News about Quality

Late frost and cracking: how to reduce damage with melatonin

Tech management

03 Dec 2024

The aim of the study conducted by the post-harvest group of the University Miguel Hernández (Orihuela, Spain) and the Valencian Cooperative Mas de Roc was to find out whether melatonin can be used as a control measure against late frost and cracking.

Subsidies and consultancy: a boost for the digitisation of the production process


29 Nov 2024

The management of ESPAGRY IBÉRICA needed to digitise part of the production process and opted to purchase a machine with artificial intelligence. The cost of the machine was partially subsidised by the regional government.

Lucaston Park Orchards: growth through technology and automation


29 Nov 2024

“The way technology detects defects, precisely identifies colors, and sorts sizes is far superior to what mechanical sorters and humans could achieve. Considering the large volumes we handle and the high standards we need to meet today, using optical sorting is simply a must.”

Phenyllactic acid (PLA) treatment to improve cherry storage


28 Nov 2024

A Chinese study proposed a more sustainable approach using phenyllactic acid to extend the storage life of cherries. The results highlighted that a concentration of phenyllactic acid is effective in reducing the cherries respiration rate and in controlling oxygen.

Evaluation of cherry quality parameters based on ripening stage


26 Nov 2024

Cherry quality refers to a set of attributes that evoke a sense of well-being when consumed. All these attributes vary between different varieties and even within the same fruit, depending on the ripening stage.

The expert reports - Strategies to improve fruit size and color

Tech management

22 Nov 2024

Complementary to the application of cytokinin to enhance stage I of fruit growth and improve caliber, the other important stage when defining fruit caliber corresponds to stage III of fruit growth and development where the hormone responsible for this process is Gibberellic acid.

Biostimulants based on Ecklonia maxima and glycine betaine for enhancing cherry quality


22 Nov 2024

A recent study from Portugal and Denmark focused on the effects of two biostimulants: glycine betaine and an extract derived from the seaweed Ecklonia maxima. These biostimulants were applied to sweet cherry cultivars “Early Bigi” and “Lapins” grafted onto SL-64 rootstock.

The importance of rootstock and fertilization in Summit cherries quality

Tech management

21 Nov 2024

A Chinese study analyzed the effects of five different rootstocks on Summit sweet cherry cultivar during the fruit veraison phase with or without nitrogen-free nutrient fertilizers. The five rootstocks tested were: Mahaleb, Gisela 5, and three hybrid selections H11, H17, and H22.

Colour and ripeness of cherries: decisive factors for export quality


21 Nov 2024

Given its direct influence on other indices such as flavor and firmness, this time we will analyze color, from the perspective of homogenization in the final product, the high percentage of light-colored fruit, and the high percentage of dark-colored fruit.

The effects of calcium and silicon during cherry post-harvest storage


20 Nov 2024

Nowadays, there are various technologies and practices used to preserve quality by improving pulp consistency. It has been seen that pre-harvest or at harvest treatments with calcium and silicon extend the shelf life of cherries.