All the news for Varieties

From Kordia to Feciita, Irena and Tamara: the quality cherries from WSUO


12 May 2023

WSUO, in addition to Kordia, has commercially propagated 28 cherry varieties. The best known are Early Korvik, Christiana, Felicita, Irena, Justyna, Kasandra, Tamara, Techlovan, Tim and Vanda.

New varieties from JKI in addition to Regina and Areko


09 May 2023

The genetic improvement programme on the cherry tree at the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) has an almost century-long tradition. Since 2001, the project has been in the hands of M. Schuster at the JKI in Pillnitz.

Leader in apricot breeding, COT International invests on cherries


09 May 2023

Internationally known for the apricot varieties marketed under the COT brand name, the French company has been directing its interests in cherry varietal innovation for a few years now, leading to its own genetic improvement programme in 2012.

The Sweet cherries: a success story


01 May 2023

Their first names are Aryana, Dave, Lorenz, Gabriel, Saretta, Stephany and Valina. Their surnames are Sweet, testifying to one of their outstanding traits, sweetness. The cherry varieties in the Sweet series from Alma Mater Studiorum are celebrating their 10th anniversary.

The Kir programme of LFP


01 May 2023

The main objectives of the programme are to select late-ripening cherry varieties with good size, texture and quality, fruit tolerance to cracking and good shelf life.

New high-quality early varieties: the Meda® series


01 May 2023

The Meda® series cherry varieties are owned by International Varieties Unlimited (IVU), a company established in 2010 from a joint venture between an American cherry breeding company and the Proprietary Fruit Varieties (CA USA) of the late Marvin Nies.

Many varieties are available but none is perfect


07 Apr 2023

According to a survey conducted by Dondini et al (2019) and recently updated (Lugli, 2023), more than 50 breeding programmes aimed at creating new cherry varieties and rootstocks are active worldwide. Creating a new variety has become an all-round entrepreneurial activity.