All the news for Rootstocks

Influence of clonal rootstocks on cherry growth and productivity in the Volgograd Region


06 Mar 2025

A study conducted in the arid region of Volgograd, Russia, analyzed the influence of different clonal rootstocks on the cherry varieties Toy, Loznovskaya, and Memory of Zhukova, as well as the sweet cherry varieties Alexandria, Iput, Epos, and Yaroslavna.

How the variety/ rootstock combination can influence the phenological stages of sweet cherry trees


28 Jan 2025

Four cherry varieties (Ferrovia, Regina, Kordia, and Skeena) grafted onto two rootstocks (Gisela 6 and MaxMa 14) were the subject of a study conducted at the Fruit Growing Institute in Plovdiv (Bulgaria).

Dwarfing rootstocks show epigenomic differences in the grafted cultivar


16 Jan 2025

The study conducted at the University of Guizhou (China) aimed to investigate the impact of the dwarfing rootstock ‘Pd1’ (Prunus tomentosa) on sweet cherry ‘Shuguang2’ shoots. To achieve this goal, morphological observations were conducted.

Innovative rootstock techniques to combat root rot in the cherry tree


27 Dec 2024

Gasic, leader of the four-year, $5 million project funded by the USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative, said there is still much to discover. For instance: Armillaria-resistant rootstocks that are compatible with cherry trees have yet to be found.

Waimea Nurseries (New Zealand) introduces dwarfing rootstock selections


27 Sep 2024

Gisela® 12 and 6 are currently being grown indoors in tissue culture at the Waimea Nurseries laboratory and are being tested in orchards in Central Otago, including Clyde Orchards and Suncrest Orchard in Cromwell.

The influence of the root system at the time of planting on the success of the cherry orchard


09 Sep 2024

In Chile, the post-transplant survival, canopy growth and productivity of two cultivars were evaluated: Lapins on Colt and Regina on Gisela 12. The cultivars were grown with root volumes of 100%, 50% and 25% and with bare-root or bagged nursery plants.

Early detection of graft incompatibility in sweet cherry


14 Aug 2024

A recent study conducted by Iranian researchers evaluated the predictions of graft compatibility or incompatibility in sweet cherry trees by internode association and callus fusion techniques. The aim was to identify reliable markers for incompatibility early detection.

The selection of appropriate rootstock and training system towards sustainable production of stone fruits


13 Jun 2024

The association of intensive orchards with bidimensional canopies and good accessibility to canopy by labour and machines is essential to reduce the cost of production. In cherry the increase of harvest rate increased by 72% when UFO was compared with the traditional open center.

The Consortium of German Nurseries presents a new brand identity and expands its range with new dwarfing rootstocks


12 Jun 2024

The Consortium of German Nurseries revised its brand identity and presents itself with an umbrella brand strategy. This support contributes to the fact that the CDB enjoys a high level of recognition in particular with GiSelA®, the market leader for rootstocks.

Cherry breeding projects and new rootstocks with the Corette® series


11 Jun 2024

Michigan State University evaluated dozens of sour cherry crosses for their potential as cherry rootstocks, resulting in the Corette® series of precocious and productive dwarfing to semi-dwarfing rootstocks and several semi-vigorous, less precocious rootstocks.