande rinnovamento in tutte le componenti del proce...

Les cerisiers fleurissent 15 jours plus tôt dans les zones basses de la Vallée de l'Ebre
15/02/2024 - Il est encore trop tôt pour faire des prévisions de récolte pour la saison 2024 des cerises espagnoles, car les premières récoltes dans les serres ne commencent généralement pas avant la fin du mois de mars, et en plein champ, avant la fin du mois d'avril. Actuellement, selon les zones de production, on…

Più Export E Innovazione Segmentando: La Ricetta Di Noberasco Per Rilanciarsi

Il Cile Ortofrutticolo Unito Sotto Un Unico Nuovo Marchio

Hong Kong sets new record for Chilean cherry containers discharged from a single vessel call
12/02/2024 - The arrival of ITAJAI EXPRESS operated by Hapag-Lloyd at Modern Terminals on 4 February marked another record for Hong Kong; the ship brought 1,941 active reefer containers to Hong Kong. This is the highest number of Chilean cherry containers discharged from a single vessel call, surpassing last season’s…

Okanagan fruit growers face challenges after severe cold snap
07/02/2024 - Fruit growers in Okanagan are grappling with the aftermath of another harsh cold snap. According to Wine Growers BC CEO, Miles Prodan, the impact on vineyards could be “catastrophic”. The extent of the damage to fruit crops is still being assessed. Sukhpaul Bal, the president of the B.C. Cherry…

Fruit breeder licenses protected plant varieties to Chinese growers
07/02/2024 - Fruit breeding company BLOOM FRESH™ specializing in table grapes, cherries and raisins, is responsible for table grape varieties such as COTTON CANDY®, SWEET SAPPHIRE® and SWEET GLOBE®. It will license its protected plant varieties to Chinese growers, providing ongoing support for their success. However,…

Noberasco Lancia La Nuova Linea Snack “I Ricoperti” Con 6 Referenze E Pack Innovativo

Chilean cherry arrivals and sales are expected to peak in China this week
06/02/2024 - According to iQonsulting, up to week 4, Chile has exported 81 million boxes of cherries, exceeding the company's initial 80-million estimate. However, this season's export volume is not expected to reach the more than 83 million boxes achieved in the previous season. The cherry export season will…

U.S. lawmakers request fast-tracking of disaster designation for 2023 sweet cherry harvest
06/02/2024 - Eastern Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, along with other Washington lawmakers, has addressed a letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack. They are urging him to expedite a Secretarial Disaster Designation for the 2023 sweet cherry harvest in Washington. Unusual weather…

Arance Rosse, Unifrutti Cresce Ancora In Sicilia: Acquisita L’Azienda Castellana

« Nous voulons intensifier encore notre programme d’hybridation en cerises et prunes »
31/01/2024 - COT international revient sur les succès de l’année écoulée et partage ses projets et perspectives pour 2024, tout en esquissant les tendances de demain. L’obtenteur gardois a bien grandi depuis ses débuts puisqu’il est désormais présent dans plus de 30 pays (soit environ 30 % d’augmentation et des parts…

Table grape breeder conducts first ever Open Day in Peru
31/01/2024 - BLOOM FRESH™, specializing in the breeding of table grapes, cherries and raisins, conducted its first-ever table grape Open Day in Ica, Peru in early January. More than 80 growers and licensees attended the event, where some unique and popular table grape varietals from the company’s portfolio were on…

« Une expansion rapide grâce aux machines de tri »
30/01/2024 - La société Perla Fruit, l'un des cinq premiers exportateurs turcs de fruits et légumes frais, s'est lancée en 2019 dans l'exportation de cerises en investissant 10 millions de dollars US dans de nouvelles opérations à Bursa, dans le nord-ouest de la Turquie. L'entreprise a commencé à y emballer des…

¿Es el fin de las estaciones tal como las conocemos?
30/01/2024 - Las elevadas temperaturas que se están experimentando en la Comunitat Valenciana están generando situaciones inusuales. La Asociación Valenciana de Meteorología (Avamet) ha compartido la imagen de una cereza recolectada en pleno enero en Benissili, en la Val de Gallinera (Alicante), como consecuencia de…

Las cerezas chilenas dominan el mercado chino
30/01/2024 - Las cerezas se han convertido en uno de los principales protagonistas del mercado mayorista de frutas. Constantemente llegan nuevos lotes. Actualmente, la mayoría de las variedades a la venta son Lapins, entre las que destacan las pequeñas XL, J y JJ. La segunda variedad más popular es Regina. Otras…

Chilean cherries dominate the market, imported stone fruit arrivals increase
29/01/2024 - Cherries have become a major player in the fruit wholesale market. New batches are constantly arriving. Currently, most of the varieties on sale are Lapins, with small fruits such as XL, J, and JJ-class being the main ones. The second most popular variety is Regina. Other varieties include Bing, Sweet…

A Macfrut Torna Protagonista Il Salone Del Vivaismo E Delle Innovazioni Varietali

Türkischer Kirschexporteur expandiert schnell durch den Einsatz von Sortiermaschinen
26/01/2024 - Perla Fruit, einer der fünf größten türkischen Obst- und Gemüseexporteure, ist schnell in den Kirschenmarkt eingestiegen, als es vor fünf Jahren zehn Millionen Dollar in neue Anlagen in Bursa, einer Provinz im Nordwesten der Türkei, investierte. Das Unternehmen begann dort im Jahr 2020 mit der Verpackung von Kirschen. Dank des optischen Sortierers Tomra InVision2 m…

Ukrainian sweet cherry farming: thriving amidst adversity
26/01/2024 - Ukraine is renowned for its fruit orchards, with the 'Uman Fruit Company' holding a special place. Established in 2016, the orchard has steadily expanded to 21 hectares. Despite wartime conditions, the orchard continues to expand its production volumes, showcasing resilience and adaptability. From 2018,…

Una productora de cerezas de California construye unas instalaciones de envasado propias
25/01/2024 - En el corazón del condado de Merced, California, Meena Farms se dedicado al cultivo de cerezas desde hace tres décadas. Los huertos de cerezos de esta empresa fundada por la familia Iyer, enmarcados por la cordillera costera, son un testimonio de su compromiso con la calidad. Estas cerezas se benefician…

Chile’s Fresh Cherry Exports to China Hit Record High
25/01/2024 - According to the latest data from Frutas de Chile, formerly known as the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association, as of week 4 of 2024, Chile had sent a record-breaking 365,968 metric tons of fresh cherries to the Chinese market in the 2023/24 season. Concurrently, a total of 398,762 metric tons of fresh cherries had been shipped from Chile to various parts of the world, marking a…

Nuove proposte varietali di datterino, ciliegino e midi plum
24/01/2024 - Il piacere di ritrovarsi in una ricorrenza annuale, diventata una tradizione per due aziende, che coincide con la presentazione varietale di datterini altamente performanti. Si tratta, da una parte, della ditta sementiera Seeds Technologies Italia e, dall'altra, dell'Op Albani, che hanno collaborato…

JWM y Maersk transportan cerezas a China por primera vez
24/01/2024 - El 20 de enero de 2024, un carguero lleno de cerezas chilenas almacenadas en frío llegó al muelle internacional de contenedores de Shanghái-Pudong después de una travesía marítima de más de 20.000 millas. Las cerezas simbolizan la buena suerte en China y también simbolizaron un exitoso viaje inaugural…

Un importador ofrece mango Kent peruano y cerezas de Tasmania
24/01/2024 - Melissa's ofrece esta temporada dos productos únicos, el primero de los cuales son los mangos Kent de Perú, madurados en los árboles y transportados en avión, disponibles hasta marzo. 'Esta variedad de mango, la crème de la crème, llega madura y lista para comer, con una pulpa cremosa y anaranjada, una dulzura equilibrada y un toque cítrico', afirma el director de relaciones p…

"Planeamos exportar 1,3 millones de cajas de cerezas y enviar alrededor de 300 contenedores a China"
24/01/2024 - Cultivar y enviar 1,3 millones de cajas de cerezas en unos 300 contenedores desde Chile a China puede parecer la parte fácil. Construir una marca, comercializarla y venderla a los consumidores chinos es donde reside el truco para Greenvic y su socio Agrovisión. A través de la etiqueta Viconto,…

Turkish cherry exporter expands rapidly through use of sorting machinery
24/01/2024 - As one Turkey’s top five exporters of fresh fruit and vegetables, Perla Fruit, made a rapid entry into cherry exports when it invested US $10 million in new operations in Bursa, in the northwest of Türkiye, in 2019. The company first began packing cherry products there in 2020, achieving high quality and…

"La calidad y el precio de las cerezas chilenas se han estabilizado y las ventas van viento en popa"
23/01/2024 - En las dos últimas semanas, han llegado a China muchas cerezas chilenas transportadas por vía marítima. En comparación con la primera semana de este mes, la calidad de las cerezas recién llegadas es mejor, la proporción de pérdidas se ha reducido considerablemente y la dureza ha mejorado. A medida que aumenta el volumen de cerezas, el precio ha ido bajando gradualmente…

Cheery Nebula crowned best cherry by Sydney Children's Hospital
23/01/2024 - BLOOM FRESH™, breeder of table grapes, cherries and raisins, announced that Wandin Valley Farms has been recognized by the Sydney Children's Hospital for growing the “best cherry” in Australia -- BLOOM FRESH’s Cheery Nebula™ cherry variety. The recognition came at the annual Sydney Markets Cherry Auction…

Cheery Nebula crowned best cherry by Sydney Children's Hospital
23/01/2024 - BLOOM FRESH™, breeder of table grapes, cherries and raisins, announced that Wandin Valley Farms has been recognized by the Sydney Children's Hospital for growing the “best cherry” in Australia -- BLOOM FRESH’s Cheery Nebula™ cherry variety. The recognition came at the annual Sydney Markets Cherry Auction…

California cherry grower builds packing facility
23/01/2024 - In the heart of Merced County, California, Meena Farms has been dedicated to cherry cultivation for three decades. Established by the Iyer Family, the company's cherry orchards, framed by the coastal mountain range, stand as a testament to their commitment to quality. The journey of cherry cultivation…

Unifrutti acquisisce Verfrut e si rafforza su uva e ciliegie
22/01/2024 - Myfruit

Unifrutti acquisisce Verfrut e si rafforza a livello globale su uva e ciliegie
22/01/2024 - [image: Unifrutti Verfrut] Unifrutti, produttore e distributore leader a livello mondiale di frutta fresca, annuncia l’acquisizione del 100% di Sociedad Exportadora Verfrut S.A. (“Verfrut”), un importante produttore ed esportatore del Sud America. Fondata nel 1996, Verfrut è protagonista del settore dei prodotti freschi in Cile e Perù, dove gestisce oltre 7.500 ettari di coltivazioni agrico...

