Record-breaking volumes: Chile's undisputed record during the Chinese New Year

20 Feb 2024

It is no mystery that Chilean cherries have become the fruit of choice for Chinese consumers, not only because of their sweet taste and quality, but also because their rounded shape and red colour are signs of prosperity and good luck in that culture, which is why they have become the perfect gift for the festivities around the Chinese New Year, which this year was celebrated on 10 February. 

"We are very optimistic for the 2023-2024 season. The conditions and quality of our fruit have been good, as growers and exporters know the importance of quality for the sustainable development of the sector in the future, and therefore in the early varieties, which were most affected by the rains in the spring, but were not damaged, air shipments have been favoured, thus guaranteeing the condition of the fruit."

"So far, we have managed to export significant volumes, especially to China, the main destination of our cherries, where we have exported 373,484 tonnes so far, a 2.54% growth compared to the same period last season, which marks a record volume and whose consumption we are encouraging as a Committee with various promotional activities at the retail level, social networks, wholesale markets, as well as competitions," said Claudia Soler, executive director of the Chilean Fruit Cherry Committee.

She added: "We have decided to strengthen our marketing efforts during the first 10 days of February, in order to stimulate a rapid rotation of our fruit during this period. I would also like to emphasise the efforts we have made as a committee to open new ports of entry for our cherries,' he said.

"This is the case of the port of Tianjin, with which we started to coordinate this possibility, during the visit we made in 2023, and which allows us to directly reach the entire northern area of China, especially all of Beijing and its surroundings, with fruit of excellent quality and condition." 

"This port is very close to the Gaobeidian wholesale market, which is currently one of the largest wholesale markets for high quality fruit in northern China, a market that has huge potential for our cherries and is very interested in developing the category."

The main destination for our cherries, to which we have exported 373,484 tonnes so far, registering a growth of 2.54% compared to the same period last season.

As far as total exports worldwide are concerned, Claudia Soler stated that 'volumes are around 410,000 tonnes, a slight decrease of 1.3% compared to what was sent in the same period last season. All this leads us to believe that, to date, this season will be the second, in general terms, with the highest export volumes of Chilean cherries'.

Regarding destinations, Soler commented that 94% of exports were sent to Asian markets, followed by the United States (3 per cent), Latin America (2 per cent) and with about 1 per cent to Europe, Canada and the Middle East. 

Consumption and promotions

As far as consumption is concerned, the Executive Director of the Committee emphasised: 'So far, and also during our recent visit to the Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean markets, we have seen a very good consumer reception for our cherries, which is being repeated in all our target markets. The fruit is rotating well'.

As far as promotions are concerned, Claudia Soler recalled that a three-year strategy has been developed this season, "which will be a sort of road map to deal with the expected increases in production and exports in the future". 

"With this strategy, in addition to preparing for the volume increases that are expected in the future, we are trying to give more continuity and focus to the campaign. Therefore, we have identified 24 cities as the geographical focus, which have been segmented into three groups, according to the objective pursued in each of them".

"The target group at which the campaign is aimed was also segmented. This segmentation initially involves three target groups, identifying the needs and consumption habits in each of them, depending on the stage of life each one is in'.

Finally, she commented that the promotional programme includes social media activities and work with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs), promotions with major e-commerce platforms, press monitoring, activations at retailers, greengrocers and wholesale markets, with delivery of promotional material and tastings, among other activities.

Source: Agenda Marítima
Image: Global Link

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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