Anuarios de Mercado 2024: statistics and analysis of the Chilean market in iQonsulting's report

10 Jul 2024

The report "Anuarios de Mercado 2024" by iQonsulting offers an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the global cherry market. This annual report, an authoritative resource in agricultural market research, provides a meticulous examination of the latest trends, market dynamics, and economic factors influencing the Chilean cherry industry.

Key insights include:

  • Data on cherry production and export from Chile and China
  • Market trends
  • Trade dynamics
  • Economic impact
  • Future projections

iQonsulting's "Anuarios de Mercado 2024" is an essential tool for industry professionals, offering valuable information for strategic decisions, investment planning, and market positioning in the competitive world of cherry production and trade. 

To read the full report, click here.      

Source: Calaméo
Image: iQonsulting

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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