All the news for Crop protection

How Calcium and Potassium increase resistance to cracking and accelerate ripening

Crop protection

07 Aug 2024

The experiment was carried out in a commercial orchard of sweet cherry cv. 'Regina' in Lagnasco, Piedmont, grafted on 'Gisela 5', covered by rain and hail nets. Foliar applications were carried out on 15 plants with: Stimulant Plus®, Set® and Abundantia®.

The LAMP method for detecting bacterial canker in cherry

Crop protection

01 Aug 2024

Researchers from the Laboratory of Phytovirology at the University of Chile have developed a new molecular detection method using genomic information available in the gene bank and generated by sequencing the genomes of bacterial strains present in Chile.

Potential of Pectis brevipedunculata essential oil in managing Drosophila suzukii

Crop protection

26 Jul 2024

The research utilized in silico approaches to examine the interactions between the essential oil components, mainly neral and geranial, and three key protein targets: γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and glutathione S-transferase (GST).

Wild bees: enhancing pollination efficiency in sweet cherry orchards

Crop protection

25 Jul 2024

The Belgian study focused on sweet cherry trees and observed the interaction between bumblebees and honeybees. The presence of bumblebees, particularly wild queens, was found to significantly influence honeybees’ behavior; they increased the row-switching frequency by ten times.

Eradicating Agrobacterium starts from the roots

Crop protection

23 Jul 2024

Researchers from the academies of agricultural and forestry sciences in Beijing (China) used the cherry cultivar ‘Haiying 1’, which is extremely resistant to crown gall, and ‘Gisela 6’, a cherry cultivar susceptible to crown gall, for grafting.

A smartphone is now enough to diagnose cherry diseases

Crop protection

23 Jul 2024

Three separate methodologies, namely the YOLOv8s, RtmDET MM Detection and DETR Transformer algorithms, were trained on the generated hybrid dataset and compared with each other. The YOLOv8s algorithm showed the best performance as a result of the training.

A study shows how aphids are affected by climate change

Crop protection

17 Jul 2024

A Turkish study predicts that changes in temperature values will influence the expansion of the distribution areas of invasive species, survival during the winter season, an increase in the number of generations and the transmission of plant diseases.

Fighting Drosophila suzukii: hopes are pinned on the antagonist Ganaspis brasiliensis

Crop protection

16 Jul 2024

"There have already been promising results in North America, where it has become naturally established. We are currently testing its acclimatisation and effectiveness in about 60 plots throughout France,' explains Nicolas Borowizc of INRAE Paca.

Drosophila suzukii in the spotlight: protecting Australian crops from the global pest

Crop protection

12 Jul 2024

Although not yet detected in Australia, it is known to spread rapidly and has been identified as the third priority plant pest nationwide. Early detection and reporting is critical to manage and prevent its spread.

FF-IPM project: European programme to approach fruit fly control

Crop protection

05 Jul 2024

The project was initiated to develop prevention and early detection approaches that can be combined with integrated pest management approaches against these new fruit fly species, particularly for out-of-season fruit production.