Minister of Agriculture and Food announced in March a historic $70 million investment to help the region's fruit and grape growers replace damaged crops by replanting more climate-resilient, high-quality varieties. This investment, although promising, does not immediately solve the current crisis. Bal and Brar, like many other growers, are hoping for more immediate emergency help from the province to overcome this difficult situation.
Bal recounted that in mid-March, the B.C. Minister of Agriculture visited his orchard to assess the situation and discuss the farmers' difficulties. Despite calls for emergency funding, no concrete help has been offered so far, leaving the growers struggling with a desperate situation.
The disaster caused by the extreme cold to the cherry trees has become evident, with growers facing one of the worst seasons ever. The lack of blossom in the orchards is a tangible sign of the devastation suffered by the cherry buds. Bal, president of the B.C. Cherry Association, said many growers are in the same predicament, with the possibility of losing this year's entire crop.
Deep Brar, another cherry grower, shared Bal's concerns about the future of the crop. The decision to abandon a crop is difficult and costly, as it still requires expenditure to maintain the trees, despite the lack of income from non-harvesting.
Read the full article: Global News
Image and video: Global News
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