Picota del Jerte: excellent start, but watch out for fraud in the market

20 Jun 2024

The campaign of Picota cherries from Jerte has started positively in the north of the Spanish province of Caceres, "with good volumes and high quality", says Fátima López-Santamaría, a technician from DOP Cereza del Jerte. "We had a couple of days of rain that might have caused some losses.

An evaluation has not yet been made to quantify the affected volume; however, for now, these losses seem to be insignificant. In fact, the impact has been more evident in other intermediate varieties of cherries than in the late Ambrunés varieties, which are the Picotas from Jerte covered by the DOP Cereza del Jerte".

Producers from Extremadura still remember last year's campaign, in which, unfortunately, the rains had a decisive impact. "For this reason, we hope that the losses are minimal and not noteworthy", he says. "Especially this year, in which the quality of Jerte Picota cherries is extraordinary".

The Picota del Jerte is a variety of cherry originating from the Jerte Valley, where it has been traditionally cultivated among mountains over 1,000 meters in altitude since the 17th century, as stated by the DOP.

"It is essential to remember that the harvesting of Picota cherries, highly demanded in both the domestic and export markets, begins in mid-June, because one of the most significant problems that the DOP faces every year is the commercialization of regular cherries with the stalk removed to pass them off as Picota cherries, illegally using the DOP brand for fruits that are neither an authentic Picota cherry nor certified or authorized by the DOP Regulatory Council".

Read the full article: FreshPlaza
Image: Financial Food

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