News about Genetics

IX International Cherry Symposium: with 230 thousand hectares dedicated to sweet cherry cultivation, China is investing in its own future

Consumption Events Markets Varieties

08 Sep 2023

Considering the economic importance that cherry cultivation is gaining in China, the breeding sector is also actively working to release new cultivars. National institutions are collaborating to achieve this goal, with 60 new cultivars released and 300 selections under study.

How the CAB 6P rootstock influences sour cherries development and growth


04 Sep 2023

Trees grafted onto the Maxma 14 rootstock induce lower vigour, productivity, and fruit weight. In contrast, trees grafted onto CAB 6P rootstock exhibited greater vigour, yield, and fruit weight, resulting in greater agricultural productivity.

In its own small way... in cherry orchards, Piedmont invests big!


09 Aug 2023

Piedmont is one of the few Italian regions showing signs of vitality in the cherry sector. In fact, while other regions have been struggling for years to maintain their positions as leading regions, from Piedmont there is renewed interest in the red fruit of paradise. But why?

Henriette*, "the mountain cherry" representing an improvement on Kordia


04 Aug 2023

The Fragsburg farm is located at 700m a.s.l. in the hills above the city of Merano (Bozen). There, in the experimental cherry orchard (about 1.5 ha), different training systems, rootstocks, varieties, and pruning techniques are tested with the purpose of supporting farmers.

The effect of different doses of indol-3-butyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of cherry rootstocks


01 Aug 2023

The purpose of the study conducted by researchers at the Black Sea Agricultural Research Institute was to examine the impact of different concentrations of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on the rooting process of softwood cuttings from potential rootstock candidates

Catania, a promising new cherry variety


01 Aug 2023

When you have a strong passion for your work sometimes a little effort is enough to achieve great results. Cherry Times is pleased to publish Stefano Lugli's interview with Luis Lasarte, Catania's dad.

Scion-rootstock interactions: a possible strategy for adaptation to climate change


25 Jul 2023

In this study, researchers from the Department of Floriculture and Dendrology, County Government Office and Department of Fruit Growing (all based in Hungary) put together their expertise to evaluate the rootstocks SL64, Bogdány, Magyar, SM 11/4 clonal Mahalebs, and MaxMa14.

From the Apennines to the Andes: the worldwide success of Sweet Aryana®


21 Jul 2023

Born and bred in Italy on the slopes of the Modenese Apennines (Vignola, Italy) Sweet Aryana has found one of her earthly paradises on the other side of the Andes. With 2000 hectares invested and 2 million plants in the nursery Sweet Aryana is generating strong interest in Chile.

Royal Helen: the fairest of them all


04 Jul 2023

The jury of the competition that rewards Italian excellence every year during an initiative now in its XXIV edition, decreed the cultivar (cv) Royal Helen* produced by a young producer from the province of Modena (IT) the 'Most Beautiful Cherry in Italy' 2023.

With this year's Final® varieties, Sanifrutta cherry season will end on a high note at the end of July


30 Jun 2023

The four varieties of the Final® series derive from a breeding programme conducted by Peter Stoppel in Kressbronn (Germany). The aim of the project was to obtain new late-ripening varieties, after Regina, to be proposed as possible alternatives to the Canadian varieties.