Mundoagro Cherry Special Congress: in 2025 the first technical congress dedicated to the cherry in Chile

19 Dec 2024

For the 2024-2025 season, Chilean cherries are expected to export 657,935 tons. This figure not only represents an increase compared to the previous season and demonstrates how this fruit has conquered consumers worldwide, especially in China, but it also raises the bar for the national industry. In this context, the quality of the fruit is now the greatest challenge. However, to deliver the best cherries to consumers, it is essential to understand that quality starts in the field.

What are the key aspects to achieve cherry quality? Are there new technologies that facilitate fieldwork? These are some of the questions that will be analyzed by leading national and international experts at the “First Mundoagro Congress: Cherry Special 2025,” which will take place on May 14 at the Hotel Monticello in San Francisco de Mostazal. 

The event, organized by Mundoagro and the consulting firm Asesorías y Servicios Agrícola, led by agronomist Patricio Morales, positions itself as the first 100% technical cherry congress in Chile and will present topics related to strategies and high-impact management to achieve quality cherries, nutritional and technological trends, and more.

Fabio Masella, executive director of Mundoagro, explained: “2025 will be a challenging year for Mundoagro, with projects that arise after fifteen years of hard fieldwork, with 180 magazines published and a presence in fields across every corner of Chile.

This first Mundoagro Congress, specifically about cherries, marks a milestone for our publishing house, initiating several meetings that will become another technical conversation platform specialized in agriculture, as our print magazine and digital media have been for many years.” 

The technical level of the 1st Mundoagro Congress Special Cherry is of the highest standard, with the most prestigious Chilean consultants and international guests such as Gregory Lang, from the United States, and Prometeo Sanchez, from Mexico.

“It is truly a luxury. It will undoubtedly be a very useful meeting for the entire cherry industry, which is experiencing a historic moment of growth. As always, we want to be a link that generates value in this vast chain that never stops technologizing and innovating. We look forward to seeing you all on May 14, 2025,” said Masella.

For Patricio Morales, agricultural engineer, international consultant for stone fruits and cherries, and director of Asesorías y Servicios Agrícola, the meeting will provide producers with fundamental technical information, in addition to analyzing all aspects related to cherry production.

“This information helps the entire production chain, from the field to packaging and export. Therefore, we are all a single chain and are all connected in cherry production. We must continue to improve and better ourselves because the Chilean cherry is a fruit that must maintain a level of post-harvest resistance to reach its main market, which is China.”

Source: Mundoagro
Images: Mundoagro

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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