The influence of trunk height on sweet cherry quality

18 Sep 2024

A recent study conducted by Turkish researchers highlighted the role of trunk height in determining certain quality parameters of sweet cherries. The analyzed cultivar was "0900 Ziraat", and the aim was to study how different trunk heights, ranging from 45 to 90 cm, influenced various fruit quality parameters such as weight, firmness, soluble solid content, acidity, vitamin C levels, and antioxidant activity, both at harvest and after a 30-day storage period at 3°C.

The study shows that trunk height affects most of the evaluated quality parameters. Cherries from trees with a trunk height of 60-65 cm exhibited superior and more stable quality characteristics compared to those from other heights. At harvest, fruits from this group showed optimal weight and firmness, which are crucial for consumer appreciation and market value. These cherries also maintained a higher soluble solid content, often associated with better taste and greater consumer satisfaction.

Post-harvest analyses revealed that trunk height influences sweet cherry quality. The study noted a general decline in fruit weight, firmness, soluble solid content, acidity, and vitamin C levels after storage, while pH and antioxidant activity increased.

Interestingly, cherries from trees with a trunk height of 60-65 cm retained their quality for a longer period compared to those from other heights, showing less weight loss and maintaining a higher level of firmness and soluble solids. This suggests that trunk height not only affects fruit quality at harvest but also has long-term implications for fruit preservation.

Additionally, there were biochemical changes in the cherries, particularly in organic and phenolic acids, which are key indicators of quality and have numerous health benefits. At the end of the storage period, significant changes were observed in the levels of these acids, with malic acid, predominant in cherries, decreasing, while other acids such as catechin, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid showed an increase.

These changes are important indicators as they influence the fruit's flavor profile, nutritional value, and potential health benefits.

Overall, the study concludes that fruits from a trunk height of 60-65 cm are optimal for producing high-quality cherries that retain their characteristics even after storage. This information can be useful to all stakeholders in the supply chain, from sweet cherry growers seeking to optimize fruit quality to retailers and large-scale distributors aiming to extend shelf-life and improve the fruit's appeal to consumers. In a competitive global sweet cherry market, having higher-quality fruits can make a significant difference.

Source: Kaya, T., Pehluvan, M., Gülsoy, E., & Çokran, B. D. (2024). The effects of different trunk heights in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) on some fruit quality parameters and bioactive components at harvest and postharvest. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg.
Image: SL Fruit Service

Andrea Giovannini
University of Bologna (IT)

Cherry Times - All rights reserved

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