News about United-States

The Utah State University (USA) proposes a technological model for monitoring tart cherry yields during harvesting

Tech management

29 May 2024

A research group is experimenting with a more efficient way to monitor and document yields and their variability, using a three-part technology placed on a mechanical harvest receiver to automate the process.

Washington retailers encourage promotion of cherries during June peak


28 May 2024

‘This year we have heard that there will be an overlap again,’ says Dan Davis of Washington Fruit Growers. ‘If this is the case, it will favour a transition to Washington, as we will have plenty of volume and good-sized fruit to satisfy the retailers.

Cherry growers and consumers in Washington continue to focus on the Rainier variety


27 May 2024

The Rainier price remained above $5 per pound. ‘It was the only cherry we made a profit on last year. That's what we count on every year,' said John Griggs Jr. who grows about 200 acres of cherries, half of which are Rainier.

California: lots of quantity and quality but the challenge is not to overlap with Washington


24 May 2024

Although the season is a few days late, Washington, which is close to cherry production on the West Coast, is early. ‘There is a rush to get into the market before Washington starts producing, which usually reduces the value of the crop.’

Excellent forecasts from California: 2024 is expected to grow by +12%.


20 May 2024

Last year's erratic weather patterns resulted in a surplus of cherries along the West Coast. Northwest Cherry Growers estimates the 2024 crop at 20.9 million cartons, up 12% from the previous year.

Superfresh Growers looks forward to a record-breaking season: +30% on production capacity


17 May 2024

"Expect nothing less as we prepare for another successful harvest - says Destiny Nash, cherry sales lead - "With a notable 30% increase in production capabilities, we are poised for continued growth and success".

Growth in world trade over the last ten years shows over 900,000 tonnes and +266% growth


24 Apr 2024

From 2013 to 2022, world production increased from 2.3 to 2.75 million tonnes, while trade flows rose from 350,000 to 940,000 tonnes, an increase of 266%. The value of traded goods reached a record 4.3 billion euro.

Innovation against frost: drones and technology to map temperatures

Tech management

18 Apr 2024

A Washington State University research project aims to map air temperatures on frosty nights with a combination of data from AgWeatherNet's Tier 1 stations, which stand 30 feet high and record temperatures between 1.5 and 9 metres.

USA and Japan: a renewed bond through the beauty of the cherry trees


15 Apr 2024

Japan will give the US 250 cherry trees to replace those that will be uprooted to repair the wall around the capital's tidal basin. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida made the announcement on Wednesday during a visit to the White House.

California cherries: the state recovers after the disappointments of the 2023 season


12 Apr 2024

"This year we have a more typical seasonal timing," said Mark Calder of Primavera Marketing - "Some of the earlier varieties could be out by 25 April, with a steady volume in the southern San Joaquin Valley by 5 May."