News about Genetics

Thinning techniques in relation to different rootstock type


26 Sep 2023

The results of comparative experiments conducted on self-fertile 'Lapins' sweet cherry trees reveal that the rootstocks Gi 154/7 and Gisela 4 resulted in the highest yield per tree and yield efficiency, especially in terms of producing fruit weighing approximately 7 grammes.

An insight into Regina's challenges according to Juan Pablo Zoffoli

Tech management Post-harvest​ Press review Varieties

25 Sep 2023

Is a solution possible? The expert is optimistic and has already taken an important step by defining that one of the important variables affecting post-harvest sensitivity is maturity and therefore its monitoring. But this is not the only challenge.

Cultivating success: the insights of Vivai Spinelli, the Italian fruit tree specialist


22 Sep 2023

The company Vivai Spinelli has made a name for itself in the industry thanks to its complete management of the production cycle, from the initial propagation phase to the distribution of mature plants on the market. Vito Spinelli spoke for Cherry Times.

Lari PGI cherries: a gastronomic excellence with a centuries-old tradition

Specialties Varieties

19 Sep 2023

The PGI project includes numerous cultivars, including as many as 14 native varieties registered and protected by the Regional Germplasm Bank considered to be at risk of extinction, and are also included in the Cesto Pisano list of food and wine products of excellence.

Limits and potential of stalkless cherries

Post-harvest​ Production Varieties

18 Sep 2023

Manual harvesting of stalkless cherries reduces the time by 40-45% compared to manual harvesting of traditional cultivars; stalkless cherries are cultivars whose FRF value, when ripe, is 200-300 g compared to 450-900 for 'normal' cultivars.

IX International Cherry Symposium: with 230 thousand hectares dedicated to sweet cherry cultivation, China is investing in its own future

Consumption Events Markets Varieties

08 Sep 2023

Considering the economic importance that cherry cultivation is gaining in China, the breeding sector is also actively working to release new cultivars. National institutions are collaborating to achieve this goal, with 60 new cultivars released and 300 selections under study.

How the CAB 6P rootstock influences sour cherries development and growth


04 Sep 2023

Trees grafted onto the Maxma 14 rootstock induce lower vigour, productivity, and fruit weight. In contrast, trees grafted onto CAB 6P rootstock exhibited greater vigour, yield, and fruit weight, resulting in greater agricultural productivity.

In its own small way... in cherry orchards, Piedmont invests big!


09 Aug 2023

Piedmont is one of the few Italian regions showing signs of vitality in the cherry sector. In fact, while other regions have been struggling for years to maintain their positions as leading regions, from Piedmont there is renewed interest in the red fruit of paradise. But why?

Henriette*, "the mountain cherry" representing an improvement on Kordia


04 Aug 2023

The Fragsburg farm is located at 700m a.s.l. in the hills above the city of Merano (Bozen). There, in the experimental cherry orchard (about 1.5 ha), different training systems, rootstocks, varieties, and pruning techniques are tested with the purpose of supporting farmers.

Catania, a promising new cherry variety


01 Aug 2023

When you have a strong passion for your work sometimes a little effort is enough to achieve great results. Cherry Times is pleased to publish Stefano Lugli's interview with Luis Lasarte, Catania's dad.