Global cherry retail prices every week
23 Jun 2023
Cherry Times publishes weekly global retail prices, with a report analysing the supply of cherries in 37 online stores in 12 countries on different continents.
The Consejo Regulador of the D.O.P. Cereza del Jerte and one of its certified companies, the Agrupación de Cooperativas del Valle del Jerte, have benefited from a grant from the European aid program for the promotion of agricultural and food products under the quality schemes in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, within the framework of the PAC 2023-2027 Strategic Program.
This initiative made it possible to fund the campaign “Las Insuperables del Jerte.” Additionally, it contributed to the dissemination through various channels and media of the spot “Ciliegie o Picotas?”, focused on the differentiation of cherry varieties produced in the Jerte Valley and protected by the DOP Cereza del Jerte. Furthermore, it launched the actions of the “Las Insuperables del Jerte” campaign on social networks and in gastronomic events.
Specifically, our Control Organization received a grant of €63,515.08, and the Agrupación de Cooperativas Valle del Jerte S.C.L. received €7,422.80. Consequently, the support for the promotion of products certified by the DOP Cereza del Jerte amounts to €70,937.88. The PAC 2023-2027 Strategic Program is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Regional Government of Extremadura (Decree 79/2023 of July 26, DOE nº 168 of 08/31/2023).
The purpose of the aid is to promote the production and marketing of agri-food products of differentiated quality through communication, promotion, and advertising actions.
The objective is to increase consumer awareness of the product and encourage the purchase of certified products. To this end, in addition to disseminating the spot through a communication campaign on online media, television, and public screens, the DOP Jerte Cherry carried out numerous promotional activities targeted at opinion leaders and end consumers. Video collaborations with opinion leaders and influencers were created, and tastings, public presentations, and product samples were sent out.
Additionally, the new corporate image of the DOP Jerte Cherry was launched, along with a redesign and update of the website In this context, various promotional materials were also created for distribution, such as agendas, bookmarks, tasting boxes, and more.
Source: Cereza del Jerte
Image: Cereza del Jerte
23 Jun 2023
Cherry Times publishes weekly global retail prices, with a report analysing the supply of cherries in 37 online stores in 12 countries on different continents.
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