An unusual winter challenges Michigan cherry growers

13 Mar 2024

A winter that doesn't always feel like winter is something Michigan cherry growers and shippers are aware of as the cherry season approaches. 'It's winter right now, but you wouldn't know it. We've had warmer weather than normal,' says Trish Taylor, marketing manager of Riveridge Produce Marketing, Inc. 'The trees are still dormant, so we're watching the weather.'

She notes that in the first week of March, Riveridge examines the year's weather patterns and bud development. 'At this time everything is sleeping as it should and we see no change in the trees,' says Taylor. Cherry blossom in the state generally occurs between late April and early May and harvest occurs the third week of June. 'Because of this weather, we think we might be a week early this year.'

What gives the grower-shipper some peace of mind with the weather fluctuations is an investment he made in his growing operations after the 2022 cherry season, namely the row covers he first used last year.

'The covers serve more to protect the fruit close to harvest,' she explains, pointing out that when it rains close to harvest, it can split and/or damage the fruit. 'The covers drain the water in the middle. Last year, when we had cold temperatures during flowering that could negatively affect the flowers, we unrolled the covers and kept them raised, keeping the soil five degrees warmer.'

The investment paid off and in 2023 Riveridge had its biggest harvest. 'I've never seen so many bees in bloom, but there were so many because there were so many flowers," says Taylor. There are also pellet burners under the covers that increase the temperatures under the cover. "It's a huge advantage for sweet cherries that we don't necessarily have for apples.'

Riveridge's other developments include planting an additional 40 acres of sweet cherries in 2023 and will plant another 50 acres this year, for a total of about 130 acres for its growing operations, which it also sells on behalf of other Michigan growers.

Read the full article: Fresh Plaza
Images: Pure Michigan

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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