News about Genetics

Development of new sweet cherry varieties at the Julius Kühn-Institut in Dresden-Pillnitz

Breeding Varieties

30 Nov 2023

Seven new cultivars have already been released: Narana, Swing® PiSue 192, Habunt, Areko, Polka, Aria® PiSue 161, and PiSue 177. Nineteen new promising breeding clones are currently under multi-site testing and approximately 100 clones are in stage II evaluation.

ANA Chile® shows promising early cherry varieties in the northern area

Events Varieties

21 Nov 2023

The first part of the event took place at the Hotel Limarí, where consultant Walter Masman and Lorena Pinto, pome and cherry product manager of ANA Chile, presented. On the second day, the Field Day took place in a test block located in Recoleta, Ovalle.

COT INTERNATIONAL: the new cherry variety breeder and editor you can count on

Breeding Varieties

20 Nov 2023

More than 250 crosses have already been made, using a genetic collection of over 50 varieties of diverse origins. The best ones are then grafted onto Maxma Delbard® 14 Brokforest for a second evaluation. Today, more than 80 grafted selections will go into production in 2024/25.

Rootstocks modulates the gene expression in sweet cherry crop


14 Nov 2023

The Tieton/Landing 2 and Tieton/Gisela 6 combinations were used by analysing 4-year-old plants. The PaMYBF gene was identified and it was noted that the expression of PaMYBF was significantly higher in the phloem tissue of the scion when grafted onto the Gisela 6 rootstock.

New Field Day of PMG, INIA's breeding program for new Chilean varieties

Breeding Varieties

10 Nov 2023

According to Giovanni Lobos, researcher at INIA, the objective of the activity was to show the progress and status of segregants that could become possible varieties that are adapted to the climate of the Coquimbo Region or other early areas of the country.

Aijie: new dwarfing and resilient rootstock made in China


10 Nov 2023

The tetraploid rootstock known as "Aijie" is characterised by its breakage in mid-March, blossoming in early April, and leaf shedding in November. The results of the tests indicated that “Aijie” induced higher growth rates compared to Gisela 6, three years post-planting.

Difficulties and problems in Spain for the mountain cherry, Asaja Alicante against the regional organisation

Production Varieties

09 Nov 2023

The previous Ministry had been asked for a long-term viability plan to save the cherry harvest and to respond to last year's vulnerable situation, but farmers have not yet received a response from the regional administration.

What are the biggest challenges for Peru? Interview with Gerd Burmester

Breeding Markets Varieties

08 Nov 2023

Peruvians face several challenges, but according to Gerd Burmester, director of Vecs Peru, there are several reasons for this negative result, but the main one has to do with the selected varieties, which are not adapted to the country's climatic conditions.

Washington State University's breeding program: interview with Per McCord

Breeding Varieties

07 Nov 2023

Major targets for new varieties include large fruit size, firmness, early ripening, self-fertility, and disease resistance. Crosses are made in the orchard and increasingly in the hoop house which extends the crossing season and provides frost protection.

New tests for Bloom Fresh: new trials in Chile, Peru and Brazil for early and low-chill requirement varieties

Breeding Production Varieties

02 Nov 2023

They will invest in tests in Arica, a northern region of Chile bordering Peru, and also in Brazil, where a professional, Bloom Fresh, will start exploring alliances to look for areas that can produce these fruits.