According to A.N.A. Chile, new early varieties show promising results and great potential

30 Jan 2025

The new cherry varieties, such as Sweet Aryana®, Nimba, and Pacific Red, are showing great potential in Chile, according to the latest results of the season. These varieties have demonstrated high yields and excellent fruit quality, exceeding growers’ expectations. According to experts, favorable climatic conditions, with a cold winter and a favorable spring, were the key to these positive results.

“The good accumulation of winter cold and the favorable spring conditions have led various cultivars, such as Sweet Aryana®, Nimba, and Pacific Red, to show good yields and fruit quality,” explains the article published on Monday, January 20, in Revista del Campo by El Mercurio.

Regarding Sweet Aryana®, the general manager of ANA Chile®, Luis Fernandez, highlighted that “a very high percentage of growers were very satisfied with what they were able to produce, with the volumes (a total of 2,000 tons were harvested, more than expected) and the fruit quality.”

In the same article, Walter Masman, an expert cherry consultant, emphasizes the earliness of some varieties like Sweet Aryana®: “This variety, unlike last year, was able to be harvested 7 to 10 days earlier than Santina, as expected.”

For his part, Alejandro Ramírez, commercial coordinator of Vivero Los Olmos, agrees that climatic conditions were fundamental: “Unlike 2023, in 2024 we had a winter cold accumulation that in many areas was extraordinary.”

In general, specialists agree that the new cherry varieties have great potential for the Chilean market. However, “we need to keep working,” says Walter Masman. It is essential that growers understand the specific characteristics of each variety and manage them appropriately to achieve the best results.

Experts recommend planting these varieties in early zones and avoiding late harvests, as well as moderating the tree load and implementing proper nutritional management.

Sweet Aryana®: a variety in consolidation

This season, Sweet Aryana® was harvested 7 to 10 days earlier than the Santina variety, positioning it as an early variety. The results of Sweet Aryana® have been positive in terms of productivity and fruit quality, with good sizes, color, and taste. It has great commercial potential and is well received by the market. According to data from ANA Chile®, 1,926 hectares of Sweet Aryana® have already been planted in the country, indicating significant commitment to this variety.

Image 1: Fruiting of Sweet Aryana.

Nimba: an interesting option for early zone producers.

The Nimba variety stands out for its excellent size, color, and taste, making it an attractive option for growers. However, its lower firmness requires careful handling to avoid fruit quality issues. Experts recommend cultivating this variety in early zones, avoiding late harvests, and carefully managing the load to achieve the best results.

Pacific Red: consistency in quality and productivity

On the other hand, the Pacific Red variety has shown consistency in results, with good sizes, production, and firmness. However, once again, experts warn that it is important to moderate the tree load to achieve the best results.

Image 2: Fruiting of Pacific Red.

The only nurseries authorized to sell these varieties are Viveros Los Olmos, Univiveros, Viveros El Tambo, and Vivero Buenos Aires de Angol. For any inquiries, please contact Andrés Valdivieso, Commercial Manager of ANA Chile® at

Source: A.N.A. Chile
Images: SL Fruit Service

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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