Macfrut Academy: the first episode dedicated to cherries to be aired on 14 March

12 Mar 2024

Cesena (11 March 2024)Chile takes centre stage in the latest two Macfrut Academy video lessonsfocusing on a globally successful case study in cherries. The first episode, dedicated to the field phase, will be aired on Thursday 14 March at 5 pm (Italian time), titled ‘Chilean cherry: a successful supply chain.

The 30-minute video lesson provides a detailed look at how Chile has successfully overcome the challenges of a difficult market: the cherry market. The country now exports 90% of its production and has even conquered the Chinese market.

Hosted by Maicol Mercuriali, the episode begins with a general overview of the ‘Chilean model’ by Carlos Tapia, founder and technical director of Avium, a company specialising in research and development for cherry production.

The focus then moves on to the field, in particular varietal choices, agronomic techniques, selection and commercial strategies. Speakers include key players in the industry, such as Lorena Pinto, Manager of Cherry Ana Chile, Juan Pablo Zoffoli, lecturer at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and Andrea Ravaioli, Knowledge Transfer Office Manager at the University of Bologna: a shining example of synergy between academic research and the production industry.

Dr Stefano Lugli, representative of the Plant Nursery Area at Macfrut 2024, provided technical advice for the episode. The second episode, which will also be dedicated to the Chilean cherry supply chain, will focus on post-harvesting.

All of the available content can be accessed here free of charge after registration.

This video lesson on the Chilean cherry supply chain is the third episode of the Macfrut Academy, the innovative digital platform for professionals in the fruit and vegetable sector. This prestigious and scientific digital platform, designed in an agile format, offers an insight into key topics in the fruit and vegetable supply chain in order to keep professionals up to date with the latest industry news. All episodes are also available on demand after registering on the platform.


Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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