All the news for Specialties

Sicilian cherries from Chiusa Sclafani carry the day at the 25th Ciliegie d'Italia national competition


04 Jun 2024

‘That the Chiusa Sclafani cherry is the most extraordinary in Italy we have always known,’ says Angelo Vellino, the town's historic producer, ‘this is the result achieved thanks to the great commitment, professionalism and sacrifices of all the producers.

China: geographical indication products to revalue rural areas


04 Jun 2024

In Sichuan, cherries bring new economic development, with over 4,000 hectares and an annual production value worth USD 150 million. Since 2014, the Hanyuan cherry has been included in the list of national geographical indication products.

The challenge of the ‘Ciliegia delle Colline Veronesi’: PGI certification and international market


31 May 2024

‘For the past four years we have been on the path to obtaining the PGI certification,’ says Andrea Braga, director of the Montecchia di Crosara cherry market, ‘we have achieved excellence through varietal and production choices best suited to our area'.

Valle del Jerte cherries: 2024 P.D.O. certification campaign kicks off


16 May 2024

According to the president of the Regulatory Body, "there have been no meteorological problems other than those usual for this time of year in spring. Despite the rains, in full bloom, a harvest of 400 tons of Navalinda and about 2,000 or 3,000 tons of picota is estimated".

The Somma dei Monti Lattari Cherry is the new Slow Food Presidium of Campania region (IT)


13 May 2024

One of the unique traditions is the art of ‘bagging’ the cherries, arranged in a pyramid shape to prolong their freshness. The cherry harvest runs from the end of May to July and culminates in the annual festival in Borgo di Castello, scheduled from 14 to 16 June.

Cherries at €300/kg: the Cherries Glamour phenomenon that is booming in luxury markets


29 Apr 2024

Cherries Glamour bridges a critical 'production window' between the hemispheres. With the Spanish season running from April to August, and the southern hemisphere season running from November to February, Cherries Glamour offers cherries when they are not globally available.

PGI Alicante cherries in trouble with a season expecting half the harvest quantities


22 Apr 2024

"This year the forecast is already poor," says Hilario Calabuig president of the Alicante Mountain Cherries PGI Regulatory Council, "although it is still too early for a concrete forecast, we estimate that we will not exceed 50 per cent of a normal harvest.

The Cherry of Valle del Jerte portrayed on a stamp to celebrate its uniqueness and quality


17 Apr 2024

The president of the P.D.O Cherry of Valle del Jerte, José Antonio Tierno, emphasized 'Correos' support for the work of farmers in these difficult times. This has facilitated distribution and allowed us to promote ourselves throughout the Spanish territory'.

Jerte cherries: Spanish research indicates preference for PGI and PDO products


08 Apr 2024

The protected designation of origin of the Jerte cherry has been certifying its origin and quality since 1996. In economic terms, the value of designations of origin was estimated at 7.3 billion in 2018, with more than 353 Spanish quality marks registered in the EU.

Lari PGI cherries: a gastronomic excellence with a centuries-old tradition

Specialties Varieties

19 Sep 2023

The PGI project includes numerous cultivars, including as many as 14 native varieties registered and protected by the Regional Germplasm Bank considered to be at risk of extinction, and are also included in the Cesto Pisano list of food and wine products of excellence.