Bad weather in northern Italy, crop damage in the Modena area: up to 50% losses

27 May 2024

Recent thunderstorms have severely damaged the crops of the emblematic fruit of the Vignola and Savignano areas. The farmers declare: "We will request compensation".

Numerous damages caused by bad weather in agriculture. According to producers, 40% to 50% of the cherry production in the Modena area has been compromised.

To report damages suffered by agricultural companies, a link is available on the regional portal; regarding crops, it is necessary to use the AgriCat site.

The report by Samuele Amadori includes interviews with Riccardo Bergonzini (cherry producer) and Guido Zama (director of Confagricoltura Emilia Romagna).

To watch the full video of the interview click here

Source: Rai News
Image: Rai News

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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