Los precios de las cerezas chilenas se suavizan con las nuevas llegadas a medida que se acerca el Año Nuevo Chino
22/01/2024 - Los precios actuales de las cerezas chilenas en China son buenos, pero se ven atenuados por el aumento de las llegadas, ya que el Año Nuevo Chino se acerca a principios del mes que viene. Juan P. Mujica, director de exportación de la chilena Pura Vida Export, nos ofrece una actualización desde el…

Quite a challenging cherry season in Washington State
22/01/2024 - The 2023 cherry season in Washington State yielded a substantial harvest, yet industry authorities are urging official recognition of the season as a disaster. Jon DeVaney, head of the Washington State Tree Fruit Association, linked the difficulties to unusual weather conditions that led to an overlap…

Collaboration between giants in the fruit and shipping industry brought Chinese New Year gift to consumers
22/01/2024 - On January 20, 2024, a cargo ship full of Chilean cherries in cold storage arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Containers Dock after a sea journey of over 20,000 miles. Cherries symbolise good luck in China and also symbolized a successful maiden voyage for JWM, who are using chartered ships to…

Unifrutti Si Rafforza E Acquisisce L’Azienda Sudamericana Verfrut

Un Robot Che Raccoglie La Frutta E Uno Che Distribuisce Fertilizzanti: Anteprime A Fieragricola Di Verona

« Nous voulons être les leaders de la production de cerises »
17/01/2024 - Sur un terrain où l'un des aquifères les plus importants de Gauteng fait surface, où les traces d'occupation humaine remontent à l'âge de pierre et à l'âge de fer, une entreprise agricole a l'intention de devenir le principal fournisseur de cerises d'Afrique du Sud pendant le mois d'octobre, période où…

Un transportista chileno aumenta en más de un 30% sus exportaciones de cerezas
17/01/2024 - LATAM Cargo mantiene su liderazgo en el transporte de cerezas chilenas, cerrando 2023 con aproximadamente 7.546 toneladas de esta fruta exportadas desde Chile, lo que representa un crecimiento del 32% en comparación con el año anterior. Chile lidera las exportaciones de cerezas en Sudamérica, y LATAM Cargo desempeña un papel esencial, transportando por vía aérea el…

Las exportaciones de cerezas chilenas caen un 20% en la temporada actual
17/01/2024 - Más de 300.000 toneladas de cereza se han envasado y enviado en lo que va de la temporada 2023-2024, una cifra que revela una contracción del 20% respecto al año anterior, según Claudia Soler, directora ejecutiva del Comité de Cereza de Frutas de Chile. No obstante, la ejecutiva destacó que se espera que…

Neue Modellanlage am Obstinformationszentrum Fränkische Schweiz
17/01/2024 - Eine neue Obstanlage ist im Obstinformationszentrum Fränkische Schweiz des Landkreises Forchheim in Hiltpoltstein gepflanzt worden. In der Modellanlage geht es darum, den Anbau von Süßkirschen- und Zwetschgenbäumen zukunftssicher zu machen.

San Antonio terminal sets record with 1,136 cherry-loaded containers
17/01/2024 - The San Antonio International Terminal (STI) reached a significant milestone by transporting the largest quantity of cherry-loaded containers this season. This achievement was realized with the arrival of the “MN Cosco Brazil” ship, making its inaugural stop at the Chilean terminal and loading 1,136…

“We want to be the leaders in cherry production”
17/01/2024 - On land where one of Gauteng’s most important aquifers surfaces, where traces of human occupation hark back to the Stone Age and the Iron Age, a farming enterprise is planning on becoming South Africa’s dominant supplier of cherries during October, when it’s not available anywhere else in the world.…

"Nel settore della conservazione dell'ortofrutta la sfida dell'innovazione è continua"
16/01/2024 - 'Negli ultimi anni, abbiamo riscontrato una maggiore ricerca delle soluzioni in atmosfera controllata per piccoli frutti, ciliegie, prodotti tropicali, oltre che per pere, mele, kiwi giallo e Hayward. Tali sistemi sono ampiamente diffusi nei centri logistici per la maturazione dei frutti. Riscontriamo,…

Alto Valle cherry exports increased significantly
16/01/2024 - In the recent season, the Alto Valle exported 1,600 tons of cherries, i.e. nearly 49% more than in the previous year and 58% more than the average exports of the last five seasons. This notable increase is attributed to the favorable weather conditions in the Alto Valle. Aníbal Caminiti, manager of the…

Notable aumento de las exportaciones de cerezas del Alto Valle
15/01/2024 - En la reciente temporada, las exportaciones de cerezas procedentes del Alto Valle, Argentina, alcanzaron las 1.600 toneladas, reflejando un crecimiento interanual cercano al 49% y un aumento del 58% en comparación con el promedio de exportaciones de las últimas cinco temporadas. Este notable incremento…

After a Traverse City food distributor's closure, Michigan farmers work to keep produce in state
12/01/2024 - For Michiganders, having access to local farms and foods should be a piece of cake — or something much healthier. With over 44,000 farms, Michigan is the top-ranking U.S. producer of tart cherries, cucumbers, dry beans, squash, and asparagus, and within the top 10 states for a wide range of other…

Embarque récord de cerezas con destino a Asia en la Terminal Pacífico Sur Valparaíso
10/01/2024 - Durante el primer fin de semana del año, se llevó a cabo uno de los mayores embarques de contenedores refrigerados en el puerto de Valparaíso, marcando el inicio del 2024. La Terminal Pacífico Sur Valparaíso (TPS) informó que 1.563 contenedores, principalmente cargados de cerezas, fueron embarcados en la…

Record shipment of cherries to Asia at the South Pacific Terminal Valparaíso
10/01/2024 - During the first weekend of the year, the port of Valparaíso marked the beginning of 2024 by loading one of the largest shipments of refrigerated containers in its history. The South Pacific Terminal (TPS) of the port of Valparaiso reported that 1,563 containers, mainly loaded with cherries, were shipped…

"Il Cile è un mercato dove stiamo cercando dei partner"
09/01/2024 - È il picco stagionale per le ciliegie cilene. Con la ripresa dei volumi di importazione ed esportazione dell'industria frutticola, anche la domanda i registratori di temperatura utilizzati nella logistica è più alta rispetto allo stesso periodo dell'anno scorso. Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences Co.,…

El mercado de la cereza flojea tras las vacaciones y el Kanyao vietnamita entra en temporada alta
09/01/2024 - En las dos últimas semanas han llegado muchas cerezas chilenas por vía marítima. Debido al Año Nuevo la semana pasada y a la calidad satisfactoria de algunas llegadas, el precio de las cerezas aumentó gradualmente en los días previos a fin de año. Las ventas fueron bien, y el mercado estaba en su mejor momento el 31 de diciembre. Después de Año Nuevo, al haber pasado el efect…

"Chilenische Kirschsaison kurbelt den Verkauf von USB-Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsloggern an"
09/01/2024 - Es ist Hochsaison für chilenische Kirschen. Da das Import- und Exportvolumen des Obstsektors steigt, ist auch die Nachfrage nach USB-Temperaturloggern für die Logistik höher als im gleichen Zeitraum des letzten Jahres. Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences ist ein Hersteller und Verkäufer von Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsloggern. Der Absatz der Metech-USB-Ein…

Cile, L’Export Sale Del 10% A Valore: In Testa Le Ciliegie

Cherry market sluggish after the holiday season, Vietnamese Kanyao enters peak season
08/01/2024 - In the past two weeks, seaborne Chilean cherries have arrived intensively. It is understood that due to the New Year's Day holiday last week and the satisfactory quality of some arrivals, the price of cherries gradually increased in the days before the end of the year. The sales performed well, and the…

Joinfruit, Progetto Sociale Con Nuova Linea Di Confetture

Addio A Francesco Tagliani, Pioniere Del Vivaismo Frutticolo

La innovación ayudó a los productores de cerezas chilenos a cosechar 11 días antes de lo habitual
03/01/2024 - A finales de 2023, la innovación tecnológica ayudó a los productores de cerezas chilenos a cosechar sus frutas 11 días antes de lo habitual, lo cual creó una ventaja competitiva en el mercado chino. Héctor Sepúlveda-Melita, agricultor y exportador de cerezas de Chile, explica: 'En la primera semana de…

Nächste Woche findet in Neuseeland die nationale Meisterschaft im Kirschkernspucken statt
03/01/2024 - Die neuseeländischen Meisterschaften im Kirschkernweitspucken sollen am 27. Dezember 2023 in Cromwell, in den Gärten von McNulty House neben dem Dunstan-See, ausgetragen werden. Diese einzigartige Veranstaltung zieht Teilnehmer aller Altersgruppen an, von jungen Enthusiasten bis zu erfahrenen Wettbewerbern. Beim letztjährigen Wettbewerb gab es eine enge t…

Lorenz Boll: "We should be able to expect a minimum level of reliability from our politics"
03/01/2024 - 'I would describe the fiscal year 2023 as satisfactory to very good,' says Lorenz Boll, Managing Director of OGS Obst- und Gemüsevertrieb Südbaden. 'The cultivation of summer products, namely strawberries, cherries and asparagus, has increased in our company. The farms have invested more, especially in…

"Tendremos un 65% menos de variedades de cerezas tempranas"
02/01/2024 - Al principio, los productores chilenos de cerezas esperaban una buena temporada, con buenos volúmenes de fruta, pero las lluvias de noviembre echaron todo por tierra. El país también sufrió inundaciones durante el invierno, a las que no están acostumbrados. 'En primavera, justo antes de la cosecha, llovió en nuestras zonas productoras de cerezas, y diez días después, jus…

"La temporada de cereza chilena impulsa las ventas de registradores desechables de temperatura y humedad USB"
02/01/2024 - Es temporada alta de cerezas chilenas. A medida que repunta el volumen de importación y exportación del sector frutícola, la demanda del mercado para los registradores de temperatura utilizados en logística también es mayor que en el mismo periodo del año anterior. Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences…

Tasmanian cherry farmers lose 60 per cent of their harvest to rain and splitting
02/01/2024 - Recent extreme rainfall in Tasmania has meant at one family-run operation in the state's north, a bumper crop has gone bad. Gene and Laura Marshall of North Motton Cherries estimate that they have lost more than 60 per cent of their harvest due to last week's rain alone. Last Wednesday night, Gene and…

Clear skies have made Marlborough cherry producers happy
02/01/2024 - In the run-up to Christmas, Blair McLean said hundreds of tonnes of cherries were being harvested each day from his family’s Cherrybank Orchard near Spring Creek. Professional pickers started on November 20. This was a great season with fine weather in November and December and good local prices, he…

Innovation helped Chilean cherry growers harvest their fruits 11 days earlier than usual
02/01/2024 - At the end of 2023, technological innovation helped Chilean cherry growers harvest their fruits 11 days earlier than usual, creating a competitive edge in the Chinese market. Hector Sepulveda-Melita, a cherry farmer and exporter from Chile: ' (In) the first week of November, we started with the earliest…

