INIA Chile publishes a brochure on the genetic improvement of the cherry tree

13 Jun 2024

A brochure dedicated to the genetic improvement of cherries has just been published by INIA Chile, authored by José Manuel Donoso, a researcher at INIA Rayentué. “The sweet cherry is one of the most popular temperate fruit trees worldwide, despite its high price in many countries, especially when supply is limited at the beginning of the season,” Donoso explains.

“The fruits of this species have an attractive appearance, their texture and sweet taste are highly appreciated by consumers.” 

“However, the genetic improvement of this species has been slow worldwide, unlike other fruit trees such as peaches and apples, mainly due to the large size of the tree and the long unproductive period between seed collection and the plant's ability to consistently produce flowers and fruits.”

To download the publication (in Spanish) click here

Image: FMF

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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