ANA Chile® offers you valuable videos featuring the pruning guidelines of consultant Walter Masman.
Guidelines for the production pruning of Sweet Aryana® PA1UNIBO, with the clear goal of aligning the output of production centers with the recommended maximum yields for the age of these plants, aiming for quality fruit.
Training guidelines for Nimba pruning, with the goal of adjusting the output of production centers to the recommended maximum yields for the age of these plants.
Based on several years of Nimba evaluations, which show that there can be a significant loss in fruit quality due to softening associated with excess load, and considering its early production onset, for orchards planted in 2021 it is advisable to adjust the loads to a maximum production of 3,000-4,000 kg/ha, and for orchards planted in 2022, to a maximum of 1,000-1,500 kg/ha.
The results showed that putrescine-treated buds decreased the overall malondialdehyde content (and thus the level of oxidative stress), while the rate of fruit set increased during most of the growing seasons evaluated.
Researchers from several Chinese institutes and universities summarised the progress made worldwide in understanding the effects of endogenous gibberellin and abscisic acid content in fruit and exogenous hormone treatments on fruit cracking.
A Chinese study analyzed the effects of five different rootstocks on Summit sweet cherry cultivar during the fruit veraison phase with or without nitrogen-free nutrient fertilizers. The five rootstocks tested were: Mahaleb, Gisela 5, and three hybrid selections H11, H17, and H22.
Given its direct influence on other indices such as flavor and firmness, this time we will analyze color, from the perspective of homogenization in the final product, the high percentage of light-colored fruit, and the high percentage of dark-colored fruit.