News about Quality

Pitting in cherries: to minimise damage, packaging also counts


18 Nov 2024

Pitting requires pre- and post-harvest solutions, with packaging playing a key role. PacLife works with plastic polymers such as low-density polyethylene and biaxially oriented polypropylene that reduce weight loss and maintain fruit firmness.

Pitting in the sweet cherry tree: management and more resistant varieties


12 Nov 2024

It is often the result of mechanical or physiological damage that occurs during harvest, handling, storage, or transportation of the fruit. These marks usually do not penetrate the pulp but impair its presentation, and in severe cases, can lead to premature fruit deterioration.

INIA and Ñuble: new post-harvest standards for high quality cherries


11 Nov 2024

The project, promoted by the Ñuble Producers Association and funded by the Regional Government, has allowed researchers at INIA to study the quality of cherries and identify elements that enable the main export varieties to withstand travel to China.

Determination of the relationship between 'Staccato' cherry fruit storage quality and mineral nutrition


24 Oct 2024

Thirty-two ‘Staccato’ plots located in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia were selected, representing a range of growing conditions in the BC interior. Thirty-one of the blocks were on Mazzard rootstock and one on Colt rootstock.

Magnesium and potassium for increased fruit quality

Tech management

24 Oct 2024

The focus of the study conducted at the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain) and the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal) was to evaluate the effects of foliar application of magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) on fruit quality parameters.

Impact of GA3 application on sweet cherry fruit development


21 Oct 2024

An English study tested the application of gibberellic acid on sweet cherry trees for fruit development. GA3 is known for its ability to induce parthenocarpy, the formation of seedless fruits, in various plant species. However, effectiveness varies depending on the species.

Detecting pesticide residues by electronic nose


16 Oct 2024

The purpose of the study conducted at Hitit University, Turkey, was to determine whether treated and untreated cherries could be distinguished from one another based on their odour clues, also investigating whether it was possible to recognize the excessive presence of pesticide.

Cherry trees and fruit set: Mundoagro Capacita's course on maximising production


15 Oct 2024

The course instructor, Christian Gallegos, a consultant specializing in blueberries and cherries, founder of Berrycherry and technical director of CropSolutions, addressed the topic of using hormonal regulators to improve fruit set and size.

RipeLocker supports post-harvest improvements with low-pressure chambers


11 Oct 2024

The group, which offers low-pressure chambers designed to extend freshness, stated that after six years of testing, it has overcome the challenges associated with cherry preservation, optimizing harvest timing and storage techniques.

Kelpak®: cherry yields with proven results


07 Oct 2024

The effective pollination period (EPP) is defined by the viability window of the ovule. Kelpak® spraying program on cherries, due to its ability to increase pollen germination and speed up pollen tube elongation, can be a valuable tool for farmers to maximize fruit load.