News about Chile

Giddings-Cerasus: the secret of success for ultra-late cherries in China


27 Mar 2024

The Chilean company Giddings-Cerasus closed the 2023-24 season once again with the Cerasina varieties 'Final 12.1' and '13.1'. The last batch of Giddings Cerasus cherries sent to the Asian market arrived on 18 March, with over 90 tonnes of product.

Using biostimulants to delay the flowering date

Tech management

20 Mar 2024

In Chile researcher studied the effect of foliar application of the biostimulant Retard Cherry® before leaf fall in cv. Regina and Sweetheart. The use of Retard Cherry® resulted in a 6-8 day delay of full flowering. However, the harvest date remained unchanged.

'Chilean cherries, a model to follow': the new Macfrut Academy video lecture


18 Mar 2024

The global cherry market has a leading player: Chile. The keys to success? Varietal innovation, farming systems, post-harvest technologies. This worldwide case history was narrated by the new video-lesson of the Macfrut Academy.

Raúl Orellana (Quelen Fruit) reveals strategies for the upcoming Chilean season


18 Mar 2024

Raúl Orellana, Technical Manager for Quality, talks about his experience in China and how this prepares the company for the coming season, after part of his team experienced first-hand the journey that the cherries take to China.

Chilean season ends with over 400,000 tonnes and more than 30 varieties exported


14 Mar 2024

Cherries were sent to several markets around the world, totalling 413,979 tonnes, with the Far East receiving 388,062 tonnes of Chilean cherries. up 1.5% year-on-year. The United States, Latin America and Europe followed.

Macfrut Academy: the first episode dedicated to cherries to be aired on 14 March


12 Mar 2024

Chile takes centre stage in the latest two Macfrut Academy video lessons, focusing on a case study in cherries. The first episode, dedicated to the field phase, will be aired on Thursday 14 March at 5 pm (Italian time), titled ‘Chilean cherry: a successful supply chain’.

Cherry Growers Australia shows the qualities of the Pergola system found in a Chilean orchard

Press review

11 Mar 2024

Cherry Growers Australia Inc demonstrates the innovative pergola training system. The system promotes early fruit production, optimal fruit quality and a host of other benefits, potentially achieving impressive yields of up to 300 kg per day.

Chilean project aims to predict flowering date to curb climate change

Press review

06 Mar 2024

The Fondecyt 2024 project, assigned by Professor Eduardo Fernández, will be implemented nationwide, with around 40 orchards and also with consultants and research centres related to the topic, creating a collaboration strategy directly applicable to their orchards.

Adverse weather, but high quality cherries: Walter Masman's view of the Chilean season

Press review

05 Mar 2024

This season was characterised by fruits of good size, texture and flavour. However, the varieties most affected by the weather were the early varieties, says Masman, who points out that in cold conditions, Santina was the most affected variety.

Triumph and challenges: Chile's contribution to the global cherry season in Decofrut's report

Press review

04 Mar 2024

Despite a slight 1% drop in shipments compared to the previous year, over 413,000 tonnes of cherries were shipped worldwide. The Far East was confirmed as the main destination, with China taking 97% of the total.