El Puerto de San Antonio recibirá el primer cargamento de cerezas de la temporada movilizado en tren
22/12/2023 - Las primeras cerezas transportadas por tren ya han iniciado su camino hacia el Puerto de San Antonio. En total, son 31 contenedores de carga asociados a la empresa A.P. Møller-Mærsk, con origen en Teno, en la Región del Maule, que marcan el comienzo de una nueva temporada de transporte de cerezas por…

Lorenz Boll: "Wir sollten ein Mindestmaß an Verlässlichkeit von unserer Politik erwarten dürfen"
22/12/2023 - 'Das Geschäftsjahr 2023 würde ich als zufriedenstellend bis sehr gut bezeichnen“, sagt Lorenz Boll, Geschäftsführer der OGS Obst- und Gemüsevertrieb Südbaden GmbH. 'Der Anbau von Sommerprodukten, sprich Erdbeeren, Kirschen und Spargel, hat bei uns zugenommen. Die Betriebe haben mehr investiert, vor allem…

"This year was the hardest fig season I have ever experienced"
22/12/2023 - The year 2023 is coming to a close and it’s been a season of ups and downs. Yigit Gokyigit, commercial coordinator for Turkish fresh produce exporter Alanar states they were especially happy with their cherry season this year: “2023 was challenging for Alanar for some fruits due to the weather…

“Chilean cherry season boosts sales of disposable USB temperature and humidity recorders”
22/12/2023 - It is the peak season for Chilean cherries. As the import and export volume of the fruit industry rebounds, the market demand for temperature recorders used in logistics is also higher than in the same period last year. Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences Co., Ltd is a manufacturer and seller of temperature…

“We will be around 65% down on the early varieties, mid-season varieties may also be down"
22/12/2023 - Initially Chilean cherry growers were expecting a good season with good volumes of fruit, but rain in November put paid to that. The country also saw floods through the winter which they were not accustomed to. “In the spring, just before harvest we got rain in our cherry growing regions, then 10 days…

"This year was the hardest fig season I have ever experienced"
22/12/2023 - The year 2023 is coming to a close and it’s been a season of ups and downs. Yigit Gokyigit, commercial coordinator for Turkish fresh produce exporter Alanar states they were especially happy with their cherry season this year: “2023 was challenging for Alanar for some fruits due to the weather…

“Chilean cherry season boosts sales of disposable USB temperature and humidity recorders”
22/12/2023 - It is the peak season for Chilean cherries. As the import and export volume of the fruit industry rebounds, the market demand for temperature recorders used in logistics is also higher than in the same period last year. Beijing Sino-Agricultural Biosciences Co., Ltd is a manufacturer and seller of temperature…

“We’ve had excellent pre-season interest from existing and developing markets in Asia"
22/12/2023 - New Zealand cherry producer Southern Fruits International expects to send up to 340 tonnes of cherries to the global market this summer – just over double that of the volume sent last year. It will be the second commercial year on the market for Southern Fruits International’s Beyond brand cherries…

“We’ve had excellent pre-season interest from existing and developing markets in Asia"
22/12/2023 - New Zealand cherry producer Southern Fruits International expects to send up to 340 tonnes of cherries to the global market this summer – just over double that of the volume sent last year. It will be the second commercial year on the market for Southern Fruits International’s Beyond brand cherries…

La prossima settimana la Nuova Zelanda ospiterà il campionato nazionale di sputo del nocciolo di ciliegia
21/12/2023 - Il Campionato Nazionale di Sputo del Nocciolo di Ciliegia della Nuova Zelanda è in programma a Cromwell, nei giardini della McNulty House sulla sponda del Lago Dunstan, il 27 dicembre 2023. Questo evento unico attira concorrenti di tutte le età, da giovani entusiasti a partecipanti esperti. L'anno scorso,…

La semaine prochaine, la Nouvelle-Zélande accueillera le championnat national de crachats de noyaux de cerise.
21/12/2023 - Le Championnat National Néo-Zélandais de Crachat de Noyau de Cerise est prévu pour se dérouler à Cromwell, dans les jardins de la McNulty House, au bord du lac Dunstan, le 27 décembre 2023. Cet événement unique attire des participants de tous âges, des jeunes enthousiastes aux participants expérimentés. L'année…

Más del 80% de la cosecha de cerezas en Río Negro se había realizado antes de las tormentas
21/12/2023 - El equipo de fruticultura del Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico y Productivo de Río Negro realizó una recorrida por las empresas productoras de cerezas de Chimpay, con el objetivo de acompañar a las empresas productoras tras los daños causados por la tormenta del pasado sábado. “Siempre estamos sujetos…

Neue Modellanlage am Obstinformationszentrum Fränkische Schweiz
21/12/2023 - Der Obstbau steht immer wieder vor neuen Herausforderungen. Der Klimawandel ist schon längst spürbar. Die Pflanzen müssen sich besser an das sich verändernde Klima mithilfe von neuen Sorten- und Unterlagen anpassen. Dabei dreht sich das Sortenkarussell gerade bei Süßkirschen immer schneller und viele…

FirstFruits Farms acquires Midwest and East Coast apple growers
21/12/2023 - FirstFruits Farms has successfully acquired Applewood Orchards and Applewood Fresh Growers. Working jointly, FirstFruits Farms and Applewood Orchards aim to provide customers with more diverse product offerings including apples, cherries and pears. This collaboration not only bolsters volume capabilities…

Next week New Zealand will host the national cherry stone spitting championship
21/12/2023 - The New Zealand National Cherry Stone Spitting Championship is set to take place in Cromwell, at the McNulty House gardens beside Lake Dunstan, on December 27, 2023. This unique event attracts contestants of all ages, from young enthusiasts to experienced participants. Last year, the competition saw a close…

Buona domanda di litchi dal Sudafrica e di ciliegie dal Cile
20/12/2023 - Secondo Helmut Bienek, amministratore delegato di Bienek Fruchthandel, i litchi hanno smesso da tempo di essere un prodotto di nicchia. 'I litchi e le ciliegie stanno diventando sempre più popolari, soprattutto a Natale. I litchi arrivano in aereo dal Sudafrica. La qualità è molto buona e i prezzi sono…

"El mercado chino premia la buena calidad de las cerezas chilenas con altos precios"
20/12/2023 - Debido a la menor llegada de cerezas chilenas a China, una de las primeras empresas en ver su carga aérea llegar a ese mercado y agotarse rápidamente espera que lleguen más contenedores ahora en la temporada alta a precios más elevados. 'La fruta con buena llegada se vendió a precios elevados. Debido al…

Cerezas chilenas y uvas rojas peruanas en el mercado
20/12/2023 - El primer gran barco de cerezas chilenas de esta temporada llegó al puerto el pasado fin de semana, y a principios de esta semana empezó a distribuirse en el mercado. Según se informa, este lote de productos marítimos incluye variedades como Santina y Royal Dawn, siendo Santina la más abundante. Las…

"We started around four days earlier than normal due to the warm sunny days leading up to harvest"
20/12/2023 - The cherry harvest is underway in Central Otago, New Zealand and exports have already started for Pure Pac who grow over 75 hectares of cherries in the region. “We started picking last Wednesday, around four days earlier than normal due to the warm sunny days leading up to harvest,” said Jeff Chambers, Sales…

"We started around four days earlier than normal due to the warm sunny days leading up to harvest"
20/12/2023 - The cherry harvest is underway in Central Otago, New Zealand and exports have already started for Pure Pac who grow over 75 hectares of cherries in the region. “We started picking last Wednesday, around four days earlier than normal due to the warm sunny days leading up to harvest,” said Jeff Chambers, Sales…

“China market rewards good quality Chilean cherries with high prices”
20/12/2023 - Due to lower arrivals of Chilean cherries in China, one of the first companies to see their airfreight reach that market and sell out quickly, expect more containers to arrive now in the peak season at higher prices. “Fruit with good arrival were sold at high prices. Due to the low volume into the Cautin…

Ciliegie cilene, grazie a Unitec risultati top anche in una campagna complessa
19/12/2023 - [image: Unitec ciliegie Cherry Vision] Cherry Vision 3.0 di Unitec Il team UNITEC, grazie anche alla filiale UNITEC Chile, sta lavorando in partnership con i suoi clienti per garantire gli elevati standard di qualità richiesti dal mercato. Le soluzioni tecnologiche di UNITEC, insieme all’incessante lavoro del proprio team che opera in Cile, stanno permettendo ai clienti di affrontare con fid...

"La demanda de lichis de Sudáfrica y cerezas de Chile es buena en Alemania"
19/12/2023 - Los lichis hace tiempo que han dejado de ser un producto de nicho, afirma Helmut Bienek, director general de Bienek Fruchthandels GmbH, con sede en el mercado mayorista de la ciudad alemana de Múnich. 'Los lichis y las cerezas son cada vez más populares, especialmente en la época navideña. Los lichis se…

“China market rewards good quality Chilean cherries with high prices”
19/12/2023 - Due to lower arrivals of Chilean cherries in China, one of the first companies to see their airfreight reach that market and sell out quickly, expect more containers to arrive now in the peak season at higher prices. “Fruit with good arrival were sold at high prices. Due to the low volume into the Cautin…

Sea-freight Chilean cherries on sale, Peruvian red grapes are on the market.
19/12/2023 - This season’s first seaborne Chilean cherry ship arrived at the port last weekend, and containers were opened in the market one after another at the beginning of this week. It is understood that the shipping varieties of this batch include Santina, and Royal Dawn, with Santina being the most common. The…

Sea-freight Chilean cherries on sale, Peruvian red grapes are on the market.
19/12/2023 - This season’s first seaborne Chilean cherry ship arrived at the port last weekend, and containers were opened in the market one after another at the beginning of this week. It is understood that the shipping varieties of this batch include Santina, and Royal Dawn, with Santina being the most common. The…

Unitec Aiuta Le Ciliegie Cilene: “Con Cherry Vision 3 Garantito L’Export Verso Il Far East”

Los resultados le dan la razón a las cubiertas y mallas negras en el cultivo de cerezos en Chile
18/12/2023 - En medio de una temporada inusualmente desafiante para los productores de cerezas, aquellos que optaron por anticipar su producción y proteger sus cultivos con mallas negras lograron sortear en parte los desafíos climáticos. El invierno más cálido de lo esperado y las abundantes lluvias en octubre y…

Cherry prices set to increase after storms in South Australia
18/12/2023 - Cherry growers near Adelaide Hills have seen their crops wiped out during peak harvest season, with prices surging because of supply shortages. Recent storms wreaked havoc on crops in NSW and SA, slashing some growers’ outputs by up to 80 per cent. South Australia has seen its heaviest December rain in…

Good demand for lychees from South Africa and cherries from Chile
18/12/2023 - Lychees have long ceased to be a niche product, according to Helmut Bienek, Managing Director of Bienek Fruchthandels. 'Lychees and cherries are becoming increasingly popular, especially at Christmas. The lychees are flown in from South Africa. The quality is very good and the prices are reasonable.…

