News about Press Review

Portuguese cherries: growing market between production and international trade


15 Aug 2024

As far as the domestic market is concerned, according to data from SIMA GPP, there was a price increase in 2023 compared to the previous three-year period 2020-2022, especially in the last weeks of the campaign, where the price rose from around 3€/kg to around 4.70€/kg.

Peru: the new cherry frontier and the challenges of genetic adaptation


14 Aug 2024

The main obstacle is genetic because of the varieties used, which have a refrigeration requirement of 400 hours or more. Some companies have preferred to explore the coast, others the highlands. All indications are that the process of adaptability is not yet complete.

Peru could advance Chilean shipments to China thanks to climate


09 Aug 2024

"A key challenge is that winter temperatures do not fall below 7-8°," says Adam Formica, scientific director of Sensonomic. "There are not enough cold hours for the buds to open. However, technology could help overcome this barrier'.

Plant growth regulators and biostimulants: UPL's solutions for cherry production


06 Aug 2024

This line includes Biozyme TF, a natural plant growth regulator, a component of the 'Calibre Solution' strategy, which, together with Dropper 5% SC, a cytokinin-based growth regulator, generates an important synergy that explains the consistent results obtained with its use.

Real-time data: how Cherries Tasmania Orchards optimises harvesting with AgPick

Tech management

05 Aug 2024

A detailed dashboard captures and uploads information in real time. AgPick promotes traceability by informing growers who has harvested their fruit, who is leading production and what quality problems can be attributed to the pickers.

Superfresh Growers increases cherry production to +12%: 2024 is record-breaking


05 Aug 2024

The 2024 harvest was expected to be 20.9 million boxes, with a 12% increase compared to a year ago. The industry continues to pack greater quantities than expected and reached a peak in July 9th, with an overall volume that continues to appear above the five-year average.

Chile prepares for 2024-25 campaign with export growth forecast at +35%


02 Aug 2024

Sebastián Rodríguez, commercial director of Verfrut, indicated: 'We plan to export 85 per cent of the total to China and 15 per cent to other markets. This is an increase in terms of volume, we should reach 3.5 million boxes compared to 2.2 million this year'.

Drought and extreme precipitations: the Serbian government's plan to tackle the climate threat


01 Aug 2024

70% of the losses are attributed to droughts and temperatures, amounting to more than EUR 4 billion, according to the Nova Ekonomija portal. "Although the total amount of rainfall is not decreasing, its irregular distribution increases the risk of drought."

Pollination 2.0: Chilean start-up BioPollen Solutions replaces bees with technology

Tech management

31 Jul 2024

"We have designed a liquid formulation highly concentrated in high quality pollen - explains Rodrigo Martínez, CEO of BioPollen Solutions - We are currently using drones, helicopters and aeroplanes, which allow us to apply a 200-hectare field in just a few minutes".

Riveridge Land Company reduces risks in cherry production with customised cover system


30 Jul 2024

Customisations included skid steer loader platforms and attachments to simplify the handling of the necessary rolls and cabling. For the new area, the company switched to high-density UFO (upright fruiting offshoot) plantings with a V-shaped trellis.