Sweet Aryana: how and when to harvest to maximise quality

25 Nov 2024

Sweet Aryana is a self-fertile cherry variety, high-yielding and early-maturing, introduced to the market by growers aiming to harvest in the initial window, betting on better prices in the Chinese market. However, it has been reported that many growers are harvesting too early, failing to meet quality standards.

According to Fernanda Álvarez, head of development and corporate control at ANA CHILE®—the licensed holder of this variety—“it is not yet the right time.” She emphasizes that “we have evidence that the harvest opportunity for Sweet Aryana begins at color 3.8 mahogany red. At this stage, the balance between soluble solids and acidity is optimal, as well as the firmness, which increases over time with a higher sugar content.”

This variety, positioned as one of the alternatives for early production areas, with years of good chill hours accumulation and a spring with suitable temperatures, can be harvested 5-10 days earlier than Santina.

According to experts at ANA CHILE®, the harvest criteria are color and Brix levels, with optimal harvesting starting no earlier than color 3.8, as per the UC Cherry Color and Size Chart, 2023 (Post-Harvest Laboratory of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile).

They also recommend a minimum of 19°Brix for sea shipments and a minimum of 21°Brix for air shipments. “It is recommended not to harvest with colors below the suggested levels to achieve an adequate sugar-acidity ratio,” concludes Álvarez.

“It is recommended not to harvest with colors below the suggested levels to achieve an adequate sugar-acidity ratio,” concludes Álvarez.

Source: Redagrícola
Images: ANA Chile; SL Fruit Service

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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