Good demand for lychees from South Africa and cherries from Chile
18/12/2023 - Lychees have long ceased to be a niche product, according to Helmut Bienek, Managing Director of Bienek Fruchthandels. 'Lychees and cherries are becoming increasingly popular, especially at Christmas. The lychees are flown in from South Africa. The quality is very good and the prices are reasonable.…

Ciliegie, In Argentina Regna L’Ottimismo Nonostante Cali E Ritardi Produttivi

Llega a Hong Kong al primer Cherry Express de la temporada
15/12/2023 - El primer Cherry Express de esta temporada, el Cautín, llegó a Hong Kong la noche del 10 de diciembre, cargado con un centenar de contenedores de cerezas chilenas. Los contenedores empezaron a llegar al mercado mayorista uno tras otro en la mañana del 11 de diciembre. El primer día de botadura, acudió un gran número de comerciantes de fruta, y el ambiente estuvo muy animado…

Gute Nachfrage für Litschis aus Südafrika und Kirschen aus Chile
15/12/2023 - Litschis sind seit Langem kein Nischenprodukt mehr, so Helmut Bienek, Geschäftsführer der Bienek Fruchthandels GmbH. 'Litschis und Kirschen werden vor allem zu Weihnachten zunehmend beliebter. Bei den Litschis handelt es sich um Flugware aus Südafrika. Die Qualitäten sind sehr gut, die Preise sind…

Outlook for Central Otago cherries more and more promising in the coming season
15/12/2023 - A report from the NZ Ministry for Primary Industries shows a strong future for New Zealand horticulture; forecast export revenue was rising to $8.19 billion by 2025. The report highlighted the strong growth of cherries, which are mainly grown in Central Otago. Cherries are an increasingly promising crop…

Outlook for Central Otago cherries more and more promising in the coming season
15/12/2023 - A report from the NZ Ministry for Primary Industries shows a strong future for New Zealand horticulture; forecast export revenue was rising to $8.19 billion by 2025. The report highlighted the strong growth of cherries, which are mainly grown in Central Otago. Cherries are an increasingly promising crop…

Fruitimprese, Un’Associazione Da 8 Miliardi Di Euro. Ieri Cena Di Fine Anno Per Il Veneto

Arriva sul mercato cinese il primo lotto di ciliegie cilene spedite via mare

El precio de las cerezas chinas es referencia para las chilenas en otros mercados
14/12/2023 - Como los primeros contenedores marítimos de cerezas procedentes de Chile han empezado a llegar a China esta semana, los precios más altos de ese mercado son los precios de referencia para los compradores europeos y de otros países. 'Tengo algunos clientes europeos en España que están intentando comprar…

Süßkirschen, Johannisbeeren und Frühzwetschgen
14/12/2023 - Auf der Fruchtwelt Bodensee 2024 wird das Freiburger Unternehmen Artevos GmbH gleich vier innovative Obstsorten präsentieren. Es handelt sich um süße Früchtchen, die aber vor allem nicht nur „süß sein“ können, sondern auch durch weitere Merkmale Einzigartigkeit versprechen, heißt es in der Ankündigung.…

First "Cherry Express" of this season, the Cautín, arrived in Hong Kong
14/12/2023 - The first 'Cherry Express' of this season, the Cautín, arrived in Hong Kong on the evening of December 10, carrying about a hundred containers of Chilean cherries. Containers began to arrive at the wholesale market one after another on the morning of December 11. On the first day of launching, a large…

Los envíos de cerezas desde la región argentina de Río Negro a China comenzaron la semana pasada
13/12/2023 - La UE produce una amplia gama de frutas, berries y frutos secos. En 2022 se cosecharon 25,4 millones de toneladas (excluyendo los cítricos, las uvas y las fresas): 14,7 millones de toneladas de frutas de pepita (manzanas y peras), 6,3 millones de toneladas de frutas de hueso (melocotones, nectarinas, albaricoques, cerezas y ciruelas), 2,6 millones de toneladas de frutas subtropica…

"Buena demanda europea y china de arándanos y cerezas de Chile"
13/12/2023 - There have been relatively few air-freighted, high quality Chilean cherries on the market recently and those that do arrive have sold out almost immediately. The prices of such high-quality products (especially branded products) have increased, slightly deviating from the recent market trend. Also, the…

Menos manzanas estadounidenses en el mercado y vasitos de arándanos de Yunnan
13/12/2023 - With the import of 574,046 tons of fresh fruit, China is the second largest destination for Chilean fresh fruit. Cherries, with 63% of the total volume, are the most exported product. Chilean cherries, whose season is currently in full swing, arrive at a crucial time in China: the Chinese New Year, which…

Tendencias y previsiones de la cereza y la uva de mesa para 2024
13/12/2023 - On December 9, the first shipment of seaborne Chilean cherries of this season, which all fruit merchants are eagerly awaiting, arrived in the domestic market and has been opened to the market, thus kicking off the 2023/2024 season of Chilean seaborne cherries. Then on December 10, another batch of…

Chinese cherry price the reference for Chilean cherries in other markets
13/12/2023 - With the import of 574,046 tons of fresh fruit, China is the second largest destination for Chilean fresh fruit. Cherries, with 63% of the total volume, are the most exported product. Chilean cherries, whose season is currently in full swing, arrive at a crucial time in China: the Chinese New Year, which…

Chinese cherry price the reference for Chilean cherries in other markets
13/12/2023 - There have been relatively few air-freighted, high quality Chilean cherries on the market recently and those that do arrive have sold out almost immediately. The prices of such high-quality products (especially branded products) have increased, slightly deviating from the recent market trend. Also, the…

Chinese cherry price the reference for Chilean cherries in other markets
13/12/2023 - On December 9, the first shipment of seaborne Chilean cherries of this season, which all fruit merchants are eagerly awaiting, arrived in the domestic market and has been opened to the market, thus kicking off the 2023/2024 season of Chilean seaborne cherries. Then on December 10, another batch of…

Chinese cherry price the reference for Chilean cherries in other markets
13/12/2023 - Aunque la lluvia en Chile ha provocado que se reduzcan la cosecha temprana de cereza y los volúmenes de exportación a China, el mercado continúa muy activo, se pagan buenos precios y se espera con ansias el primer 'oro rojo'. Amy Zeng, directora de compras en JF Fresh Fruit, radicada en Cantón, China,…

Chinese cherry price the reference for Chilean cherries in other markets

La UE es el mayor productor de cítricos pese a la sequía española
12/12/2023 - El 9 de diciembre llegó al mercado nacional el primer cargamento de cerezas chilenas de esta temporada, que todos los fruteros esperan con impaciencia, y se ha abierto al mercado, dando así el pistoletazo de salida a la temporada 2023/2024 de cerezas de importación chilenas. Luego, el 10 de diciembre,…

The first batch of sea-freight Chilean cherries arrives in the Chinese market
12/12/2023 - There have been relatively few air-freighted, high quality Chilean cherries on the market recently and those that do arrive have sold out almost immediately. The prices of such high-quality products (especially branded products) have increased, slightly deviating from the recent market trend. Also, the…

"La calidad de las cerezas chilenas que llegan a China es más alta que en años anteriores"
11/12/2023 - Aunque la lluvia en Chile ha provocado que se reduzcan la cosecha temprana de cereza y los volúmenes de exportación a China, el mercado continúa muy activo, se pagan buenos precios y se espera con ansias el primer 'oro rojo'. Amy Zeng, directora de compras en JF Fresh Fruit, radicada en Cantón, China,…

Vuelve a ser temporada de cerezas de Tasmania
11/12/2023 - Después de diez meses sin cerezas tasmanas, por fin ha terminado la espera; las cerezas tasmanas empezaron a llegar a las tiendas el 7 de diciembre. Peter Cornish, CEO de Fruit Growers of Tasmania, declaró: 'Ha sido un placer unirme hoy a la ministra de Industrias Primarias y Agua, Jo Palmer, y al…

“Good European and Chinese demand for blueberries and cherries from Chile”
11/12/2023 - The good demand from Europe for blueberries and from China for cherries from Chile is making up for the lower volumes says Cristóbal Valenzuela, Commercial Manager LATAM, of Jaguar the Fresh Company B.V. The first cherries of the Jaguar season that went to their office in China, Leopard. “Nowadays, the…

Jiangnonghui Wholesale Market aims to boost imports of Chilean cherries
11/12/2023 - With the import of 574,046 tons of fresh fruit, China is the second largest destination for Chilean fresh fruit. Cherries, with 63% of the total volume, are the most exported product. Chilean cherries, whose season is currently in full swing, arrive at a crucial time in China: the Chinese New Year, which…

Fewer arrivals of US apples, and small cups of Yunnan blueberries on the market
11/12/2023 - There have been relatively few air-freighted, high quality Chilean cherries on the market recently and those that do arrive have sold out almost immediately. The prices of such high-quality products (especially branded products) have increased, slightly deviating from the recent market trend. Also, the…

Radicchio Di Chioggia Igp, Tra Campagna Di Promozione E Cocktail Dedicati In Attesa Di Natale

Europäische Union trotz spanischer Dürre größter Zitrusfrüchteproduzent
08/12/2023 - Die Europäische Union produziert eine breite Palette von Obst, Beeren und Nüsse. Insgesamt wurden 25,4 Millionen Tonnen im Jahr2022 geerntet (ohne Zitrusfrüchte, Tafeltrauben und Erdbeeren),wovon 14,7 Millionen Tonnen auf Kernobst (Äpfelund Birnen), 6,3 Millionen Tonnen Steinobst (Pfirsiche,Nektarinen, Aprikosen, Kirschen und Pflaumen), 2,6 MillionenTonnen waren sub…

“Chilean cherry quality arriving in China this year is higher than in previous years”
08/12/2023 - While the rain in Chile caused a reduction in the early harvesting and export volumes of cherries to China, the market is still very active, paying good prices and looking forward to receive the ‘red gold’. Amy Zeng, Purchasing Manager at JF Fresh Fruit based in Guangdong, China, says: “Rains caused the…

“Chilean cherry quality arriving in China this year is higher than in previous years”
08/12/2023 - While the rain in Chile caused a reduction in the early harvesting and export volumes of cherries to China, the market is still very active, paying good prices and looking forward to receive the ‘red gold’. Amy Zeng, Purchasing Manager at JF Fresh Fruit based in Guangdong, China, says: “Rains caused the…

Significant crop damage just before the crucial Christmas period
08/12/2023 - New South Wales, a region famed for its vibrant cherry production, has recently faced a devastating blow due to unexpected hailstorms on Saturday, December 2nd. This severe weather, characterised by heavy rains and strong winds, has particularly affected cherry orchards, leading to significant crop…

Cherry and table grape trends and predictions for 2024
08/12/2023 - The BLOOM FRESH executive team has released predictions for 2024's table grapes and cherries. #1: Low-chill cherries get a boost: Alwyn van Jaarsveld, international commercial cherry manager says climate issues have challenged cherry growers and recent seasons in California and Chile have been difficult…

Significant crop damage just before the crucial Christmas period
08/12/2023 - New South Wales, a region famed for its vibrant cherry production, has recently faced a devastating blow due to unexpected hailstorms on Saturday, December 2nd. This severe weather, characterised by heavy rains and strong winds, has particularly affected cherry orchards, leading to significant crop…

Cherry and table grape trends and predictions for 2024
08/12/2023 - The BLOOM FRESH executive team has released predictions for 2024's table grapes and cherries. #1: Low-chill cherries get a boost: Alwyn van Jaarsveld, international commercial cherry manager says climate issues have challenged cherry growers and recent seasons in California and Chile have been difficult…

El Mercado Mayorista de Jiangnonghui apuesta potenciar la importación de cerezas chilenas
07/12/2023 - Con la recepción de 574.046 toneladas de frutas frescas, China se ubica como el segundo mayor destino para las frutas frescas de Chile, siendo la cereza, con un 63% del volumen total, el principal producto exportado. Las cerezas chilenas, actualmente en plena temporada, llegan en un momento crucial a…

Tasmanian cherries in season again
07/12/2023 - After going without Tasmanian cherries for the last 10 months, the wait is finally over – Tasmanian cherries started arriving in store from today, 7 December, 2023. Peter Cornish, CEO of Fruit Growers of Tasmania, “I was delighted to join Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jo Palmer, and leading…

Chilenische Kirscherzeuger erleiden aufgrund von Regen schwere Verluste
05/12/2023 - Laut einer Analyse des Beratungsunternehmens Colliers wurden chilenische Kirscherzeuger von den jüngsten Regenfällen schwer getroffen, die sich in der zentralen Südzone an einem...

