Chinese market: more than 8,300 tonnes imported from Chile in less than a month, according to a report

05 Feb 2024

On 26 January, a cargo ship carrying 2,500 tonnes of Chilean cherries docked at the Pacific International Container Terminal of Tianjin Port, located in the Tianjin Dongjiang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, Tianjin Beifang reported. According to the report, since 16 January, a total of 8,300 tonnes of cherries have arrived at the port of Tianjin via the Chile-Tianjin Cherry Express Line and have been sold to major northern markets.

After the opening of the direct express line, Qu Fruit Supply Chain Co., Ltd. imported more than 160 containers of cherries through the port of Tianjin, which were mainly shipped to markets in Hebei, Henan, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and other places. Gong Huiyan, general manager of the company, told reporters that recent sales had been very good.

"This is the first time we have imported cherries from the port of Tianjin, and after the container ship docked, the release was very fast. Our market is mainly in the north, compared to the pick-up from the southern ports, the transport costs are reduced, and the goods can arrive at the Gaobeidian market in Hebei within a few hours, and within 24 hours they can be sent to all our markets in the north. Based on subsequent routes, the company plans to land more fruit at the port of Tianjin.

The report pointed out that in recent years, the Dongjiang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone has focused on the market demand of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, taking the cold chain import trade as an entry point, introducing high-end fruits such as Chilean cherries and high-quality meats such as Spanish ham, accelerating the construction of cold chain industrial ecology and continuously enriching the "big city refrigerator".

At the signing ceremony of the Cherry Express business cooperation agreement, the Dongjiang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone Enterprise Promotion Bureau reached a cooperation agreement with Tianjin Port Group Logistics Co. Ltd. and the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association, which will jointly build an efficient and convenient fruit supply chain.

Sourc: Asiafruit
Image: Fruitnet

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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