For Macfrut 2023 it was an honour to host during the WS cherry tree Prof. Marlene Ayala of the Catholic University of Chile, the person in charge of the main genetic improvement project on the cherry tree, started in 2010 and carried out in the largest cherry exporting country in the world, as well as the third largest cherry producer in the world and, so far at least, among the first importers of technological and varietal innovations.
Thanks to PMGC, the breeding programme supported by ASOEX - Consorcio Tecnologico de la Fruta and CORFO, a group of Chilean fruit producers and exporters, by 2030 Chile will be able to grow its own varieties and, probably, start exporting not only cherries but also new plant patents!
Below is the video of the report presented at Macfrut 2023.
The association of intensive orchards with bidimensional canopies and good accessibility to canopy by labour and machines is essential to reduce the cost of production. In cherry the increase of harvest rate increased by 72% when UFO was compared with the traditional open center.
The SIMKEF model, which aims to predict and control the insect using models based on temperature data, combines various climatic and biological parameters to estimate the (daily) probability of occurrence of the pest.
A recent study from Greece compared different research to analyse the concentration of phenolic components of the cherry and its by-products, as well as the extraction techniques used.
Pseudomonas bacteriasis and Cytospora fungal infections pose a major threat to the Washington State economy. The bacterial cancer in 2023 mainly affected young orchards, the subject of Prof. Zhao's research.