News about Chile

New Chilean variety selections thanks to INIA and Biofrutales


03 Dec 2024

During the months of October and November consecutive field days were held where producers and exporters had the opportunity to learn about the potential of various cherry selections. The activities provided an opportunity to evaluate early selections and late selections.

MaCrops-Lab proposes new microbial bio-inputs for root development and quality of sweet cherry trees

Tech management

03 Dec 2024

MaCrops-Lab has conducted evaluations of its products in commercial orchards in the municipality of Gorbea, with positive results such as increased nutrient solubilization and root mass development, frost protection, better stress tolerance, and improved health.

How plastic covers combat cracking and abiotic stress in sweet cherry trees


02 Dec 2024

In a presentation on this topic at the seminar “Abiotic Stress in Fruit Trees,” the academic from PUC, Marlene Ayala summarized some of her key findings related to abiotic factors that can have a serious impact on crop protection.

Hema and GarcesFruit: new Chile-China cooperation for quality cherries


28 Nov 2024

On November 6, Hema signed a strategic cooperation agreement with GarcesFruit, the leading supplier of Chilean cherries. At the same time, Hema’s first overseas direct procurement base in Chile has been officially completed.

Quality and harvesting period considerations for Pacific Red


28 Nov 2024

ANA Chile® has begun sharing information with technical advice and handling recommendations to “guide growers with the new varieties we are introducing to the market, providing concrete and simple information that will enable them to unlock the full potential of each variety.

Harvesting tips and strategies on the Areko variety


27 Nov 2024

According to information provided by ANA Chile®, the keys to achieving an optimal harvest with the required quality standards are: avoiding soft fruits due to tree overload, preventing softening in the peduncular zone or "lizard skin" by harvesting with a color above 3.8.

Evaluation of cherry quality parameters based on ripening stage


26 Nov 2024

Cherry quality refers to a set of attributes that evoke a sense of well-being when consumed. All these attributes vary between different varieties and even within the same fruit, depending on the ripening stage.

Colour and ripeness of cherries: decisive factors for export quality


21 Nov 2024

Given its direct influence on other indices such as flavor and firmness, this time we will analyze color, from the perspective of homogenization in the final product, the high percentage of light-colored fruit, and the high percentage of dark-colored fruit.

Pitting in cherries: to minimise damage, packaging also counts


18 Nov 2024

Pitting requires pre- and post-harvest solutions, with packaging playing a key role. PacLife works with plastic polymers such as low-density polyethylene and biaxially oriented polypropylene that reduce weight loss and maintain fruit firmness.

Production alarm in Chile: Fedefruta declares a drop in volumes


15 Nov 2024

Fedefruta points to several possible factors. “It could be due to a pattern, the area, the microclimate, or related to a varietal issue and agronomic management,” the experts commented. According to them, the fruit drop could be part of a natural load adjustment.