The TikTokkers live stream the sale of cherries from Tasmania to customers across Asia, enthusiastically offering deals in the same style as old-school television shopping. Buyers can communicate directly with sellers in real-time, ask questions, and receive immediate answers.
“The person I work with is a TikTokker,” said Chinese importer Jack Wang.
Most TikTokkers guarantee the delivery of fresh cherries from the orchards of Tasmania straight to the buyer's doorstep. “Maybe 10 years ago we were selling cherries in supermarkets. Now... TikTok is more popular, especially among young people,” Wang said.
Image 1: Jack Wang (left) and Matthew Griggs say about 70 tonnes of Tasmanian cherries are harvested and shipped to China each year. (ABC News: Luke Bowden).
Mr. Wang is temporarily working from Tasmania’s Huon Valley, where he oversees the harvest. He can witness the harvesting and packing process and then ensure the fruit is quickly transported to mainland China, where couriers deliver it directly to the customer's door. “We have a very efficient express delivery company in China,” he stated.
Matt Griggs, owner of Lucaston Park Orchards, hosts Mr. Wang at his orchards in the Huon Valley. “We are seeing that these platforms are very effective, and I have been present when these sales were made.
For Lucaston Park Orchards, selling on TikTok is a growing part of their sales.
Image 2: Jack Wang shows cherries sold on TikTok in China. (ABC News: Luke Bowden).
Mr. Griggs said he can “land the fruit in Guangzhou and get it anywhere in China by the next day, within 12 hours.” Asian customers are willing to pay a premium for the freshness and the best large, dark red cherries.
Jack Wang does not want to reveal how much his TikTokkers pay for Tasmanian cherries. He says, “The price is good. No other cherry can compete.”
“They are the best flavor in the world!”
Source: ABC News
Images: ABC News
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