News about Markets

Shipping companies ready for peak exports for the 2024/25 campaign


28 Aug 2024

‘According to estimates in the first weeks there will be big differences,’ said Francisco Labarca, executive director of South Port Shipping. ’This is good news because it means that between week 46 and week 3 there will be about 10,000 more containers of cherries.

International standards and automation: +7.4% for Chilean cherry exports in the 2024/25 season


27 Aug 2024

Chile is witnessing a steady growth in cherry production. According to the USDA, for the 2024/25 marketing year, Chilean cherry production is expected to reach 500,000 metric tonnes (MT), an increase of 6.8% from the previous year.

Chile-India: Chile Summit 2024 paves the way for new business collaboration


26 Aug 2024

The event is organized by ProChile with the aim of strengthening institutional ties between Chile and India, as well as identifying opportunities for commercial cooperation and advancing agreements that promote the exchange of goods and services.

Evolution of the sweet cherry tree from 2008 to 2023: University of Illinois (USA) report


26 Aug 2024

The sweet cherry industry in the United States is primarily concentrated in Washington, California, and Oregon (Figure 1), which together represent over 90% of the national total production in 2023 (Figure 2). Washington leads in production with 443,640 tons,

Argentina: record year, more than 5,000 tonnes exported


26 Aug 2024

‘It was a very good year. We had a high quality harvest and this was recognised by the market,' commented Aníbal Caminiti, director of CAPCI. ‘At the national level, we can say that we are about to reach 6,000 tonnes of exported cherries.

Asda receives 3.5 million cherries from Marshall Farms in over 160 supermarkets in the UK


20 Aug 2024

The agreement extends the retailer's partnership with Marshall Farms through its supplier Scotty Brand. The manufacturer now supplies fruit for both its own-brand and Scotty Brand packages, increasing the volume by approximately three million cherries per season.

Portuguese cherries: growing market between production and international trade


15 Aug 2024

As far as the domestic market is concerned, according to data from SIMA GPP, there was a price increase in 2023 compared to the previous three-year period 2020-2022, especially in the last weeks of the campaign, where the price rose from around 3€/kg to around 4.70€/kg.

Peru could advance Chilean shipments to China thanks to climate


09 Aug 2024

"A key challenge is that winter temperatures do not fall below 7-8°," says Adam Formica, scientific director of Sensonomic. "There are not enough cold hours for the buds to open. However, technology could help overcome this barrier'.

Chile prepares for 2024-25 campaign with export growth forecast at +35%


02 Aug 2024

Sebastián Rodríguez, commercial director of Verfrut, indicated: 'We plan to export 85 per cent of the total to China and 15 per cent to other markets. This is an increase in terms of volume, we should reach 3.5 million boxes compared to 2.2 million this year'.

The 2024 cherry campaign: the ISMEA report on the Italian production


29 Jul 2024

Turning to information on retail sales, partial data (29 April-16 June) from source NielsenIQ indicate for 2024 compared to the previous campaign an increase in volumes (+12.3%) and a more substantial increase in household expenditure (+20.3%).