All the news for Tech management

Assessing root architecture with radar and artificial intelligence

Tech management

06 Aug 2024

A study at the University of Michigan (USA) analysed the roots of orchard trees in full production using an 800 MHz GPR antenna. The resulting images were processed with artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to extract root patterns.

Real-time data: how Cherries Tasmania Orchards optimises harvesting with AgPick

Tech management

05 Aug 2024

A detailed dashboard captures and uploads information in real time. AgPick promotes traceability by informing growers who has harvested their fruit, who is leading production and what quality problems can be attributed to the pickers.

Infection courts of canker pathogens in sweet cherry

Tech management

02 Aug 2024

The study by a California team investigated potential infection points in five cerasites located in three different areas of California to assess the incidence of these pathogens in symptomatic shoots, fruiting darts and wood under pruning wounds.

The importance of energy efficiency for sustainable cherry production

Tech management

31 Jul 2024

The investigation by Çukurova University and the Bursa Provincial Directorate of Agriculture (Turkey) was to verify the energy yield of the product, the total cost/profit values and the amount of CO2 emissions of sweet cherry cultivation.

Pollination 2.0: Chilean start-up BioPollen Solutions replaces bees with technology

Tech management

31 Jul 2024

"We have designed a liquid formulation highly concentrated in high quality pollen - explains Rodrigo Martínez, CEO of BioPollen Solutions - We are currently using drones, helicopters and aeroplanes, which allow us to apply a 200-hectare field in just a few minutes".

With Advice and Consulting growers are never alone

Tech management

24 Jul 2024

The company is only 8 years old but has already followed 3,000 hectares in Italy and around the world. ‘We follow the whole project from the beginning. The agronomists - says Alexandra Caminschi - are all Italian and we rely on on-site managers who can pass on our know-how'.

Calcium absorption: useful information for sweet cherry orchard management

Tech management

19 Jul 2024

The study used the stable isotope of calcium (44Ca) to distinguish between different sources and to understand its absorption and distribution during the various phenological stages of fruit development, in this case on the cultivar ‘Lapins’ grafted on ‘Colt’.

Efficiency of phytopathological programmes with the use of dormancy breakers

Tech management

19 Jul 2024

The application of dormancy breakers is more important with a low winter cold accumulation, as it produces a loss of reserves and lower quality of flower buds, which results in lower pollen and egg viability, reducing fruit set.

New methods to monitor productivity at harvest

Tech management

10 Jul 2024

The research conducted by Utah State University evaluated two methodologies for monitoring sour cherry yields: one incorporating proximity sensors to detect changes in the harvest tank and the other employing computer vision for fruit counting in real time.

Chilean farmers and international markets: challenges according to AFIPA

Tech management

02 Jul 2024

Roxane Flores, Director of Human Capital Development and Regulatory Affairs at AFIPA, shares her visit with Cristián Osorio, a cherry grower from Coltauco, and together they discuss the main challenges that Chilean farmers face in bringing their cherries to international markets.