News about WSU

Innovation against frost: drones and technology to map temperatures

Tech management

18 Apr 2024

A Washington State University research project aims to map air temperatures on frosty nights with a combination of data from AgWeatherNet's Tier 1 stations, which stand 30 feet high and record temperatures between 1.5 and 9 metres.

Washington State University's insights for preventing bacterial canker

Crop protection

02 Apr 2024

The pathogen infects many plant species and survives on the leaf surface of many weeds found on orchard floors. It is known for being epiphytic, which means that pathogen colonization can occur on any plant tissue without provoking infection or symptoms.

Managing the harvest load is crucial according to Washington State University

Tech management

26 Mar 2024

Matt Whiting, WSU physiologist, encouraged farmers to consider crop load management as a 15-month process: from flower bud initiation in spring to harvest in summer. Along the way, farmers have tools to intervene.

The pruning period can affect the spread of bacterial cancer

Crop protection

05 Mar 2024

Youfu Zhao recommends pruning in summer whenever possible and switching from sprinkler to drip irrigation to keep the orchard drier. For larger trees, it is possible to cut back the cankers, Zhao said, but this is fatal for young trees.

Grasshopper study in Washington could solve X-disease related problems

Crop protection

04 Mar 2024

"We are trying to understand how X-disease pathogen exploits the grasshopper to facilitate its life cycle," said William Walker, USDA geneticist. "This could provide us with forms of disruption, such as biopesticides, to halt the insect's life cycle."

Monitoring bud temperatures to prevent damage from spring frosts

Press review

29 Feb 2024

Knowing the critical temperature at which buds are killed is crucial for taking timely action against frost. Cold hardiness models use air temperature as a predictive factor for specific critical temperatures of the cultivar.

Washington State University proposes work plan to prevent and combat X-disease

Press review

28 Feb 2024

Welcome Sauer, an orchard analyst working with the university, hopes to distribute the model in the form of a workbook, so as to adjust the basic numbers for orchard operating costs to an economic model for X-disease mitigation.

Washington State University assessments to combat the impact of cold, wind and snow on fruit set

Tech management

27 Feb 2024

Low temperatures will prolong ovule viability and stigma receptivity, yet also slow pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Research shows that apple and sweet cherry pollen germination can occur with temperatures as low as 41 F, depending on genotype.

Birds: what if they were also allies in integrated pest management strategies?

Crop protection

02 Feb 2024

Birds, a threat to crops or friends for integrated pest management strategies? At the 'Stone Fruit Day' organised by Washington State University, the focus was on the role of birds in agriculture, looking at pros and cons of the latest research on the subject.

A new pathogen threatens cherry growers: WSU research to combat Phytoplasma X-Disease

Crop protection Events

26 Jan 2024

In addition to phytosanitary treatments, kaolin and covering the inter-row with Extenday sheets throughout the season as vector control strategies to cover weeds, which are very important for the insect's life cycle, were evaluated.