News about United-States

USDA allocates $300 million to improve global demand for US agriculture


14 Jun 2024

"This funding will go to over 60 partner organisations that will help create demand for US agricultural and food exports in high-potential markets around the world," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.

Cherry breeding projects and new rootstocks with the Corette® series


11 Jun 2024

Michigan State University evaluated dozens of sour cherry crosses for their potential as cherry rootstocks, resulting in the Corette® series of precocious and productive dwarfing to semi-dwarfing rootstocks and several semi-vigorous, less precocious rootstocks.

Riveridge Land invests in covers and protective nets to face the climate challenge


06 Jun 2024

Justin Finkler, owner of Riveridge Land Co. in Michigan, believes Riveridge is the only farm in Michigan to cover cherries: the new plantings, whose ultimate goal is high density, will all be designed with V- and UFO trellis systems.

Nature's Candy and XXL Cherries are the successful programmes of the US group CMI Orchards


06 Jun 2024

‘Nature's Candy and the jumbo cherry programme, XXL Cherries, guarantee something for every buyer,’ said Joel Hewitt. ‘Our goal remains to provide cherries of exceptional flavour and size, ensuring repeat business.

Improving quality and yield through nutrient and rootstock management

Tech management

05 Jun 2024

Researchers from Prosser (Washington) are inserting electrical sensors into the soil, burying a root camera and uprooting entire cherry trees to study how and when nutrients move through them in order to apply fertilisers at the right time.

Organic cherries: early delay in California, but higher volumes and quality by 2023


05 Jun 2024

Catherine Gipe-Stewart, marketing director of Domex Superfresh Growers, reported that larger fruit is expected this season, with a longer harvest time than in 2023, due to the more favourable temperatures and growing conditions.

Transition of the season from California to Washington: details from Stemilt Growers


05 Jun 2024

‘Stemilt has the longest season in the industry, with a continuous daily supply that starts with the California cherry harvest in late April and goes all the way up to the high altitude cherries in Washington in August,’ said Brianna Shales, marketing director.

New device improves efficiency of mechanical sour cherry picking

Tech management

04 Jun 2024

The project from Utah State University and Michigan State University has the objective to apply precision agriculture strategies to optimize irrigation, nutrition, and canopy management. One of the components is to develop a yield monitoring solution for tart cherries.

Michigan State University creates annotated Montmorency sour-cherry genome


03 Jun 2024

This discovery will help researchers and breeders find the genes and markers associated with different traits much faster than before. This genetic map will help breeders chart a path to a tart cherry.

The Utah State University (USA) proposes a technological model for monitoring tart cherry yields during harvesting

Tech management

29 May 2024

A research group is experimenting with a more efficient way to monitor and document yields and their variability, using a three-part technology placed on a mechanical harvest receiver to automate the process.