News about Chile

Challenges and future of the cherry: from varieties to climate, insights from Chile on today's industry

Tech management

29 Feb 2024

Analysing all the challenges of the cherry industry is ambitious. In this article, Jean Paul Millan addresses the crucial issues of the sector. From sustainability to post-harvest, the need to evolve in a rapidly changing sector emerges.

Frutas de Chile reveals Chile's top 10 exporters in the 2023-2024 season

Press review

26 Feb 2024

Up to the sixth week, 82,452,392 five-kilo cases of cherries were exported in the 2023/2024 season, and although this figure is lower than the 83,220,842 cases exported in the 2022/2023 season, the figures are predictable after a difficult year for producers.

The worldwide success of Sweet Aryana: 2,200 hectares reached in Chile and is already being exported to China

Press review

23 Feb 2024

ANA Chile, a leading Chilean company in global fruit variety management, launched this cherry on the Asian market. In 2023, the company sold 2.4 million plants to local producers, extending cultivation to over 2,200 hectares in Chile.

Controlled atmosphere: studies from Chile advance in collaboration with the Maersk Group


21 Feb 2024

The Centre for Post Harvest Studies (CEPOC) is conducting new studies on the use of controlled atmosphere in cherries. The effect of CA will be evaluated on the Regina variety harvested at three different ripening stages, simulating shelf life and marketing period.

Record-breaking volumes: Chile's undisputed record during the Chinese New Year


20 Feb 2024

We were able to export significant volumes, especially to China, where we have exported 373,484 tonnes so far, says Claudia Soler. We identified 24 cities as the geographical focus, and the target group of the campaign was also segmented.

Collecting data on varietal behaviour will be crucial for Chilean research according to Álvaro Sepúlveda

Tech management Press review

13 Feb 2024

Thanks to regional funds granted by the Maule Regional Government, it was possible to formalise a research project to find out how the varieties were responding to a much-changed climate in the central zone, which generated a lot of uncertainty this season.

China imports: over 500,000 tonnes from Chile, but the star remains the cherry

Markets Press review

08 Feb 2024

According to data from Frutas de Chile, Chile sent 598,362 tonnes of fruit to China in the 2022-2023 season, consolidating its position as the second largest destination country, with cherries accounting for 71% of total exports to China.

Chinese market: more than 8,300 tonnes imported from Chile in less than a month, according to a report

Markets Press review

05 Feb 2024

Dongjiang Comprehensive Free Trade Zone reached an agreement with Tianjin Port Group Logistics Co. Ltd. and the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association. Since 16 January, 8,300 tonnes of cherries have arrived at the port of Tianjin to supply the northern markets.

Joy Wing Mau and Maersk Group: strategic alliance for direct route from Chile to China

Markets Press review

31 Jan 2024

Joy Wing Mau, a leader in the fruit industry, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Maersk Group, a shipping giant, to improve and lead cooperation in the development of logistics for fruit trade between China and Chile.

In China, Chilean cherries are also bought on social media

Consumption Markets Press review

24 Jan 2024

Importers expanded their sales network through streaming services, hiring broadcasting companies and influencers with a high audience. This season, Chile expects to export a total of 81,477,564 boxes to China.