News about Italy

From Ri.Nova a ‘green’ shield against insects and hail: cherries smile again with the ‘SMILE’ project

Crop protection

07 Jun 2024

Less chemicals, more protection from rain, hail and insects. The challenge has been taken up by Ri.Nova and Unibo, who, in collaboration with the Vignola Cherry Consortium, have come up with a number of innovative systems for the defence of cherry cultivation.

Sicilian cherries from Chiusa Sclafani carry the day at the 25th Ciliegie d'Italia national competition


04 Jun 2024

‘That the Chiusa Sclafani cherry is the most extraordinary in Italy we have always known,’ says Angelo Vellino, the town's historic producer, ‘this is the result achieved thanks to the great commitment, professionalism and sacrifices of all the producers.

Free fall of the fruit and vegetable market in Vignola: new tender to allocate free area


31 May 2024

Emilia Muratori, the mayor of Vignola, explained that the concession for the remaining concessionaire will expire in 2025, and at the moment there are no signs of giving up: ‘We will let the cherry season pass and then make a decision on the empty space'.

The challenge of the ‘Ciliegia delle Colline Veronesi’: PGI certification and international market


31 May 2024

‘For the past four years we have been on the path to obtaining the PGI certification,’ says Andrea Braga, director of the Montecchia di Crosara cherry market, ‘we have achieved excellence through varietal and production choices best suited to our area'.

Response to climate change: cherries under greenhouse for protection and minimum treatments


30 May 2024

‘Thanks to the protection, the cherries are safe, the number of treatments is 75% less than in the open field,’ says Moreno Morisi, ‘the quality is excellent and the production is without residues. And I have the guarantee of harvesting as much as budgeted’.

Bad weather in northern Italy, crop damage in the Modena area: up to 50% losses


27 May 2024

Recent storms have severely damaged crops of the emblematic fruit in the Vignola and Savignano areas. According to the producers, 40% to 50% of the cherry production in the Modena area has been compromised.

Apulia region (IT) in trouble due to weather: 50% drop for Ferrovia cherries


27 May 2024

Coldiretti Puglia has denounced this collapse in cherry production and requested the recognition of a state of natural disaster from the Puglia Region. The situation is made even more difficult by rising production costs and the severe drought.

Full start for Vignola and Emilia-Romagna region (IT): 3,000 tonnes of high quality expected


20 May 2024

As for the quantities, this year we will express our full production potential of 3,000 tons, after a particularly poor 2023’ says Enrico Bucchi, General Manager of Valfrutta Fresco 'Last week we started with the first harvests and this week we are already at full capacity'.

Problems and prospects of cerasiculture in southern Italy


17 May 2024

Southern Italy's cerasiculture is the national benchmark in terms of both area and production. On the other hand, the propensity to renew the crop, to new varieties and rootstocks as well as to protection structures, is proceeding slowly.

Bad weather in Veneto (IT): cracking on early varieties and Drosophila suzukii feared

Tech management

16 May 2024

The start of the harvest, originally scheduled for May 20th, will be compromised by the impending losses due to prolonged rains and low temperatures for the season, while late varieties, with a delay in ripening, seem to have been saved for the moment.