News about Chile

Taking stock of the situation in Chile: an interview with Claudia Soler, Executive Director of the Chilean Fruit Cherries Committee

Markets Production Press review

22 Jan 2024

It is important to note that ours is a mature industry,' says Claudia Soler, 'and Chile is the world's largest cherry exporter and leads the southern hemisphere's exports: more than 96% of the supply with over 400,000 tonnes of shipments in 2022-2023.

Prim 2.5, new global variety: obtained in Germany and produced in Chile for the Chinese market

Press review Varieties

17 Jan 2024

Gonzalo Matamala, manager of Giddings Fruit, said that this variety is earlier than Santina and is characterised by a great hardiness. Furthermore, this variety is being developed for the Chinese market in order to cover the early and late part of the season.

Five lessons on post-harvest cherry orchard management


15 Jan 2024

We would like to inform our readers that it is possible to attend a five-lesson course on agronomic management of the cherry orchard in post-harvest. The course is held by Dr Patricio Morales, Chilean agronomist and consultant, one of the world's leading cherry experts.

Chilean variety prospect: study phase progresses, but much attention is also paid to logistical problems

Press review Varieties

15 Jan 2024

In 2010, a major development project, Consorcio Tecnológico de la Fruta, was initiated to obtain new cultivars suited to the Chilean climate and export market. 24 of the 30 advanced selections have already been grafted and are being studied.

Orchard training: how to avoid crucial planting mistakes

Crop protection Tech management Press review

12 Jan 2024

One of the main production problems encountered are errors in plant management in the first years, even before planting, such as poor soil preparation, poor plant quality and lack of chemical soil preparation.

Plant types for new cherry planting systems


12 Jan 2024

On the choice of planting material and the necessary cultivation practices to ensure the best initial development of cherry trees, Cherry Times interviewed Dr. Eduardo Madrid Pardo, Chilean agronomist consultant specialised in nursery techniques.

Teno Pack leads the first processing line in 2023, but much attention to the fruit fly

Markets Press review

11 Jan 2024

The operation by Teno Group, which started on 23 October, processed and packed around 300 tonnes of fruit during the month and a half that the operation lasted. However, the presence of fruit flies prevented aerial shipments of cherries to China in November.

Field meeting: ANA Chile presents the Sweet series in the Maule region

Events Press review

28 Dec 2023

On 20 December in the area of Río Claro, in the region of Maule, a trial of the new varieties Sweet Saretta® and Sweet Stephany® was visited with fruits close to harvest, which showed a size of around 30 mm and soluble solids around 20°brix.

With CHERRY Vision 3 and many other UNITEC’s innovations, the export campaign to the Far East is ensured

Press review

22 Dec 2023

This campaign was characterized by the introduction of important innovations in integrated solutions that UNITEC makes available to the Chilean cherry industry. First of all, with the development of robotized solutions in the supply chain to increasingly automate the process.

Double fruits and deep sutures: climate change puts cherry quality at risk

Crop protection

21 Dec 2023

The work of Chilean researchers at the University of Concepcion is aimed at studying the environmental and physiological variables that regulate the induction of double fruit and deep sutures in the cherry tree in order to propose new solutions to control this physiopathy.