News about Chile

Global cherry trade keeps expanding reaching 750,000 tons in 2023


19 Dec 2023

Chile is by far the largest cherry exporter globally, exporting 414,000 tonnes of cherries from November 2022 to February 2023. By region, Europe is the largest producer of cherries and accounts for 32% of global production.

Cherry Expo, climate change and varietal progress at the heart of the seventh edition

Events Press review

15 Dec 2023

Lorena Pinto, Product Manager of A.N.A. Chile Cherries, emphasised that the collaboration with the University is a scenario to present a wide range of fruit varieties that are now experiencing an unusual season due to climatic problems.

Diversification and calendar expansion are driving global business development


15 Dec 2023

Rabobank senior analyst Gonzalo Salinas monitors global trends in the cherry trade as the Southern Hemisphere prepares for the 2023/24 season. At the end of 2023, there are mixed trends in the entire cherry sector.

Bacterial cancer: plant defence response mechanisms discovered thanks to a study on the cherry transcriptome

Crop protection Press review

14 Dec 2023

The Santina variety, less susceptible to Pss infection, activates its response more quickly, differentially expressing 70% more genes than Bing (831 DEG). The plants of the Bing variety gradually strengthened their response, reaching, at 7 dpi, a more robust response (1471 DEG).

Centro Fruticultura Sur leads collaboration on a rootstock genetic improvement program


13 Dec 2023

As part of this project, 3 demonstration plots were created between 2021 and 2022 at the Universities of Concepción, La Frontera and Austral de Chile, with 10 cherry rootstock selections, plus 2 commercial controls: Gisela 12 and Colt.

Sweet Aryana conquers Chile: 350 ha of plants sold in 2023

Press review Varieties

07 Dec 2023

ANA Chile had sold about 700,000 cherry plants, more than half of which were Sweet Aryana, which would be equivalent to about 350 hectares, considering about 1,200 plants per hectare. The Pacific Red variety follows: ANA Chile sold 131,000 plants of this variety in 2023.

Copefrut promotes BoBan, the brand to conquer the Chinese market in the 2023-2024 season


22 Nov 2023

Fuenzalida points out that Boban is the Chinese name by which Copefrut has long been known in the Asian market. Leveraging this capital of knowledge and penetration, it will be the brand under which they will try to win the palate and recognition of Chinese consumers.

ANA Chile® shows promising early cherry varieties in the northern area

Events Varieties

21 Nov 2023

The first part of the event took place at the Hotel Limarí, where consultant Walter Masman and Lorena Pinto, pome and cherry product manager of ANA Chile, presented. On the second day, the Field Day took place in a test block located in Recoleta, Ovalle.

Chilean exports to the USA on the rise: Chilean Fresh Fruit Association estimates +22% increase

Markets Press review

16 Nov 2023

Brux stated that Chile could reach 140 million crates by 2025/26. China, Chile's main market, absorbs 89% of the total harvest. US exports are also growing, with volumes rising from 1.4 (2020/21) to 3.6 million in 2022/23.

Impact of the weather: rain and temperatures create difficulties for the Chilean season

Markets Quality

13 Nov 2023

Expectations were to reach 100 million boxes, but according to Claudio Araya, agricultural manager of Frutera San Fernando, thanks to weather and logistics, 85 million boxes will be reached, slightly more than last year's season.