Chilenische Kirscherzeuger erleiden aufgrund von Regen schwere Verluste
05/12/2023 - Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrived this week, and are very popular in the market. According to information from merchants, there are lots of buyers coming to check the fruits, but not purchasing many orders. The price of cherries continues to fall but is still higher than before. A 2.5kg package of…

Cerezas chilenas llegadas en avión y precios altos del durián en origen
05/12/2023 - La semana pasada llegaron cerezas chilenas por vía aérea, que son muy populares en el mercado. Según la información de los comerciantes, hay muchos compradores que van a ver las frutas, pero no adquieren muchos pedidos. El precio de las cerezas sigue bajando, pero sigue siendo más alto que antes. Un paquete de 2,5 kg de categoría JJ de la variedad Santina se vende a unos 400 ¥. La…

Cerezas chilenas llegadas en avión y precios altos del durián en origen
05/12/2023 - Ad numbers bounced back this week as new flyers replaced those that were extended over Thanksgiving. Retailers focused on holiday celebrations with offers designed to help shoppers maximize their budgets and fill stockings a little fuller. Holiday fruits like pomegranates, offshore cherries, cranberries,…

50% decline in Chile's early cherry production due to rains
05/12/2023 - In areas of Curicó, an important cherry production area in Chile, some orchards will reportedly only be able to deliver 20 to 30% of the initially expected harvest as a result of the impact of storms and rainfall. In early November, the losses, due to cracking, were still estimated at just 30%, but…

50% decline in Chile's early cherry production due to rains
05/12/2023 - In a special ceremony held in the Shanghai market, and with the presence of distributors and customers, the arrival of the first pallets of Camposol cherries, sent from Chile to China, was celebrated. The Camposol sales team. This first shipment was Santina cherries, considered one of the best in the…

50% decline in Chile's early cherry production due to rains
05/12/2023 - Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrived this week, and are very popular in the market. According to information from merchants, there are lots of buyers coming to check the fruits, but not purchasing many orders. The price of cherries continues to fall but is still higher than before. A 2.5kg package of…

Camposol: Erste Verladung von Kirschen nach China
04/12/2023 - Mit einer besonderen Zeremonie auf dem Großmarkt von Shanghai und in Anwesenheit wichtiger Händler und Kunden wurde die Ankunft der ersten Paletten mit CAMPOSOL-Kirschen gefeiert, die von...

Merma generalizada de un 50% de las cerezas tempranas en Chile debido a las lluvias
04/12/2023 - En zonas de Curicó, centro importante de la producción de esta fruta en Chile, se ve que algunos huertos solo podrán cosechar un 20 o 30% de lo esperado inicialmente, por causa de los temporales y precipitaciones “fuera de programa”. Si en los primeros días de noviembre se pensaba que la pérdida era de…

"El primer lote de cerezas exportado se agotó en pocas horas"
04/12/2023 - En una ceremonia llevada a cabo en el mercado de Shanghái y con la presencia de importantes distribuidores y clientes, se celebró la llegada de los primeros pallets de cerezas de Camposol, enviados desde Chile hacia China. Este primer envío se realizó vía aérea y correspondió a la variedad Santina, 'considerada…

Camposol verlädt erste Kirschen nach China
04/12/2023 - Mit einer besonderen Zeremonie auf dem Großmarkt von Shanghai und in Anwesenheit wichtiger Händler und Kunden wurde die Ankunft der ersten Paletten mit CAMPOSOL-Kirschen gefeiert, die von Chile nach China exportiert wurden. Diese erste Sendung wurde auf dem Luftweg transportiert und bestand aus Kirschen…

Celebrating the first shipment of cherries to China
04/12/2023 - Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrived this week, and are very popular in the market. According to information from merchants, there are lots of buyers coming to check the fruits, but not purchasing many orders. The price of cherries continues to fall but is still higher than before. A 2.5kg package of…

Celebrating the first shipment of cherries to China
04/12/2023 - Ad numbers bounced back this week as new flyers replaced those that were extended over Thanksgiving. Retailers focused on holiday celebrations with offers designed to help shoppers maximize their budgets and fill stockings a little fuller. Holiday fruits like pomegranates, offshore cherries, cranberries,…

Retailers focused on holiday celebrations with offers
04/12/2023 - Ad numbers bounced back this week as new flyers replaced those that were extended over Thanksgiving. Retailers focused on holiday celebrations with offers designed to help shoppers maximize their budgets and fill stockings a little fuller. Holiday fruits like pomegranates, offshore cherries, cranberries,…

Celebrating the first shipment of cherries to China
04/12/2023 - In a special ceremony held in the Shanghai market, and with the presence of distributors and customers, the arrival of the first pallets of Camposol cherries, sent from Chile to China, was celebrated. The Camposol sales team. This first shipment was Santina cherries, considered one of the best in the…

Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrive intensively, while durian prices are high at origin
04/12/2023 - Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrived this week, and are very popular in the market. According to information from merchants, there are lots of buyers coming to check the fruits, but not purchasing many orders. The price of cherries continues to fall but is still higher than before. A 2.5kg package of…

Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrive intensively, while durian prices are high at origin
04/12/2023 - Mit einer besonderen Zeremonie auf dem Großmarkt von Shanghai und in Anwesenheit wichtiger Händler und Kunden wurde die Ankunft der ersten Paletten mit CAMPOSOL-Kirschen gefeiert, die von Chile nach China exportiert wurden. Diese erste Sendung wurde auf dem Luftweg transportiert und bestand aus Kirschen…

Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrive intensively, while durian prices are high at origin
04/12/2023 - Ad numbers bounced back this week as new flyers replaced those that were extended over Thanksgiving. Retailers focused on holiday celebrations with offers designed to help shoppers maximize their budgets and fill stockings a little fuller. Holiday fruits like pomegranates, offshore cherries, cranberries,…

Air-freighted Chilean cherries arrive intensively, while durian prices are high at origin

El transporte marítimo impulsará la disponibilidad de cerezas en las tiendas norteamericanas
01/12/2023 - Se espera que la cosecha de cerezas de Chile sea ligeramente inferior a la de 2022-2023. Aunque la superficie cultivada sigue aumentando cada año, las condiciones meteorológicas tendrán un impacto negativo en el volumen de este año. 'Si el país tuviera una cosecha completa, superaría con creces los 100 millones de cajas (5 kg) esta temporada', afirma Richard Isaacs, de la ca…

New South Wales cherry harvest hit by storms
01/12/2023 - In New South Wales, hundreds of tons of ripe cherries have had to be dumped after heavy rains. Fiona Hall is the general manager of Biteriot. The Biteriot orchards grow premium cherry varieties, including the classic Christmas ‘Stella’ cherry. The orchard in Gulgong was about to reach its peak when heavy…

Camposol, Arrivate A Shanghai Le Prime Ciliegie Inviate Dal Cile Alla Cina
01/12/2023 - En zonas de Curicó, centro importante de la producción de esta fruta en Chile, se ve que algunos huertos solo podrán cosechar un 20 o 30% de lo esperado inicialmente, por causa de los temporales y precipitaciones “fuera de programa”. Si en los primeros días de noviembre se pensaba que la pérdida era de…

Camposol, Arrivate A Shanghai Le Prime Ciliegie Inviate Dal Cile Alla Cina

Ocean freight will drive availability of cherries in North American stores
30/11/2023 - Chile’s cherry crop is expected to be slightly smaller than the 2022-2023 crop. While the acreage continues to expand every year, weather conditions will have a negative impact on this year’s volume. “If the country had a full crop, it would be well in excess of 100 million (5 kg.) cartons this season,”…

Christine Scalzi Crowned 2023 Cherry Queen as auction raises $60,000 for Variety SA
30/11/2023 - The San Antonio Trucking Business Association (AGEC) might stop activities and start a blockade due to various problems they claim to have in two container depots. A move like this would disrupt activities at Chile’s main port between receiving Christmas shipments and the start of the cherry export…

Christine Scalzi Crowned 2023 Cherry Queen as auction raises $60,000 for Variety SA
30/11/2023 - In Tajikistan, the Ministry of Agriculture reveals a remarkable increase in fruit production, surpassing last year's yield by 47,000 tons. As of November 20, over 456,000 tons of various fruits have been harvested, with cherries, apricots, apples, plums, and lemons leading the surge in output. However,…

Christine Scalzi Crowned 2023 Cherry Queen as auction raises $60,000 for Variety SA
30/11/2023 - Das Chilenische Kirschkomitee, das mehr als 85 % der Menge der weltweiten chilenischen Kirschexporte repräsentiert, hat seine zweite Schätzung für 2023/24 veröffentlicht. Die neue...

