South African season peak: Tru-Cape laments weather conditions, 20% loss on production

28 Nov 2023

South Africa's cherry season is underway, and despite a 20% drop in harvest compared to forecasts, Tru-Cape producers are enthusiastic about the quality and size of the fruit. Calla du Toit, procurement manager, points out that these cherries are among the best ever seen, while Nico Verhoef, director of Witzenberg Properties, describes the size of the fruit as phenomenal.

Due to unfavorable weather conditions during flowering and fruit set, the total Tru-Cape crop dropped from an estimated 520 tons to just over 400 tons. Frost in mid-September caused significant losses, especially in the Ceres area, where producers were powerless to combat it with irrigation.

Despite the decrease in volume, the market seems to appreciate the exceptional quality of South African cherries, with growing demand in the Middle and Far East, particularly in Malaysia, Vietnam and Hong Kong. Tru-Cape is exploring opportunities to extend the availability of cherries on local shelves, considering optimal storage to prolong their presence.

Prices realized by producers are satisfactory, with the exchange rate and weak rand in their favor. The market, both local and international, is stable, with prices averaging between 10 and 20 rupees per kg higher than the previous season. All Tru-Cape cherries are exported by air, relieving pressure on the port of Cape Town.

Producers are optimistic about the opening of the Chinese market for South African cherries, considering the significant potential of this market. With a 98 percent expansion of cherry-growing hectares in the past five years, Ceres is now the largest cherry-producing area in South Africa. Cherry cultivation integrates well with apple and pear cultivation, allowing producers to optimize resource use.

Read the full article: Farmers Review Africa

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