News about China

U.S. cherry prices in China rise thanks to sea shipments after a slow start of the season

Press review

17 Aug 2023

Imported U.S. cherries always occupy a prominent position on the shelves of Chinese supermarkets during the summer. However, the beginning of the 2023 season has seen markedly lower prices than in previous years.

High temperatures inhibit the accumulation of anthocyanins in fruits

Tech management

11 Jul 2023

Anthocyanin is responsible for the red colour, and its presence has a direct impact on the colour of fruits. Multiple factors have a direct influence on anthocyanin accumulation and, among them, temperature serves a crucial role in regulating the accumulation of anthocyanin.

Reduction of light intercepted by plants affects fruit quality

Tech management

27 Jun 2023

The scientific research we present today was conducted in Sichuan Province (China). Photosynthetic characteristics, physiology and biochemistry of the fruits were analyzed, as well as fruit transcriptome.

Greenhouse farming technology and production of sweet cherries in greenhouses: a Chinese perspective

Covers Events Production

26 May 2023

Dr. Hui Zhao addresses the topic of greenhouse cultivation in the Chinese area of Dalian. This area is located in Liaodong Peninsula and is characterized by a continental climate with cold winters and hot, rainy summers.