Christine Scalzi Crowned 2023 Cherry Queen as auction raises $60,000 for Variety SA
30/11/2023 - Cherry picking at Koala Cherries located in Yarck Victoria, started on the 7th of November, a week earlier that average. Good soil moisture throughout spring and drier conditions than usual since harvest granted excellent growing conditions this year. With the excellent growing conditions, there are no…

Christine Scalzi Crowned 2023 Cherry Queen as auction raises $60,000 for Variety SA
30/11/2023 - Affected by rainfall in the production areas of Chile, the arrival volume of air-freighted cherries from Chile was small in the first half of the week, with only a few shipments arriving at the market each time. However, the quantity increased significantly in the second half of the week. The quality of…

Christine Scalzi Crowned 2023 Cherry Queen as auction raises $60,000 for Variety SA

Ocean freight will drive availability of cherries in North American stores
30/11/2023 - Last week, albeit a little later than usual, SFI Rotterdam received its first Chilean cherries. 'You can blame that on the rain, especially in the Curicó production area. Several growers suffered significant damage, but the harvest is now underway,' says Jan Marc Schulz. 'Despite the huge demand from China,…

Ocean freight will drive availability of cherries in North American stores
30/11/2023 - Kazakhstan is set to export peaches, cherries, and plums to China, following the signing of a phytosanitary protocol between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan and China's General Administration of Customs (GAC) in Astana on November 27. The Republic of Kazakhstan's Ministry of…

Ocean freight will drive availability of cherries in North American stores
30/11/2023 - Am 31. Oktober kündigte Marc Fesneau, der Französische Minister für Landwirtschaft und Ernährungssouveränität, die Eröffnung eines Sonderhilfesystems an, das...

Ocean freight will drive availability of cherries in North American stores
30/11/2023 - Affected by rainfall in the production areas of Chile, the arrival volume of air-freighted cherries from Chile was small in the first half of the week, with only a few shipments arriving at the market each time. However, the quantity increased significantly in the second half of the week. The quality of…

Ocean freight will drive availability of cherries in North American stores

"La cereza chilena es un producto de nicho demandado durante el período previo a la Navidad"

"We are seeing a good crop set on all blocks and are expecting the biggest volume of cherries ever"
29/11/2023 - Last week, albeit a little later than usual, SFI Rotterdam received its first Chilean cherries. 'You can blame that on the rain, especially in the Curicó production area. Several growers suffered significant damage, but the harvest is now underway,' says Jan Marc Schulz. 'Despite the huge demand from China,…

Prognose für chilenische Kirschen nach unten korrigiert
27/11/2023 - Das Chilenische Kirschkomitee, das mehr als 85 % der Menge der weltweiten chilenischen Kirschexporte repräsentiert, hat seine zweite Schätzung für 2023/24 veröffentlicht. Die neue...

Romagna, Numeri Drammatici Per La Frutta, Cia: “Serve Ricostruire Il Futuro”

Nel Veronese In 10 Anni Dimezzate Le Produzioni Di Ciliegie, Pesche E Fragole

Dal Caldo Al Gelo In Poche Ore, L’Ortofrutta Pugliese Va In Tilt

AGEC prepared to set up a blockade due to problems at container depots
24/11/2023 - The San Antonio Trucking Business Association (AGEC) might stop activities and start a blockade due to various problems they claim to have in two container depots. A move like this would disrupt activities at Chile’s main port between receiving Christmas shipments and the start of the cherry export…

Tajikistan reports bumper fruit harvest, but prices soar
24/11/2023 - In Tajikistan, the Ministry of Agriculture reveals a remarkable increase in fruit production, surpassing last year's yield by 47,000 tons. As of November 20, over 456,000 tons of various fruits have been harvested, with cherries, apricots, apples, plums, and lemons leading the surge in output. However,…

Cherry grower gains early data advantage
23/11/2023 - As Chile’s cherry harvest ramps up, producers and packers are gaining the benefits of a new AI solution, Spectre for Cherries S.A. Built specifically for the South American cherry industry, the technology is delivering critical cherry size and color data, earlier than ever before. Hectre developed…

Cherry grower gains early data advantage
23/11/2023 - As Chile’s cherry harvest ramps up, producers and packers are gaining the benefits of a new AI solution, Spectre for Cherries S.A. Built specifically for the South American cherry industry, the technology is delivering critical cherry size and color data, earlier than ever before. Hectre developed…

New production estimate for Chilean cherries
22/11/2023 - The Chilean Cherry Committee, which represents more than 85 percent of the volume of global Chilean cherry exports, released its second estimate for 2023-2024. The new estimate considers the impact of rains this season. The Committee forecasts global exports of 81,477,564 million boxes (5 kilos each), a…

Estimates are the rain in November damaged 30% of Chile's early cherries
22/11/2023 - The fruit guild has already begun to estimate the possible damage that the intense rains that affected the central and southern areas of Chile last weekend will have on the 2023/2024 season. 'We're still assessing damages, but it seems this climate front damaged 30% of the early fruit,' stated Jorge…

New production estimate for Chilean cherries
22/11/2023 - The Chilean Cherry Committee, which represents more than 85 percent of the volume of global Chilean cherry exports, released its second estimate for 2023-2024. The new estimate considers the impact of rains this season. The Committee forecasts global exports of 81,477,564 million boxes (5 kilos each), a…

Estimates are the rain in November damaged 30% of Chile's early cherries
22/11/2023 - The fruit guild has already begun to estimate the possible damage that the intense rains that affected the central and southern areas of Chile last weekend will have on the 2023/2024 season. 'We're still assessing damages, but it seems this climate front damaged 30% of the early fruit,' stated Jorge…

La estimación de cosecha de cerezas en Chile se reduce casi un 15% por las adversidades climáticas
21/11/2023 - El Comité de Cerezas de Frutas de Chile, que representa más del 85% del volumen de las exportaciones chilenas de cerezas enviadas al mundo, dio a conocer su segunda estimación para la temporada 2023-2024, la cual recoge efectos climáticos adversos que ha enfrentado este sector. De esta forma, la segunda…

Las nectarinas australianas llegan al mercado, mientras descienden las llegadas de cerezas por vía aérea
21/11/2023 - La llegada de cerezas por vía aérea esta semana ha sido relativamente concentrada, con un aumento significativo de volumen, especificación y variedades en comparación con semanas anteriores. Además de Brooks, las variedades a la venta incluyen Santina, Royal Dawn y Bing, entre las que Santina representa una proporción relativamente grande. La textura general es bu…

Taoying Village, the hometown of Agate Red cherries
21/11/2023 - Located in China, Guizhou Province, Bijie City, Nayong County, Taoying Village is renowned as the hometown of Agate Red cherries. During the cherry season, the busy villagers of Taoying are bustling with activity. Xiao Jun, the Party Branch Secretary of Taoying Village and the Director of the Village…

Estiman un 30% de daños en las cerezas tempranas de Chile tras las lluvias de noviembre
20/11/2023 - Tras las intensas lluvias que afectaron a la zona central y sur el pasado fin de semana, el gremio frutícola ya comienza a estimar los posibles daños que tendrá la cosecha de la temporada 2023/2024. De acuerdo con Jorge Valenzuela, presidente de Fedefruta, el daño provocado por este frente climático…

Arrivals of air-freighted cherries down, Australian nectarines hit the market
20/11/2023 - The arrival of air-freighted cherries this week was relatively concentrated, with a significant increase in quantity, specification and variety compared to previous weeks. In addition to Brooks, the varieties on sale include Santina, Royal Dawn, and Bing, among which Santina accounts for a relatively…

Arrivals of air-freighted cherries down, Australian nectarines hit the market
20/11/2023 - The arrival of air-freighted cherries this week was relatively concentrated, with a significant increase in quantity, specification and variety compared to previous weeks. In addition to Brooks, the varieties on sale include Santina, Royal Dawn, and Bing, among which Santina accounts for a relatively…

Brown rot and splitting are affecting Chilean cherries at the start of the 2023/24 campaign
17/11/2023 - According to Jean Paul Joublan, an advisor to the Premium Fruits company, the rains and high humidity during the spring months in Chile could cause the cherries to develop brown rot more frequently. In fact, there are fruits of the 2023-2024 campaign harvest that are affected by both pathologies.…

Rain impacts early cherry harvest in central Chile
17/11/2023 - After two bouts of heavier than predicted rain over the past two weeks across central Chile, cherry producers have started to see some cracking in early varieties of Santina and Royal dawn reportedly seeing up to 20% damage. Santina cherries showing some cracking after the rains in central Chile. Because…

Chilean Cherry Committee estimates 101 million boxes of cherries for export this season
15/11/2023 - Cherry production in the Southern Hemisphere has seen big increases in recent years. Notably, cherry exports from Chile have seen significant growth, with volumes increasing from 10 million boxes a decade ago to 83 million boxes last year. The Chilean Cherry Committee estimates a further increase to 101…

Chilean Cherry Committee expects to export 101 million boxes of cherries to US this season
15/11/2023 - The expansion of production in the Southern Hemisphere is providing US retailers with increased options to meet the demand for fresh produce in the late fall and winter. Notably, cherry imports from Chile to the United States have seen significant growth, with volumes increasing from 10 million boxes a…

Mendoza expects to harvest more than 7,000 tons of cherries
15/11/2023 - According to the projections of the Ministry of Economy and Energy, made through the Institute of Rural Development (IDR), Mendoza will produce 7,068 tons of cherries this season. It should be noted that more than 72% of the area in production (485 hectares) is implemented in the departments that make up…

Chilean Cherry Committee estimates 101 million boxes of cherries for export this season
15/11/2023 - Cherry production in the Southern Hemisphere has seen big increases in recent years. Notably, cherry exports from Chile have seen significant growth, with volumes increasing from 10 million boxes a decade ago to 83 million boxes last year. The Chilean Cherry Committee estimates a further increase to 101…

Mendoza espera una cosecha de cerezas superior a 7.000 toneladas
14/11/2023 - De acuerdo con las proyecciones del Ministerio de Economía y Energía, realizadas a través del Instituto de Desarrollo Rural (IDR), el pronóstico de cosecha para esta temporada en Mendoza asciende a 7.068 toneladas. Cabe resaltar que más de 72% de la superficie en producción (485 hectáreas) se encuentran…

Good start to Yarra Valley Cherries' season
14/11/2023 - Yarra Valley Cherries, located in Seville in the Upper Yarra Valley started picking last week, with the early varieties coming off the tree indicating that pollination was good and that the rain came at the right time. They are currently picking the Merchant variety, and it is a big crop this year.…

Good start to Yarra Valley Cherries' season
14/11/2023 - Yarra Valley Cherries, located in Seville in the Upper Yarra Valley started picking last week, with the early varieties coming off the tree indicating that pollination was good and that the rain came at the right time. They are currently picking the Merchant variety, and it is a big crop this year.…

U.S. chief agricultural trade negotiator visits Pennsylvania apple orchard
10/11/2023 - Doug McKalip, the chief agricultural negotiator in the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), visited an apple orchard yesterday in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Ambassador McKalip toured Cherry Hill Orchards & Farm Market along with Jim Bair, president and CEO of USApple, and others in the…

Obstbauern erhalten Gelder von einem EU-Fonds
09/11/2023 - Französische Obstbauern erhalten Gelder von einem EU-Fonds für Landwirtschaft. Unterstützung sollen vor allem die Produzentinnen und Produzenten von Kirschen erhalten. Voraussetzung für die Beihilfe sind Umsatzeinbussen von mindestens 20%.

