RipeLocker supports post-harvest improvements with low-pressure chambers

11 Oct 2024

RipeLocker announced “significant progress” in its collaboration with Gebbers Farms and Chelan Fresh, improving long-term storage and delivery of cherries for the 2024 season.

The group, which offers low-pressure chambers designed to extend freshness, stated that after six years of testing, it has overcome the challenges associated with cherry preservation, optimizing harvest timing and storage techniques. It confirmed that cherries harvested in mid-July were delivered in mid-August to a major national retailer, where they passed the quality check without exceptions.

“Lowering acidity levels, browning, and brown stems make long-term cherry preservation difficult,” said George Lobisser, CEO and co-founder of RipeLocker. “After six years of trials, we have finally found the right techniques.”

“The credit goes to the collaboration between Johnny Gebbers of Gebbers Farms and our Director of Horticultural Sciences, Brendon Anthony, PhD,” he explained. “They worked closely to review RipeLocker’s harvesting practices and protocols to successfully preserve cherries.”

In addition to the cherries delivered in mid-August, some RipeLockers were used to preserve cherries until mid-September, coinciding with the Chinese Moon Festival. “These cherries would have easily passed the quality check by our recipients,” said Tom Riggan, CEO of Chelan Fresh. “The Chinese market would have particularly appreciated the green stems.”

RipeLocker expressed excitement for the upcoming season, in which the national retailer intends to expand on this year's achievements, but with more varieties. The technology has already proven effective for other perishable products, including blueberries, the company noted, and is now seen as a “game changer for cherry preservation.”

“Another opportunity we see is for growers to harvest before climatic events such as excessive heat and to store before demand,” Lobisser added. “This innovation not only extends the cherry season but also increases market opportunities for growers, packers, shippers, and retailers.”

Source: Asiafruit
Image: RipeLocker

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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