News about Genetics

The influence of the root system at the time of planting on the success of the cherry orchard


09 Sep 2024

In Chile, the post-transplant survival, canopy growth and productivity of two cultivars were evaluated: Lapins on Colt and Regina on Gisela 12. The cultivars were grown with root volumes of 100%, 50% and 25% and with bare-root or bagged nursery plants.

Bloom Fresh doubles breeding research with new centre in California


05 Sep 2024

Bloom Fresh states that the facility is equipped with environments designed to enhance the natural reproduction of fruit. With specialized laboratories and research areas the center will facilitate the development of new varieties and the refinement of breeding techniques.

Peru: the new cherry frontier and the challenges of genetic adaptation


14 Aug 2024

The main obstacle is genetic because of the varieties used, which have a refrigeration requirement of 400 hours or more. Some companies have preferred to explore the coast, others the highlands. All indications are that the process of adaptability is not yet complete.

Studying cherry tree genes to understand factors regulating fruit growth


18 Jul 2024

The study conducted between Yantai and Lhasa (China) identified and examined the ERF group of the sweet cherry in terms of classification, physicochemical properties, structure characteristics, chromosome distribution, gene replication and possible protein interactions.

Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in cherry ripening: the role of ABA


11 Jul 2024

In a recent study, researchers explored how ABA modulates these ripening processes at both genetic and epigenetic levels through RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) and whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS).

A.N.A. Chile® presents the Sweet series as an alternative to early varieties in Chile


10 Jul 2024

Lorena Pinto pointed out that several trials are being conducted in Chile with Sweet Saretta and Sweet Stephany, 'and the calibre we have seen is above 30 and even 32. Moreover, they are self-fertile, so we have solved the pollination problem'.

Using Machine Learning to differentiate sweet cherry cultivars by endocarp characteristics


09 Jul 2024

The study focused on the cultivars Kordia, Lapins and Büttner's Red. The nuts were scanned and analysed. By examining textures and geometric characteristics, the study developed discriminative models capable of identifying cultivars with high accuracy.

Exploring Skylar Rae: Rivoira Group's premium cherry


02 Jul 2024

The product will be sold at a premium price, 30% higher than standard cherries. The packaging will include the brand and variety name, Tip Top, accompanied by a targeted communication campaign. A landing in the Italian large-scale retail trade is also planned.

The European landscape of community plant variety rights for cherry trees


26 Jun 2024

The CPVR (Community Plant Variety Rights) system, administered by the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO), grants exclusive rights to breeders, encouraging them to invest in the development of new varieties, ultimately benefiting consumers.

The Blacker the Cherry: the abolitionist history of the Black Republican Cherry.


26 Jun 2024

Of all the unusual names for cherries, few have raised as many questions as the Black Republican. The story of the Black Republican cherry begins with Henderson Lewelling, the eldest son of a Quaker family who ran a successful nursery in Iowa in the late 1830s.