Iniziate le esportazioni di ciliegie, con un raccolto inferiore
08/11/2023 - Durante il volo per Johannesburg, Tanith Freeman ha portato con sé un ramo di ciliegio carico di frutti: alcuni chilogrammi di ciliegie in meno di un metro di lunghezza. Stava andando al lancio della nuova stagione delle ciliegie della Dutoit, un’occasione per introdurre i food blogger al mondo della…

Las exportaciones de cerezas australianas a China se recuperarán en la campaña 2023/24
08/11/2023 - Según informa el Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU., se prevé que la producción de cerezas de la campaña 2023/24 en Australia aumentará a 20.000 toneladas métricas (TM) desde la estimación revisada a la baja para la campaña 2022/23 de 17.000 TM. Sin embargo, la previsión de producción es un poco…

South Australian cherry season starts, just in time for the festive season
08/11/2023 - The SA cherry season has officially kicked off; cherry orchards have begun their annual harvest with the early varietals ready, signaling the end of a year-long wait. Lennane Orchards in Montacute and the organic haven of Cowlings at Norton Summit both report exceptional quality early-season produce.…

Mild autumn affects cherry and fig trees
08/11/2023 - Temperatures remain mild at well above 20°C in southern Italy despite the brief passing of the Ciaran storm. The prolonged heat is worrying producers, as they are afraid some crops will suffer because, in a normal situation, some species would enter a period of vegetative rest after losing their leaves,…

Un autunno mite manda in tilt le piante di ciliegio e fico

Hay buena demanda de cítricos nacionales y se vende un pequeño volumen de arándanos de Yunnan
07/11/2023 - La pasada semana siguió llegando un pequeño volumen de cerezas chilenas, incluidas variedades de maduración temprana como Brooks y Glen Red. Estuvieron disponibles en distintos tamaños, de los que el 3J representa una proporción relativamente grande. El número de llegadas en cada lote es de unas…

Chilean cherry producers show off special techniques at CIIE

Chilean cherry season about to start

Chilean cherry season about to start
07/11/2023 - Chilean cherry exporters are preparing for the new season. 'Currently, China is the main sourcing market for Chilean export companies. That demand increases annually. It's become difficult for the European market to compete with the Chinese market's purchasing prices. But, as harvesting progresses and…

Indagine Everli, Meno Della Metà Degli Italiani Mangia Frutta E Verdura Di Stagione: Ecco I Motivi

Chile focuses on expansion of cherry exports to China
06/11/2023 - A few days after producers started harvesting cherries in the earliest areas of central and southern Chile, a new frontal system affected these areas. The rains, which mainly affected producers in the O’Higgins and Maule region, not only damaged the fruit that was about to be harvested but also the roof…

Chile focuses on expansion of cherry exports to China

Domestic citrus is in good demand, and limited volumes of Yunnan blueberries are on sale
06/11/2023 - A few days after producers started harvesting cherries in the earliest areas of central and southern Chile, a new frontal system affected these areas. The rains, which mainly affected producers in the O’Higgins and Maule region, not only damaged the fruit that was about to be harvested but also the roof…

Les exportations de cerises débutent la semaine prochaine avec une récolte légèrement moins abondante
03/11/2023 - Pendant tout le vol vers Johannesburg, Tanith Freeman a bercé sur ses genoux une branche de cerisier lourdement chargée de fruits : quelques kilogrammes de cerises accrochées sur moins d'un mètre. Elle se rendait à la cérémonie de lancement de la nouvelle saison des cerises organisée par Dutoit, au cours…

The rains in central and southern Chile damaged structures and cracked cherries
03/11/2023 - A few days after producers started harvesting cherries in the earliest areas of central and southern Chile, a new frontal system affected these areas. The rains, which mainly affected producers in the O’Higgins and Maule region, not only damaged the fruit that was about to be harvested but also the roof…

The rains in central and southern Chile damaged structures and cracked cherries

Novembre “Folle” In Puglia: Ciliegi In Fiore E Fichi In Produzione. “Colture A Rischio”

Bloom Fresh plans to test its low-cold-requirement cherry trees in South America
01/11/2023 - Bloom Fresh, the firm resulting from the recent merger of the SNFL and IFG companies, organized a field day in Tabalí (Ovalle, Coquimbo region) to present its new varieties of cherry trees with low cold requirements, which managed to yield early fruits even though the weather conditions caused by the El…

Fedefruta urges producers to take all measures to prevent the rain from damaging the harvest
01/11/2023 - A new frontal system appeared just days after the start of the cherry harvests in the main productive areas. The early fruit that was on the trees 'developing its color' and the trees that were in the process of flowering were directly exposed to the rains. 'The spring rains are very erratic. They might…

Fedefruta insta a los productores a accionar todas las medidas para evitar daños en la cosecha por la lluvia
31/10/2023 - A solo días de partir con las cosechas de cereza en las principales zonas productivas de esta especie, se asomó este nuevo sistema frontal que expuso, ahora, directamente a la fruta temprana que estaba en los árboles “tomando color”, y a huertos donde los árboles se encontraban en proceso de floración.…

Bloom Fresh proyecta probar sus cerezos con bajo requerimiento de frío en Arica y zonas de Brasil
31/10/2023 - Bloom Fresh, la firma resultante de la reciente fusión de las empresas SNFL e IFG, organizó un día de campo en Tabalí (Ovalle, región de Coquimbo) para presentar sus nuevas variedades de cerezos de bajo requerimiento de frío con las que, pese a que debido al fenómeno El Niño las condiciones…

Llegan las cerezas chilenas y las peras Conferencia belgas
30/10/2023 - La semana pasada llegó al mercado Jiangnan de Cantón un lote de cerezas chilenas enviadas por aire, que fue el primero en llegar al mercado esta campaña, lo que atrajo la atención de los conocedores. En cuanto a otras categorías principales, la llegada de arándanos peruanos aumentó significativamente, el precio de los aguacates chilenos se redujo, la importación de cí…

Chilean cherries arrive at Guangzhou market, new season Belgian Conference Pears arrive
30/10/2023 - A batch of air-shipped Chilean cherries arrived at Guangzhou Jiangnan Market this week, marking the first batch of Chilean cherries in the Guangzhou market in the 2023/24 production season, attracting the attention of insiders. In terms of other major categories, the arrival of Peruvian blueberries has…

Festival Delle Dop E Igp Venete: Radicchi, Ciliegie E Pesche Tra I Protagonisti

Spanien: Campo & Tierra del Jerte verlängern die Kirschsaison
26/10/2023 - The Scottish cherry season at McIntyre Fruit has come to an end and Matthew McIntyre said it was a fairly good season, but no bumper volumes this year. “We started picking on 18th August and had anticipated lower than normal volumes, as it turned out yields were even lower than estimated which was a bit…

I volumi di prova del nuovo metodo di coltivazione mostrano miglioramenti in termini di compattezza e qualità
26/10/2023 - New Zealand cherry growers are looking forward to a good season, it is still early days, but the spring weather has been good for growing at Cherri Global orchards in Hawke’s Bay and Otago where pollination has been good resulting in a strong flowering. 'We will harvest the earliest varieties for the…

"Una delle sfide da affrontare è migliorare la produzione ortofrutticola in Turchia"
26/10/2023 - The Scottish cherry season at McIntyre Fruit has come to an end and Matthew McIntyre said it was a fairly good season, but no bumper volumes this year. “We started picking on 18th August and had anticipated lower than normal volumes, as it turned out yields were even lower than estimated which was a bit…

Versuchsmengen aus neuer Anbaumethode zeigen positiven Unterschied in Festigkeit und Qualität
26/10/2023 - Die neuseeländischen Kirschenbauern freuen sich auf eine gute Saison. Noch ist es zu früh, aber das Frühlingswetter war ideal für den Anbau in den Obstplantagen von Cherri Global in Hawke's Bay und Otago, deren Bestäubung gut verlief und zu einer starken Blüte führte. 'Wir werden Ende November mit Chelan und Santina die frühesten Sorten für den heimischen neuseeländ…

Versuchsmengen aus neuer Anbaumethode zeigen positiven Unterschied in Festigkeit und Qualität

« Nouvelle méthode culturale : meilleures fermeté et qualité durant les essais »
25/10/2023 - Les producteurs de cerises néo-zélandais s'attendent à une bonne saison. Il est encore tôt, mais le climat printanier a été favorable à la culture dans les vergers de Cherri Global à Hawke's Bay et Otago, où la pollinisation a été bonne, ce qui s'est traduit par une forte floraison. « Nous récolterons…

« Nouvelle méthode culturale : meilleures fermeté et qualité durant les essais »

« Améliorer la production de fruits et légumes en Turquie fait partie de nos défis »
25/10/2023 - La Turquie compte parmi les plus grands pays exportateurs non-membres de l'UE en matière de cerises fraîches. « Alors que la Turquie a exporté des cerises pour une valeur de 134 millions de dollars durant une période de huit mois en 2022, les exportateurs de cerises ont apporté 214 millions de dollars en…

« Améliorer la production de fruits et légumes en Turquie fait partie de nos défis »

"La campaña de la cereza ha sido bastante buena, pero los rendimientos han decepcionado"
25/10/2023 - The Scottish cherry season at McIntyre Fruit has come to an end and Matthew McIntyre said it was a fairly good season, but no bumper volumes this year. “We started picking on 18th August and had anticipated lower than normal volumes, as it turned out yields were even lower than estimated which was a bit…

"La producción de Chile no parece afectar a la demanda de cerezas neozelandesas"
25/10/2023 - New Zealand cherry growers are looking forward to a good season, it is still early days, but the spring weather has been good for growing at Cherri Global orchards in Hawke’s Bay and Otago where pollination has been good resulting in a strong flowering. 'We will harvest the earliest varieties for the…

"Uno de los retos a los que nos enfrentamos es el de mejorar la producción hortofrutícola en Turquía"
25/10/2023 - The Scottish cherry season at McIntyre Fruit has come to an end and Matthew McIntyre said it was a fairly good season, but no bumper volumes this year. “We started picking on 18th August and had anticipated lower than normal volumes, as it turned out yields were even lower than estimated which was a bit…

First cherry packer in Ovalle starts operating with the Santina variety
25/10/2023 - Turkey is among the largest non-EU exporting countries in the sweet cherry sector. 'While Turkey exported $134 million worth of cherries in the eight-month period of 2022, cherry exporters brought $214 million in foreign exchange to Turkey in the January-August 2023 period, with a 60 percent increase in…

First cherry packer in Ovalle starts operating with the Santina variety
25/10/2023 - The Scottish cherry season at McIntyre Fruit has come to an end and Matthew McIntyre said it was a fairly good season, but no bumper volumes this year. “We started picking on 18th August and had anticipated lower than normal volumes, as it turned out yields were even lower than estimated which was a bit…

First cherry packer in Ovalle starts operating with the Santina variety
25/10/2023 - New Zealand cherry growers are looking forward to a good season, it is still early days, but the spring weather has been good for growing at Cherri Global orchards in Hawke’s Bay and Otago where pollination has been good resulting in a strong flowering. 'We will harvest the earliest varieties for the…

