News about Chile

Impact of the weather: rain and temperatures create difficulties for the Chilean season

Markets Quality

13 Nov 2023

Expectations were to reach 100 million boxes, but according to Claudio Araya, agricultural manager of Frutera San Fernando, thanks to weather and logistics, 85 million boxes will be reached, slightly more than last year's season.

New Field Day of PMG, INIA's breeding program for new Chilean varieties

Breeding Varieties

10 Nov 2023

According to Giovanni Lobos, researcher at INIA, the objective of the activity was to show the progress and status of segregants that could become possible varieties that are adapted to the climate of the Coquimbo Region or other early areas of the country.

New El Niño damage: bad weather favours new developments for Drosophila suzukii in Chile

Crop protection

10 Nov 2023

Despite the good climatic conditions for the spread of Drosophila suzukii, experts point out that growers have gained more knowledge about the pest in previous years, which enables them to control it more effectively and minimise risks.

Chile hit by bad weather, estimated 30% loss on early varieties

Press review

07 Nov 2023

In an interview with La Tribuna, Jorge Valenzuela, president of the fruit growers' federation Fedefruta, said that the rains caused losses in early varieties and left growers struggling with waterlogged soil.

Avances recientes: a seminar from Chile on the latest cherry industry's research and innovations


06 Nov 2023

The industry has identified certain aspects as challenges, and the university has taken on the task of conducting the relevant research. The University of Chile spoke at the Avances recientes event held on 19 October, entirely dedicated to cherries.

Slow progress for cherries in Peru. The problem? Chilling requirement

Tech management Production

20 Oct 2023

The problem is the hours of cold. We speak of temperatures below 7° or 8°; and these temperatures do not occur on the Peruvian coast. Today, with the varieties tested, it is not possible to produce cherries in Peru; you get to flowering, but then the fruit does not set.

ExpoCerezo 2023: thanks to ANA Chile® a meeting dedicated to varieties and post-harvest


28 Sep 2023

On Thursday, 14 September, growers of different cherry varieties were invited by ANA Chile® to the 4th EXPOCerezo 2023, where participants were able to learn about the advances in the technical knowledge of varieties to obtain the best fruit potential and share their experiences.

How Chile is preparing to grow cherry exports by 20 percent

Press review

12 Sep 2023

The new Chilean cherry season could increase by 20 percent, which would depend not only on climatic and logistical factors but also on the continued diversification of domestic and international ports handling fresh fruit exports. An effort by the entire supply chain will be need

The possible roles of nitrogen and phosphorus supply against internal fruit browning

Tech management

06 Sep 2023

A phosphorus deficiency has been found to have a positive impact on antioxidant activity and phenol composition. At the same time, however, it leads to an increase in the activity of respiration rates, resulting in a decrease in conservation potential.

A report on the 2022-23 season shows an early season, nice sizes and good average prices


01 Sep 2023

The Chilean company CyD Asesoría Agrícola compiled a report on the 2022-2023 season. This data was analysed by several exporters to better understand price fluctuations, providing management tools for producers to refine their profitability.