All the news for Crop protection

Rebirth from bacterial cancer of the cherry tree

Crop protection

29 Mar 2024

Today's cherry growers are confronted with cherry blight, caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. In recent years, the disease has appeared more frequently in high and very high density planting and dwarfing rootstocks.

In Michigan, two species of wasps help entomologists in the battle against Drosophila suzukii

Crop protection

11 Mar 2024

The samba wasp and the ronin wasp have emerged as potential parasitoids. Researchers have studied the wasps and are seeking government approval to release them. The species have been found in the wild in Canada and the United States.

New discoveries for the control of Drosophila suzukii: research advances from the UK

Crop protection

07 Mar 2024

According to the NIAB (UK) research centre, future research should focus on complementary control strategies in integrated pest management and control automation, while creating new skills and techniques in the industry.

The pruning period can affect the spread of bacterial cancer

Crop protection

05 Mar 2024

Youfu Zhao recommends pruning in summer whenever possible and switching from sprinkler to drip irrigation to keep the orchard drier. For larger trees, it is possible to cut back the cankers, Zhao said, but this is fatal for young trees.

Grasshopper study in Washington could solve X-disease related problems

Crop protection

04 Mar 2024

"We are trying to understand how X-disease pathogen exploits the grasshopper to facilitate its life cycle," said William Walker, USDA geneticist. "This could provide us with forms of disruption, such as biopesticides, to halt the insect's life cycle."

Drosophila suzukii, hope from the sterile insect technique (SIT)

Crop protection

01 Mar 2024

The sterile insect technique (SIT) is based on the flooding of sterilised males of the species by ionising X-ray irradiation. SIT has been used successfully in the past against other key pests, e.g. the fruit fly.

Which micro-organisms can be found on cherries?

Crop protection Quality

22 Feb 2024

The study aimed to characterise for the first time the culturome at seven different stages of development in cv. Saco. The current investigation has successfully identified a total of twenty-three bacterial strains and twenty-five fungal strains.

Birds: what if they were also allies in integrated pest management strategies?

Crop protection

02 Feb 2024

Birds, a threat to crops or friends for integrated pest management strategies? At the 'Stone Fruit Day' organised by Washington State University, the focus was on the role of birds in agriculture, looking at pros and cons of the latest research on the subject.

A new pathogen threatens cherry growers: WSU research to combat Phytoplasma X-Disease

Crop protection Events

26 Jan 2024

In addition to phytosanitary treatments, kaolin and covering the inter-row with Extenday sheets throughout the season as vector control strategies to cover weeds, which are very important for the insect's life cycle, were evaluated.

Orchard training: how to avoid crucial planting mistakes

Crop protection Tech management Press review

12 Jan 2024

One of the main production problems encountered are errors in plant management in the first years, even before planting, such as poor soil preparation, poor plant quality and lack of chemical soil preparation.