First cherry packer in Ovalle starts operating with the Santina variety
25/10/2023 - Este lunes comenzó a operar el primer packing para cerezas en la región de Coquimbo, que permitirá mejorar su logística para la exportación de esta fruta. La planta, de Teno Fruit, comenzó su operación con la variedad Santina, que será la primera en viajar a China en esta temporada 2023/2024, marcando un…

First cherry packer in Ovalle starts operating with the Santina variety

Cia In Piazza A Roma: Mobilitazione Per Chiedere Soluzioni Alla Crisi Del Settore
25/10/2023 - New Zealand cherry growers are looking forward to a good season, it is still early days, but the spring weather has been good for growing at Cherri Global orchards in Hawke’s Bay and Otago where pollination has been good resulting in a strong flowering. 'We will harvest the earliest varieties for the…

Cia In Piazza A Roma: Mobilitazione Per Chiedere Soluzioni Alla Crisi Del Settore

Trial volumes from new growing method show positive difference in firmness and quality
24/10/2023 - New Zealand cherry growers are looking forward to a good season, it is still early days, but the spring weather has been good for growing at Cherri Global orchards in Hawke’s Bay and Otago where pollination has been good resulting in a strong flowering. 'We will harvest the earliest varieties for the…

"Fairly good cherry season but yields were disappointing"
24/10/2023 - The Scottish cherry season at McIntyre Fruit has come to an end and Matthew McIntyre said it was a fairly good season, but no bumper volumes this year. “We started picking on 18th August and had anticipated lower than normal volumes, as it turned out yields were even lower than estimated which was a bit…

"One of the challenges we face is improving fruit and vegetable production in Turkey"
24/10/2023 - Turkey is among the largest non-EU exporting countries in the sweet cherry sector. 'While Turkey exported $134 million worth of cherries in the eight-month period of 2022, cherry exporters brought $214 million in foreign exchange to Turkey in the January-August 2023 period, with a 60 percent increase in…

Vog Products Ad Anuga Con Nuove Referenze
24/10/2023 - Chinesische Verbraucher genießen bereits chilenische Kirschen. Letzten Dienstag kamen die ersten von Garcés Fruit verschickten Kirschen in dem asiatischen Land an. Dies ist die Ernte,...

Vog Products Ad Anuga Con Nuove Referenze

Cile, A Settembre Il Valore Dell’Export Continua A Correre

Las cerezas chilenas desatan la locura en China
20/10/2023 - La temporada de la cereza de Chile viene acompañada de algo que suena ya nos suena demasiado familiar: la locura china por participar en la campaña de ventas de esta fruta tan codiciada, nos explica Yanming Ding, especialista de la empresa Valleyfresh en frutas frescas de Sudamérica, y que se describe…

Cravo presenta unas cubiertas antilluvia automáticas y de menor coste
20/10/2023 - A los productores de cultivos de alto valor como las cerezas, las uvas de mesa, el kiwi, las manzanas, las berries y las flores, siempre les ha encantado la idea de los techos retráctiles automáticos como protección frente a los extremos meteorológicos. 'Sin embargo, con frecuencia se encuentran con que…

Chilean cherries create ‘Chinese craze’
20/10/2023 - The Chilean cherry season comes with a now all too familiar ring to it - the “Chinese craze” to partake in the sales action of this very popular fruit, says Yanming Ding, who specialises in fresh fruits from South America for Valleyfresh. She describes herself as a “Chilean girl with a Chinese face”.…

Kiwi, Sul Mercato Manca Il “Verde”. Dal Pane: “Situazione Senza Precedenti”

First Chilean cherries of 2023/24 season arrive with great interest in China

The opening of the Vietnam market for Chilean kiwis and air shipments of cherries is advancing
16/10/2023 - La delegación oficial del Ministerio de Agricultura se encuentra de viaje en Asia, un continente en el que se busca avanzar en aperturas y mejores condiciones de ingreso de los productos agrícolas chilenos, y que contempla visitas a Vietnam, Corea del Sur y China. Las actividades en Vietnam se…

The opening of the Vietnam market for Chilean kiwis and air shipments of cherries is advancing

Greenhouse grower focuses on product innovations and sustainability at global show
11/10/2023 - Windset Farms is gearing up to make waves at the IFPA Global Produce & Floral Show. With exciting new offerings and a dedication to sustainable farming, the company promises an impactful presence at the event. Ryan Cherry, Windset Farms Director of Sales, shared his enthusiasm, saying, 'We're excited to…

Pesca Di Verona Igp, Rinasce Il Consorzio Di Tutela

"Il lancio della nostra linea di avocado e mango bio è la ciliegina sulla torta nel nostro decimo anniversario"
10/10/2023 - This year, Spain's weather conditions - sweltering heat and too-little water - have made for an ultra-short mango season. 'The season usually runs from late August to late October, but this year, it was over in three weeks. Overall, production was down by as much as 80%,' Sigfrido Molina and Xavier…

BLOOM FRESH™ presenta su nueva identidad corporativa en Madrid
10/10/2023 - BLOOM FRESH™ unveiled its new corporate identity at Fruit Attraction Madrid 2023, reaffirming its commitment to breeding tasty, healthy and sustainable table grape and cherry varieties across 24 countries. This new corporate identity follows the merger of Special New Fruit Licensing (SNFL) Group and…

BLOOM FRESH™ presenta su nueva identidad corporativa en Madrid
10/10/2023 - BLOOM FRESH™ presentó su nueva identidad corporativa en Fruit Attraction Madrid 2023, reafirmando su compromiso con la obtención de variedades de uva de mesa y cereza sabrosas, saludables y sostenibles en 24 países. Esta nueva identidad corporativa se produce tras la fusión de Special New Fruit Licensing…

Fruit fly quarantine expands again in California
10/10/2023 - BLOOM FRESH™ unveiled its new corporate identity at Fruit Attraction Madrid 2023, reaffirming its commitment to breeding tasty, healthy and sustainable table grape and cherry varieties across 24 countries. This new corporate identity follows the merger of Special New Fruit Licensing (SNFL) Group and…

Raccolti Sconvolti Dal Caldo Fuori Stagione: Broccoli E Verze In Anticipo, Spinaci In Ritardo
10/10/2023 - This year, Spain's weather conditions - sweltering heat and too-little water - have made for an ultra-short mango season. 'The season usually runs from late August to late October, but this year, it was over in three weeks. Overall, production was down by as much as 80%,' Sigfrido Molina and Xavier…

Raccolti Sconvolti Dal Caldo Fuori Stagione: Broccoli E Verze In Anticipo, Spinaci In Ritardo

Grape Attraction: L’Uva Del Futuro Sarà Snack. L’Italia Fa Leva Sul Catasto

Ovalle contará con su primer "packing" para cerezas
21/09/2023 - Se espera que la nueva infraestructura, que podría procesar entre 200.000 y 600.000 kilos de fruta durante las primeras 5 semanas de producción en la región de Coquimbo, reduzca de forma importante los costos para los productores de cerezas que hasta ahora debían hacer sus procesos en las regiones…

"New organic apple season's outlook is better than last year"
28/09/2023 - The Belgian organic apple market seems to be recovering slightly. 'Last year was very difficult, but this year's prospects are considerably better. The harvest looks good,' begins organic grower Hugo Jacobs of Jacobs Fruit. This Belgian cultivation company grows organic apples, pears, and cherries on…

Good growing conditions point to a good cherry season
28/09/2023 - Pure Pac grows cherries in New Zealand's Central Otago region over 75 hectares. 'Our first picking will take place mid-December, between 12th and 17th,' said Jeff Chambers, Sales consultant at Pure Pac. Darren Hughes and Jeff Chambers at Asia Fruit Logistica Pure Pac grow a range of varieties, the main…

Premio Vivere A Spreco Zero, Tra I Vincitori L’Azienda Coniglio Con Tecnologia Cherry Vision

Cherry Growers Australia and Agriculture Victoria forge ahead with year 2 of the innovative cherries traceability pilot
27/09/2023 - Cherry Growers Australia (CGA), in collaboration with Agriculture Victoria, has announced the continuation of the Cherries Traceability Pilot into its second year. This visionary initiative, funded by a $811,000 grant from Agriculture Victoria's Transforming Traceability program, remains steadfast in its…

« Un produit comme le maïs doux est vendu principalement sur les marchés »
26/09/2023 - Avec la fin de l'été et le retournement de la météo, l'offre sur les marchés de gros se retourne également. « Beaucoup de produits sont sur leur retour, comme les fruits à noyaux et les cerises. Nous constatons également que les ventes de petits fruits diminuent. Les consommateurs ont mangé ces fruits…

"Vemos un potencial de crecimiento en las ciudades más al interior de China"
22/09/2023 - Hernán Garcés, director ejecutivo de Garcés Fruit, la mayor exportadora de cerezas del mundo que cuenta con más de 2.000 hectáreas ubicadas desde las regiones de Valparaíso y Maule, señaló en entrevista con Simfruit que espera que la producción de la compañía sea “similar respecto a la temporada…

Chilean cherry blossom function heralds imminent start of 2023/24 season
22/09/2023 - Chile’s annual “Cherry Blossom” ceremony, hosted by the Asoex Cherry Committee, is considered the symbolic start of the season, but this year there is some trepidation due to the hotter than usual weather. According to Claudia Soler, Chairperson of the Cherry Committee, they still expect exports of 100…

"Strangely enough, things like sweetcorn are mostly sold at markets"
22/09/2023 - With summer drawing to a close and the weather turning, Dutch wholesale markets' offerings are changing, too. 'Many items like stone fruit and cherries are falling away, and soft fruit sales are noticeably declining. People have been eating those fruits all summer, so they're ready for something new…

Ovalle contará con su primer "packing" para cerezas
21/09/2023 - Se espera que la nueva infraestructura, que podría procesar entre 200.000 y 600.000 kilos de fruta durante las primeras 5 semanas de producción en la región de Coquimbo, reduzca de forma importante los costos para los productores de cerezas que hasta ahora debían hacer sus procesos en las regiones…

What to read next

From waste to resource: sour cherry pits as a cosmetic ingredient


08 Jan 2024

The re-use of these by-products thus seems a better alternative to the disposal or annual incineration of millions of tonnes of cherry pits, which not only mitigates environmental pollution, but also adheres to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.

FDA supports tart cherries in promoting a healthy diet


27 Jan 2025

The Cherry Marketing Institute, which represents 385 growers of cherries across the country, congratulates the Food and Drug Administration for its support of tart cherries in the recently announced decision.

In evidenza

Sweet cherry and its by-products: a valuable source of phenolic compounds


21 Feb 2025

A recent study from Greece compared different research to analyse the concentration of phenolic components of the cherry and its by-products, as well as the extraction techniques used.

Stone Fruit Day at WSU: Anatomy of the bacterial cancer epidemic

Crop protection Events

21 Feb 2025

Pseudomonas bacteriasis and Cytospora fungal infections pose a major threat to the Washington State economy. The bacterial cancer in 2023 mainly affected young orchards, the subject of Prof. Zhao's research.

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